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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/22 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Ever wonder why these random number show up in your RO game client? It's called Character Code (C-CODE), an old system that implemented around 2013. If you enable this system you'll be protected against fraud since it offers a unique additional protection for each player present in-game. As you can see from the screenshot above, there exists an extra set of codes (It show up int he basic information window, and the right-click menu of player object). According to KRO, these codes doesn't repeat/overlap and its unique for every players. It offers a unique additional protection for each player present in-game. When you right-click on any player object, the C-Code are shown at the last menu ([C-Code] : ### - ###) Its ranging from 000-000 ~ 999-999, around 1,000,000 set of codes. However its not confirmed that the numbers won't repeat itself if there are multiple server setup. Click on the menu, the C-Code will be copied to clipboard. Open up any text editor or notepad, press on CTRL + V, the codes will be shown in the editor. Notes: If you copied the codes, and take a screenshot right away, the codes will be removed from the clipboard. The codes are shown display behind character's level in the trading window. Sample of different C-Code for different characters. References: home.gamer.com.tw
  2. 1 point
    At first thanks for your response and yes it isnt hard to do like this, but the problem with makeitem is, it can happen it drop twice. (1x normal and 1x from makeitem) As example: Poring get killed and drop a knife and with some "luck" prog the makeitem, so he get 2 knifes. I would have to switch off the normal drop completely and just let makeitem run. Edit: If i understand this correct, could this added here. /*========================================== * item drop with delay (timer function) *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_delay_item_drop(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct item_drop_list *list; struct item_drop *ditem; list=(struct item_drop_list *)data; ditem = list->item; while (ditem) { struct item_drop *ditem_prev; map->addflooritem(NULL, &ditem->item_data,ditem->item_data.amount, list->m,list->x,list->y, list->first_charid,list->second_charid,list->third_charid,0, ditem->showdropeffect); ditem_prev = ditem; ditem = ditem->next; ers_free(item_drop_ers, ditem_prev); } ers_free(item_drop_list_ers, list); return 0; }
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