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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Maintenance mode

    Download: 1.5 plugin create table maintenance ( id int primary key auto_increment, account_id int, name varchar(23), reason varchar(99), minlv2connect tinyint, order_time datetime, start_time datetime, end_time datetime ) engine = innodb; . remember to enable HPMHooking to enable this modification plugins_list: [ /* Enable HPMHooking when plugins in use rely on Hooking */ "HPMHooking", . . Note: sometimes the server countdown jumps 1 second ahead this is normal because the timetick from time->add is unstable so I use unix_time to synchronize the countdown to server time . . so, if you found some script/source code having bugs and you need to shut down your server for a short while then you come to the right place . @maintenance <Group ID can stay 1~99> <duration to kick in minute> <maintenance duration in minute> <reason> then a GM99 can commence the maintenance Example : '@maintenance 40 5 10 need to fix announcer script' every player with group ID 40 and below will be kick after 5 minutes and the server will start counting down by an announcement, during the maintenance of 10 minutes, group ID 40 and below will deny from login into the server `maintenance` table will also generate a new line, with the `reason` field as 'need to fix announcer script' which is useful to know when and how many times you did emergency server shutdown though, the actual reason for using SQL is to persist the data after server shutdown so the server will continue being in maintenance mode despite how many times you have shut down the server until it times up ( `end_time` field ), or manually do `@maintenanceoff` Note: you can't generate a new line using 'INSERT INTO' Sql syntax when server is online because I declare a bunch of variables to for them, for the purpose of saving memory consumption you have to login the game and type `@maintenance` to initiate the maintenance mode, otherwise it wont work. . . . @maintenanceoff if you have already finished fixing the script/source code, and there's still a lot of time left you can type '@maintenanceoff' to immediately turn off the maintenance mode so players can login before the schedule. . . . . -- Script commands -- . *maintenance <Group ID can stay 1~99>, <duration to kick in minute>, <maintenance duration in minute> { , <reason> }; . . actually I have no idea why I wanna make a script command ... maybe just for fun ? . - script jsdfksdj FAKE_NPC,{ OnMon0255: maintenance 40, 5, 60; end; } . this will make an announcement on Monday, 2:55AM that the server will have a regular server maintenance starts from 3AM to 4AM during that time, player with group ID 40 will be kicked and blocked from entering the server the `reason` field in `maintenance` table will be defaulted to '*Regular server maintenance*' . maintenance 40, 5, 60, "系统保养"; this will overwrite the `reason` field in `maintenance` table to '系统保养' instead of regular maintenance . . *maintenanceoff { <reason> }; uhh ... useless I think ... . . *maintenancecheck( <type> ); use 'maintenance()' to check the server is currently in maintenance mode or not return 0 if server is normal return 1 if server is going to have maintenance return 2 if server is having maintenance all other types are meant to myself to debug this junk
  2. 1 point

    Item DB file structure overhaul

    Item DB file structure overhaul Hello~! Uguu~?! We noticed that the Item Database file format, unchanged for years, is less than optimal (read: terrible) The file is really hard to read (is it the fifteenth or the sixteenth zero? No wait, that line has an extra comma!!) Whenever you merge an update, if you had a customized entry, you're sure to encounter large conflicts that won't be trivial to solve How do we fix it? We're switching to a brand new, modern, file format, making use of the libconfig library we're already using for other configuration files. It uses libconfig. This means the parser is more solid and, perhaps not faster, but surely easier to maintain, with simpler code. And the file format is something you're already used to, since it's the same as many other configuration files we use! Empty fields and the long sequences of those hard to count commas are gone! You just specify the fields you need, and the others can be completely skipped. The item_db2 entries can be left incomplete and set to inherit the original item_db entry. If you have a custom script for your Knife[3], you can just write the script in your item_db, and let it read the other values from the item_db, so that if we update them, you get the update automatically Item scripts can be split into several lines, so they can made easier to read, especially the long ones. We can finally add more fields (to support new features) to the file at any time, easily and without having to edit all the lines (or force you to edit all the lines of your custom item_db2)! Pre-Renewal and Renewal Item databases now use the same format. This also means that you can make use of the min/max level feature in both renewal and pre-renewal (of course, pre-renewal servers will ignore the Matk field, if you specify it, since it's meaningless there) What does it look like? Each entry follows this structure: { // =================== Mandatory fields =============================== Id: ID (int) AegisName: "Aegis_Name" (string, optional if Inherit: true) Name: "Item Name" (string, optional if Inherit: true) // =================== Optional fields ================================ Type: Item Type (int, defaults to 3 = etc item) Buy: Buy Price (int, defaults to Sell * 2) Sell: Sell Price (int, defaults to Buy / 2) Weight: Item Weight (int, defaults to 0) Atk: Attack (int, defaults to 0) Matk: Magical Attack (int, defaults to 0, ignored in pre-re) Def: Defense (int, defaults to 0) Range: Attack Range (int, defaults to 0) Slots: Slots (int, defaults to 0) Job: Job mask (int, defaults to all jobs = 0xFFFFFFFF) Upper: Upper mask (int, defaults to any = 0x3f) Gender: Gender (int, defaults to both = 2) Loc: Equip location (int, required value for equipment) WeaponLv: Weapon Level (int, defaults to 0) EquipLv: Equip required level (int, defaults to 0) EquipLv: [min, max] (alternative syntax with min / max level) Refine: Refineable (boolean, defaults to true) View: View ID (int, defaults to 0) Script: <" Script (it can be multi-line) "> OnEquipScript: <" OnEquip Script (can also be multi-line) "> OnUnequipScript: <" OnUnequip Script (can also be multi-line) "> // =================== Optional fields (item_db2 only) ================ Inherit: true/false (boolean, if true, inherit the values that weren't specified, from item_db.conf, else override it and use default values) }, Here's a Red Potion in the old format: 501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(45,65),0; },{},{} And here's the same Red Potion in the new format: { Id: 501 AegisName: "Red_Potion" Name: "Red Potion" Type: 0 Buy: 50 Weight: 70 Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; "> }, Not convinced yet it's easier to read? Okay, let's try a Poison Bottle: 678,Poison_Bottle,Poison Bottle,2,5000,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if(Class==Job_Assassin_Cross) { sc_start SC_DPOISON,60000,0; sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_INFINITY,60000,0; } else percentheal -100,-100; },{},{} changes to: { Id: 678 AegisName: "Poison_Bottle" Name: "Poison Bottle" Type: 2 Buy: 5000 Weight: 100 Script: <" if(Class==Job_Assassin_Cross) { sc_start SC_DPOISON,60000,0; sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_INFINITY,60000,0; } else percentheal -100,-100; "> }, Better, isn't it!? Let's now try a Jellopy: 909,Jellopy,Jellopy,3,6,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} Count the commas! Did I miss any? An extra comma you say? No, I don't want to count them, thanks... { Id: 909 AegisName: "Jellopy" Name: "Jellopy" Buy: 6 Weight: 10 }, Not even a comma! Now, help me read what this item does? 13307,Krieger_Huuma_Shuriken1,Glorious Shuriken,4,20,,0,55,,1,0,0x02000000,7,2,34,4,80,1,22,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiHuman,20; bonus bMatkRate,15; autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_HUUMA,100; bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_ISSEN,100; }",50,10000; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; if(getrefine()>5) { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,(getrefine()-3)*(getrefine()-3); bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiHuman,5; } if(getrefine()>8) { bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,NJ_ISSEN,AL_HEAL,10,1000,1; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,NJ_HUUMA,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,200; } },{},{} { Id: 13307 AegisName: "Krieger_Huuma_Shuriken1" Name: "Glorious Shuriken" Type: 4 Buy: 20 Atk: 55 Range: 1 Job: 0x02000000 Loc: 34 WeaponLv: 4 EquipLv: 80 View: 22 Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiHuman,20; bonus bMatkRate,15; autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_HUUMA,100; bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_ISSEN,100; }",50,10000; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; if(getrefine()>5) { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,(getrefine()-3)*(getrefine()-3); bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiHuman,5; } if(getrefine()>8) { bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,NJ_ISSEN,AL_HEAL,10,1000,1; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,NJ_HUUMA,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,200; } "> }, Which one did you find easier to read? Old or new format? Want to see an example that specifies both min and max levels? Here you go: { Id: 2819 AegisName: "Swordman_Manual" Name: "Swordman Manual" Type: 5 Buy: 0 Weight: 100 Job: 0x00000001 Upper: 47 Loc: 136 EquipLv: [1, 12] Refine: false Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,100; skill SM_BASH,1; skill SM_PROVOKE,1; skill SM_MAGNUM,1; "> }, Okay, one last example. Let's try to make an item_db2 entry for a Pupa Card that gives a bonus of 1000 HP rather than just 700. { Id: 4003 Inherit: true Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,1000; "> }, Done. No need to rewrite the name, location, prices... those are already in the item_db! But... I have several custom items, do I have to manually convert all of them...? Of course you do! No, I'm kidding, don't hate me It's true that you need to convert your item database to the new format, but we can do it for you! Go to http://haru.ws/hercules/itemdbconverter/ and paste (or upload) your item_db2.txt (or even your item_db.txt if you have custom entries there), press the Convert button, wait a few seconds and you're done! It's already converted for you. Easy, isn't it? Don't trust us? No, no, we don't need your custom items, you can sleep safe... But if you still don't want to paste anything on a website... well, we have provided the source code of the converter script! It's in the 'tools' folder of the Hercules repository. All you need is a Perl interpreter (and if you're running Linux or Mac OS, on either your server or your own computer, it's almost certain that you already have that). All you have to do is run it (example: perl tools/itemdbconverter.pl < db/item_db2.txt > db/item_db2.conf), and your item database will be converted in a split second! What if I was using SQL item databases? Well... Then you won't have to worry about the txt databases, unless you were creating the items in txt, then converting them to sql (if you're not doing this, maybe you should consider it, you know? It's easier to create and manage them in txt even if you use the sql version!) If you were converting your custom item databases from the txt version to sql through the db2sql plugin, there are good news for you! We just updated the plugin, and now it's able to create a .sql script rather than just inserting the entries into your database. This means that you can create the SQL entries in your own computer, without even needing a database (just a copy of Hercules), without risking to slow down your server, and then upload them whenever you want. And if you're relying on the .sql scripts we provide... well, there are still good news for you! Outdated item_db.sql files are a thing of the past now: those scripts will get updated automatically after every commit by our HerculesWS API bot, exactly like the HPM Hooks! As a final note, now the pre-re and re databases share the same structure in SQL as well! no more column mismatch if you're trying to import into your Renewal server an item that was meant for pre-renewal. If you have data already imported to your item_db2 SQL table, it'll be updated to the new table format through the regular upgrade sql mechanism (just run the provided script in the sql-files/upgrades folder). Please note that the script requires MySQL 5.0 or newer -- if you're still on MySQL 4.0, please open it in a text editor, read the comments and run the provided queries manually. I have this event item entry that came with an old script I downloaded... No worries, you can get it converted. Use the same script (or the provided web page) you'd use to convert an entire item database, it'll work just fine even for an item or two! Special thanks To Ind, for bringing up the idea and pushing it forward until it was implemented. And for his awesome work on the HerculesWS API and database converter plugin. To Yommy, for the original idea, and for some invaluable help finalizing the actual database format. Links~u! Main commit. Removed redundant item_db2_re.sql (now both have the same structure). db2sql plugin update. item_db2 inheritance. item_db2 SQL upgrade script.
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