Version 1.0.0
All jRO Exclusive, Event and Special Episode monsters.
This file was originally posted by @fxfreitas at Midgard-Community.
The archive contains the following monster sprites:
abyss_arthur (corridor of abyss special instance boss)
AMELIT (ghost carring a gemstone)
ANGLERFISH (Mini-boss)
deviruchi_w (a white deviruchi, event)
domovoi (custom pet, based on RO2 domovoi)
EMELIT (ghost carring a gemstone)
giant_deviruchi (event monster)
giant_deviruchi_w (event monster)
headless_mule (remake of original brasilis monster, last kRO already implemented)
HERA (Episode Monster)
j_taini (tiny, event monster and pet)
kraken_baby (marse edit)
LILITH (Episode Monster)
M_DARK_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster)
M_FLAME_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster)
M_ICE_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster)
M_LIGHT_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster)
M_STONE_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster)
merman_se (merman edit)
METAL_DRAGON (Pet and dungeon monster)
MYTHLIT (ghost carring a gemstone)
pad_fafnir (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_helheim (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_horai (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_ifrit (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_kinggold (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_kingmetal (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_leviathan (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_muspelheim (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_mythlit (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_niraikanai (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_shangrila (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_tamadora (Pet)
pad_zaerog (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
pad_zerog (Can't Move, Can't Attack)
poseidon (strouf edit)
RUBYLIT (ghost carring a gemstone)
SAPPHLIT (ghost carring a gemstone)
seiren (obeaune edit)
SIREN (Episode Monster)
tacnu (Mini-boss)
TOPALIT (ghost carring a gemstone)