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Posts posted by bballa99

  1. Well I've translated most of the NPCs to english @@bballa99, was this PokemonMod client/server yours @@bballa99? PM me.


    Go with Hercules, it's the best imo, stable, and lots of support. Also my idea is to convert all client language to english like item descriptions and also translate all NPCs to english which I'm working on, the biggest part is the src.


    Yeah I'm the original owner/administrator. 


    I haven't looked into the files you have so I'm not sure how close it is to a pokemon server.

  2. :o is that the one from PokemonRO.com?? looks similar to what they had. (no not PokemonRO.net)


    PokemonRO.com had an excellent project in progress that was developing a complete Pokemon system including Pokemon Evolution, Skills, Pokemon Catching etc.

    The classes would be the jobs that we see in Pokemon - Trainer, Bug catcher, Breeder etc. And they were using different sprites than the ones we have seen lurking around


    SADLY the site suddenly disappeared one day and no news after that :(




    Hey guys. This is bballa99, the creator of the original PokemonRO (PokemonRO.net, not PokemonRO.com or Pokemon-RO.net or PkmnRO.com) from back in 2009.. the old site can be seen here: https://web.archive.org/web/20110809094609/http://pokemonro.net/forum/


    In the past our forum had 700 members and was very active, however development slowed down to a halt as our lives got busier. I still have the original eAthena source code on my HD for many source edits such as the multiple Pokemon slot system, Pokemon catching system, homunculus/Pokemon player skills.. all created by the developers (including myself).


    I'm thinking of getting this project back online, however, I'm wondering if I should use Hercules or rAthena? And is anyone interested on helping me develop this again? Maybe we can pool resources. Anyways the original pokemonRO was meant to be an MMORPG in the exact style as the original Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow with the first 151 Pokemon. If anyone is interested feel free to send me a PM! I'd be happy to get my baby off the ground and back online again 




    EDIT: Upon further investigation, it appears that one of the original PokemonRO developers has branched off and contributed to another brazil PokemonRO: 

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