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Posts posted by leloush

  1. yeah hope they will convert it.. its pretty fun tho.
    this is more like. the pvp in flyff game :D

    btw i have this same topic before and jab0te is the man who made my request. but since hercules doesnt have the diff part yet to complete this.


    it works pretty awesome but the thing is. in this script instead of callfunc, jabote used @killable because we don't have the diff part yet. hopefully someone will make this if they have a free time :P




  2. yeah, just wait for someone who have knowledge to reply to ur request. like i said in my post. its just showing that ur request is possible.

    just bump ur request once per day so it may help :P
    or try to use search button. there's a bunch of topics related to this as far as i know.

  3. yes it possible..


    you might want to check this example.. this is what im using , i dont know who made this and i forgot where i got this

    prontera,150,150,3 script This is walking npc 100,{
    .@interval = 5;
    .@step = 5;
    while (1) {
    sleep .@interval * 1000;
    getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1;
    while ( checkcell( .@map$, .@npc_x = .@x + rand( -.@step, .@step ), .@npc_y = .@y + rand( -.@step, .@step ), cell_chknopass ) );
    npcwalkto .@npc_x, .@npc_y;
    npctalk callfunc( "F_RandMes", 2,
    "MSG 1", // 1
    "MSG 2" // 2



    i dont know how to remove the moving, well just wait for someone to make one for u..
    this is just an example that ur request is possible

  4. putting a countdown require to use setwall and delwall

    I've made another similar stuff in this battleground topic


    you can use it as reference


    oh and, the setwall has to be done before bg_warp too

    there is a bug if you bg_warp and then setwall, client will crash



    @annie can u check this?



    this is where i set the setwall..



    donpcevent "wow_domi_score_team#1::OnStart";

    donpcevent "wow_domi_score_team#2::OnStart";

    callsub L_setwall;

    bg_warp .alliance, "underground", 50,92;

    bg_warp .horde, "underground", 151,92;

    delwaitingroom .alliance$;

    delwaitingroom .horde$;

    disablenpc .alliance$;

    disablenpc .horde$;




    this is where i put the del wall





    mapannounce "underground", .ann$[5], bc_map, 0x00CED1;

    donpcevent "wow_domi_viewpoint::OnEnd";

    mapwarp "underground", .back2map$, .back2x, .back2y;

    callsub L_delwall;

    bg_destroy .alliance;

    bg_destroy .horde;

    enablenpc .alliance$;

    enablenpc .horde$;

    donpcevent .alliance$ +"::OnStart";

    donpcevent .horde$ +"::OnStart";

    for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 5; .@i++ )

    setnpcdisplay .flagname$[.@i], 722;

    cleararray .flag[1], 0, 5;

    deletearray .team1capture;

    deletearray .team2capture;

    .start = .score[1] = .score[2] = .alliance = .horde = .winside = .team1capturesize = .team2capturesize = 0;



    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count"); .@i++ )

    for ( .@j = 0; .@j < getarg(2); .@j += 2 )

    getitem getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@j ), getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@j +1 ), getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" );



    setwall "underground", 58,153, 8, 4, 0, "bg_cell_devil";

    setwall "underground", 64,153, 8, 4, 0, "bg_cell_angel";



    delwall "bg_cell_devil";

    delwall "bg_cell_angel";


    OnAllianceDied: callsub L_died, 1;

    OnHordeDied: callsub L_died, 2;



    the cell was working. however idonknow where to put the announce like for example.. domination will begin in 5 sleep 4k 4 sleep 3k and so on..

    and oh 1 more thing. the unwakable cell is still there.. idk if i set correctly the delwall in the right place.





    @edit : solved for countdown. and it should be start at line 70 for setting wall(thanks to the guide in bg client crash issue annie.) and cleaning the wall should be in line next to 76.


    overall thank so much for this wonderful script.


  5. yeah. minor coz i just change value to something.. and i dont think this will help.. they will end up changing their mind too and go back to the default one.. since it will cause a cell bug if u figure it out.. and i dont want to share a crap idea in this forum

    and i said sorry for that... and i dnt mean to happen this.. its just a dumb idea of mine to get messed with the default landing for asura..


    honestly.. i ddnt do anything in this issue.. i mean i changed my mind to make this modification work / to edit... i stay on the default setup...

    and oh sir quesoph i already mentioned here.. hope u understand my poor english :P



    -thank you

    -sorry again  :lol:

  6. @pan 


    im really sry, it wont happen again..

    honestly.. i ddnt do anything in this issue.. i mean i changed my mind to make this modification work / to edit... i stay on the default setup...

  7. @annie


    is it possible to add countdown before the game start? im looking for a line where to put this but it seems that i can't find this "line"

    ive made a map for this... added costum wavs , some special effects to make the event more lively  :D the only thing left is the countdown.. it would be awesoome if we have one for this...

    I'm not really satisfy with ver0.6 ...
    I remember there is a graveyard in the map ...
    it should respawn the players at the nearby graveyard, but my script always spawn next to the npc
    when the map is out I might wanna tweak again


    which emulator you are using ?

    I've made this script that only compatible with hercules



    perhaps you can try change that line

    setnpcdisplay "wow_domi_flag#"+ .@id, ( .@team == 1 )? 1_FLAG_LION : 1_FLAG_EAGLE;
    setnpcdisplay "wow_domi_flag#"+ .@id, ( .@team == 1 )? 973 : 974;

    im gonna try this now.



    2. is it ok to remove the 4 remaining flags? i mean i want to set this as one flag only.. 

    3. uhm i found that after the event do the players really need to finish this? or else the script will ruin and will not work the whole time?

    4. im using r12535

    5. gonna tell to my friend about the map.. when he will be free and when we can start working this.. (im not promising to finish this but we will try. asap)





      @EDIT : annie this is soooooooooooooo cool  :awsm: love the way u make a "something" in the mini map  :heh: not like the 1st version.. wow domi is <3

  9. ok, took me more than 5 hours to rewrite this script



    the only thing that I'm not done is the respawn system ...

    someone need to clarify how it is exactly work


    other than that, I think I've fixed every single bugs I can find from previous version




    I'm lazy to do it, so thanks for not inviting :P

    thanks for answering ... lol

    yeah I know how it feels

    when you posted that topic 3 years ago, you wanted to make your 1st free release map as a thanks giving for the community

    but now you have totally past that stage

    perhaps you want to give this project to the next generation ? :P





    @annie gimme some idea on a map that u like to be the map of this wow_domi .. i have a friend who have a skill on mapping also.. but as expected not so pro like olrox..

    its already on the eathena forum






    btw, call the friend of yours to make these few maps too

    7 element woe -> http://rathena.org/board/topic/72989-capture-the-flag-woe-script/?p=149792

    martial art tournament -> http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=272624




    in this topic 7 element woe 


    The middle map is the entrance to the castle. After entering the castle, there will be 8 different maps. Each map is a totally different map (meaning you will need to go through a loading screen).

    this mean that the map is not one but more than that?

    isn;t that good if we make this not more than one? just one so less loading screen ? i mean if we go through the loading screen everytime. people will surely annoyed..



    honestly i just want to make this custom bg.. ( less flag to capture ) so i set my map to a round type and in the middle there's something circle that i want to be the flag spot ( so players will stay there and defend their flag.. ) in that case it will be more exciting .. " i remember goddameit already a script like this" but we all know goddameit requires newbies to make their own trial and error "idk if he meant to do this but this is the truth( btw i dont blame him because he work hard to gain his ability )" ..




    @EDIT : btw thank you so much annie.. gonna try this now.




    @EDIT2 : i found something minor error 


  10. annie :D
    how bout the wow_domi_4.0
    id really love the concept of this custom bg.. the one who needs to capture all the flags and get a continues points till 100 ?
    but the script has failed to reset the event.
    did u found the right line where to put the reset? coz im so inlove with this custom bg i hope u dont mind. and hoping this will be fix if u have free time.
    if not well its ok,  :lol:



    On official settings, Zen + Vigor + Zen is already spammable but here in Hercules, we can't remove the delay of the said skills (by default). Others said its client side issue..

    I'll make a bug report regarding this. :)

    i got it now sir.. it is spammable now.. but the thing is i need to bypass the reused of asura after one to another.. so it will look like the champion is on fire ( or using rpe but its so cool :D ) only for high ratess / super high rates with high lvl :D

    How did you do that?

    by removing min skill delay.. to perform a super spam crit + zen.. 

  12. On official settings, Zen + Vigor + Zen is already spammable but here in Hercules, we can't remove the delay of the said skills (by default). Others said its client side issue..

    I'll make a bug report regarding this. :)

    i got it now sir.. it is spammable now.. but the thing is i need to bypass the reused of asura after one to another.. so it will look like the champion is on fire ( or using rpe but its so cool :D ) only for high ratess / super high rates with high lvl :D

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