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Posts posted by thusky

  1. Good afternoon!


    I just arrived on modding/making my own RO server and was conceptualizing/planning out my features, maps, etc.
    Among those features is one I would like applied to every class (so a skill you have at novice rank). Either a modified version of the "sense" skill or a new system altogether.

    Basically when you kill a monster in my server, I'd like a data table to be updated with the loot/exp/zeny that drops from the monster you killed. A database (bestiary album type of UI) that you can flip through to discover what the monster you killed dropped and place "?" marks when you didn't drop every item from it yet.

    I'll provide a modified screenshot to showcase what I aim for, for clarity purposes:

    In this example, the concept would involve extending the sense skill to show drops, rates and maybe even spawn spots.

    In the best case scenario however, I would have a flipping album where every monster/miniboss/mvp is in which you could check stats, statuses, skills, drops, spawns, rates, behaviors, etc. Everything unlocking as you discover more.
    So if you go into Map A where Monster A is, it will automatically be added to your bestiary database, adding Map A as a spawn spot for Monster A, once you kill 1 Monster A, you get to discover a few drops, all its skills, stats etc. and its spawn rate.

    I imagine tweaking the sense skill might be easier than creating a whole new UI environment but I'm curious about what you guys think of this concept, it might have been added already (as I remember Tree of Savior might have had something like that right?).

    In any case, thanks for reading, eager to check the different answers and if the request is managable!




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