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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    XPRO : cross platform client

    I'm not sure if I'm right to post here, I hesitated a lot by fear of being reprimanded. But I'm convinced the project worths to be known and don't be lost in oblivion... So that's why I venture to post, so please forgive me if crowdfunding is not allowed. I try to be fair as much in this demarche. So, now let's explain the project : XPRO https://intro.vykimo.com/ I. PRINCIPLE Based on the project RoBrowser by KeyWorld (a RO client on web browser). XPRO is the project to update RoBrowser and to bring it into Mobile devices. XPRO goal is to fully support this following exe version (latest version supported by rAthena): 2018-06-20aRagexe. This project is very huge and it's currently the most advanced custom RO client ever made. And it has the main advantage to be cross platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android supported) and very lightweight (ressources can be downloaded only when needed by the game engine). II. MORE INFOS You can find more infos on progress on my personnal website : https://vykimo.com/ (menu : zerobrowser) Screen Example : Watch it live - Playthrough in Orc Dungeon : UPDATE 10/12/2019 BETA TEST : I made 3 days of "real condition" tests with a team of 3 advanced players. It was successfull, feedbacks were great and they only reported a few bugs in order to play "normally" on a RO server. What a good step ! In parallel, I talked with @Functor about possible Gepard Shield support in XPRO. But as you probably know, including Gepard Shield into Robrowser/AndRO opens a door in your server for bots. And we don't want to break his shield, so I'll work on my own encryption method. It'll be available later on... UPDATE 03/01/2020 iOS version is out ! For the first time ever, you'll be able to play Ragnarok on iPhone and iPad ! Infos will come asap, stay tuned
  2. 1 point

    XPRO : cross platform client

    Map infosUpdate is related to map infos. Recently pushed by Gravity, a system that allow you to see on minimap where are located some strategic points on a map.Navigation isn't implemented so clicking on it does nothing for now.In addition, I added icons upon head of some key NPCs which are described in `signboardlist.lub` (you know? sometimes you see floating icons on map ^^).
  3. 1 point
    current format http://upaste.me/c7ed2182125d6a31b already tested with - script sdfhdskfj FAKE_NPC,{OnInit: bindatcmd "@pcblock", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onaaa"; setarray .name$, "BLOCK_MOVE", "BLOCK_ATTACK", "BLOCK_SKILL", "BLOCK_USEITEM", "BLOCK_CHAT", "BLOCK_IMMUNE", "BLOCK_SITSTAND"; setarray .flag$, " [^ff0000OFF^000000]", "[^0000ffON^000000]"; end;Onaaa: for ( .@i = 0; .@i < 7; .@i++ ) .@menu$ = .@menu$ + .name$[.@i] + .flag$[ !!( checkpcblock() & (1 << .@i) ) ] +":"; .@s = select( .@menu$ ) -1; pcblock 1 << .@s, !( checkpcblock() & (1 << .@s) ); close;} . BLOCK_COMMAND !! omg how can I miss this one, need this one asap the rest are redundant BLOCK_ATCOMMAND - repeated ??? BLOCK_DROP - already has nodrop mapflag BLOCK_GSTORAGE - I seriously think this should belongs to nostorage mapflag ima thinking of making one BLOCK_NOIDEAWHATELSETOPOSTHERE hmm ... this long name makes me google 'what is the longest identifier in c++' answer is 2048 -> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/565w213d.aspx . . I actually thought about this but the blockedmove and monster_ignore is quite everywhere in the source ... don't feel like touching them ima thinking of changing checkpcblock into getpcblock after 2nd thought, I change them 1st then see how Haru react to it
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