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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/19 in Posts

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    September Digest 2019

    September Digest 2019 The following digest covers the month of September 1st - September 30th 2019 Team Changes None Added Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-09-18. (#2528) Added the `@changecharsex` command, to change a character's sex. (part of #2528) Added support for clan names in the name packets. (part of #2528) Added support for multiple Token of Siegfried item IDs. (#2515) Added support for the new guild UI features in the client. (#2519) Added per-item scriptable start/end rental functions, replacing the previous hardcoded functionality. See the new item DB fields `OnRentalStartScript` and `OnRentalEndScript`. (#2462, issue #140) Added the `getfont()` script command, to check the player's current chat font. (part of #2462) Added support for gcc-9 by disabling the array bound checks until the `ZEROED_BLOCK` related code will be fully compatible (#2536) Implemented the LapineDdukDdak System. (#2336) Implemented the Library Mistake Quest, allowing players to bypass the rebirth costs. (#2532) Changed Converted `sc_config` to libconfig. A tool to convert from the old format has been provided in `tools/scconfigconverter.py`. (#2526) Converted packet `ZC_TALKBOX_CHATCONTENTS` into a struct. (part of #2528) Extracted homunculus experience gain message code to a separate function. (part of #2528) Changed function arguments to type `enum battle_dmg_type` where applicable. (part of #2528) Changed pets, homunculi, etc. not to be loaded when autotrading. (part of #2524) Changed the guild castle IDs order to match the client's. (#part of #2519) Converted the item combo DB to libconfig. A tool to convert from the old format has been provided in `tools/itemcombodbconverter.py`. (#2529) Changed some remaining symbols to `static`. (part of #2536) Updated the gitlab-ci builds to reflect the release of Debian 10 buster. Gcc-8 is now the primary compiler used for the gcov, asan and i386 builds. (part of #2536) Increased the maximum allowed item ID to int32 max, for clients supporting it. (part of #2336) Fixed Fixed packet `ZC_ACK_RANKING` on old (2013 and earlier) clients. (part of #2528) Fixed an issue preventing homunculus auto-vaporize on death or skill reset, when the 80% HP condition isn't met. (#2524) Fixed a bug that caused homunculi's HP and SP to be refilled on every login instead of just on creation. (part of #2524) Fixed the intimacy requirement check for the homunculus ultimate skills. (part of #2524) Fixed the MVP tombstones causing players to get stuck if they were reading their message when the MVP respawns. (#2525) Fixed the MVP tombstones showing their message multiple times when clicked. (part of #2525) Fixed some incorrect examples of use of `while (select(...))` in the script documentation. (#2533) Corrected the item ID used by the KVM Logistic Officer. (#2527, issue #2404) Fixed several subtle issues caused by the nick partial match feature, when enabled. Now the partial match is only performed for lookups requested by atcommands and client features, while a full match is used for source and script lookups. (#2523) Rewritten the `itemdb_searchname_array` function, now properly supporting the items with IDs greater than 65535. (#2535) Fixed support for items with IDs greater than 65535 in the constdb2doc plugin. (part of #2535) Fixed a minor C standard compliance error, mixing function pointers and non-function pointers. (part of #2536) Fixed the (commented out by default) custom Venom Splasher countdown timer code. (part of #2536) Special thanks to @Haru @4144 @Asheraf @skyleo @Emistry @hemagx
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