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About schmosby

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  • Birthday 06/19/1969

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  1. As you see, anyone can access my fluxCP folders including config. How do I remove their access?
  2. Solved!! Added countspiritball in my script.c then recompiled..
  3. Up... is there a way to check or count active spirit balls?
  4. This solved my problem! The other solutions are useful too for other purposes. Thank you everyone!
  5. I am trying to make a daily supplies NPC which rewards individual character items. Everytime a player gets reward, "variable" set to 1 The character need to wait until the next day to claim the rewards again Is it possible to use "OnClock0000:" to set the "variable" to 0 of every character?
  6. Is there a way of adding the new HatEffects? The only item ID that uses hat effect is this: Id: 20285 AegisName: "C_Blossom_Fluttering" OnEquipScript: <" hateffect(HAT_EF_BLOSSOM_FLUTTERING, true); ">
  7. How do i count the active spirit balls of a player? Or read an active skill instead "CH_SOULCOLLECT" I tried this one but doesn't seem to work if (getstatus(CH_SOULCOLLECT))
  8. Is it possible to attach a script on an item that makes the user auto-cast "CH_SOULCOLLECT" whenever its not active? Same as "MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS" but Dangerous Soul Collect takes priority. So when both skills are inactive, sequence goes: CH_SOULCOLLECT > MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS > CH_SOULCOLLECT Thanks in advance!!!
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