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Posts posted by wallaby

  1. Dear all,

    I've got noitem and charm plugin working on my server. The problem that I face now is that, noitem doesn't affect stuffs in the ETC tab, therefore I found out that noitem doesn't work with charms.

    Can anyone tell me how to modify the noitem plugin so that it'll affect charms as well - making it when noitem scans charm in one's inventory, it'll nullify any effect that the charm(s) give?

    Anyone who is able to help me with this I'll offer $20. Thanks!

  2. Hi guys n gals,


    I've recently just upgraded my server to the latest Herc and I noticed there are many changes made, one of which to the skill_db. In the past I was able to define quite accurately how to remove aftercastdelays, modify them, etc.


    Now I have this problem when a skill is casted, I cannot cast any other skills until that cooldown timer is gone.


    I've tried modifying a lot of values and I couldn't seem to get them to work.


    How do I go about it, to make it still being able to cast with the timer still ticking in the background? What should I change?


    Thanks a lot.



    //  _______   __      ____	  ____ 	    __	__  ____    __  __    __   __ __      __   __  ____    _      ____       // /__  __/  / /     / __       / __     / / / / /__    / / /_/ __/ /_ / // /     / /__/ / /__    / /__  / __   _____//   / /    / /_    / /_/ /     / / / /   / / / / ____/ / / / __  /_  __// // /     / _  _ / ____/ / / // / / /_/ / / __  //  / /    / __   / ____/     / / / /   / / / / / __  / / / / /   / /   _  /     / // /// / __  / /  __/ / ____/ / /  /_/// / /    / / / / / /__	      / /_/ /_  / /_/ / / /_/ / / / / /   / /   __/ /     / // /// / /_/ / / _   / /__	  / ////_/    /_/ /_/  ____/      _______/ ____/  ____/ /_/ /_/   /_/    __/     /_//_///  ____/ /_/ _ ____/ /_///=============================================================================////   Gold Room Advance Script - Mining Gold for wealth - Please Leave Credit   //=============================================================================//POWERED by: rudolp//[The Quality Maker]//Time Finished :6:28 PM 6/7/2009//Please Report any bug and suggestions.//===== Compatible With: =================================================================//= Any eAthena Version//=============Gold Room Settings===================//This should always be enable for a better Gold Room System.//==================================================ordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	noskillordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nomemoordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nobranchordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	noloot ordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	noexpordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nodropordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	novendingordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nowarpordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	nowarptoordeal_1-2.gat	mapflag	noreturn//=================================================ordeal_1-2,0,0,0	script	Gold Room	-1,{OnInit://No. of Mine Guardian.//For golden peko it is default to 100 and 4 seconds~2 seconds spawn rate.	set .guardian,50;//Type of guardian. 0 = normal 1 = extreme	set .@guardiantype,0;	if(.@guardiantype == 0){		monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Taga Bantay",2001,.guardian,"";			}else{		monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Taga Bantay",2002,.guardian,"";	}end;OnNPCKillEvent://===== Configurations: ========================================================================//Max gold can a player get after killing 1 golden peko (default 5 note:this will increase if luk bonus is enable).	set .@maxgaingold,5;//Apply gold penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes	set .@penalty1,1;//The Maximum no. of gold Penalty.	set .@maxpenalty1,3;//Apply speed & HP penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes 	set .@penalty2,1;//Gold limitation penalty must be enable	set .@maxgold,200;//The maximum no. of hp penalty by %.	set .@maxpenalty2,10;//Enable luk bonus. 0=no 1=yes	set .@lukbonus,0;//If luk Bonus is enable,luk divider default 49 w/ 99 max parameter. Note: the quotient of your max parameter and .@lukdiv must not grater than 5 to avoid over mining.	set .@lukdiv,49;//Show Server Name. 0=no 1=yes	set .@showservername,1;//Name of your Server	set .@servername$,"[The Quality Maker]";//=========================================================================================if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish;if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){	set @bonus,0;	set @deduction,0;	set @gain,rand (.@maxgaingold);//Luk bonus	if (.@lukbonus != 0){		set @bonus,readparam(bLuk)/.@lukdiv;	}//Gold Penalty	if (.@penalty1 != 0){		set @deduction,rand(.@maxpenalty1);		if(@deduction == 0) set @deduction,1;		}	set @gain, @gain + @bonus - @deduction;	set golds, golds + @gain ;//Displaying Gained Gold	if(.@showservername != 0){		if(golds%5 == 0){ //Show Server Name every 10 gold gain.			dispbottom "===============Brought to you by===============";			dispbottom "==============" + .@servername$ +"==============";		}	}	if(@gain){ 		dispbottom "-|You got: " +@gain+ " gold| - |Total: " +golds+ " gold|- ";	}else{		dispbottom "-|You got: NOTHING! |- ";	}	if (.@penalty2 != 0){		if (golds >= .@maxgold/2 && golds <=.@maxgold/2+20){			 sc_start	SC_DECREASEAGI,240000,10;	 			}else if(golds >.@maxgold){			sc_start	SC_CURSE,240000,10;		 	percentheal (.@maxpenalty2*-1),(.@maxpenalty2*-1);		 	heal -50,0; //For him to die		}	}	if(paid == 0){		mapannounce "ordeal_1-2"," x( "+strcharinfo(0)+" is a cheater!",bc_map;		dispbottom "Go out you bastard!";		set golds,0;		warp "prontera", 173, 160;	}		end;}OnPCDieEvent: if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish;if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){		dispbottom "Holy Shit you died!";		dispbottom "All of your gold will gone!";		set alive, 0;		set paid, 0;		end;}L_Finish:close;}//===============================================//warper//===============================================ordeal_1-2,154,156,5	script	Gold Miner	813,{	mes "[Gold Miner]";	if(golds >=50){		goto wa;	}	mes "Want to go now?";	mes "Your gold is just "+golds+" you can still get more.";	close;wa:	mes "Want to go now?";	 if(select("Yes", "No") == 1) {		set alive,1;        		warp "prontera", 173, 160;    	}	close;} prontera,165,158,5	script	Gold Room Warperer#pront	813,{	set @name$,"prontera";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}aldebaran,133,116,4	script	Gold Room Warperer#alde	813,{	set @name$,"aldebaran";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}alberta,23,247,4	script	Gold Room Warperer#alb	813,{	set @name$,"alberta";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}payon,151,182,4	script	Gold Room Warperer#pay	813,{	set @name$,"payon";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}geffen,115,74,4	script	Gold Room Warperer#gef	813,{	set @name$,"geffen";	callfunc "goldmain";	end;}function	script	goldmain	{	if (getgmlevel() >= 90){		mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"+zeny," "+#CASHPOINTS;	if(sex != 0){		mes "Hello Sir what can I do for you?";	}else{		mes "Hello Maam what can I do for you?"+#KAFRAPOINTS;	}	next;	menu "Enter Mining Site",start,"Please close the mine Site. Now!",-,"Please Open the mine Site. Now!",G_open,"Nothing",C_s;	next;	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Excuse me Miners.",bc_map;	mes "Ok.";	next;	mapannounce "ordeal_1-2",strcharinfo(0) +" wants to close the Gold Room for a while",bc_map;	mes "Just a second I will just ask them to";	mes "go out in the mining site";	next;	mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Please settle your things and move quitely",bc_map;	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes ".............";	mes "........";	next;	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Ok your done";	set .opengoldroom,1;	areawarp "ordeal_1-2",21,286,286,22,"prontera", 173, 160;	close;	}	if(.opengoldroom == 0){		goto start;	}else{		mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";		mes "Sorry!";		mes "The Mining Site is closed.";		close;	}G_open:	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Ok.";	mes "Mining Site is Already Available.";	announce " Gold Room is open for public!",bc_map;	set .opengoldroom,0;close;start:	if ( alive == 0){		set golds,0;	}	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "What do you want?"+cash;	next;	menu "To the Gold Room",-,"Exchange Gold",exchange,"Nothing",C_s;	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Hmm..";	mes "It cost 100,000z";    	mes "Would you like to go now to the gold room?";    	if(select("Yes", "No") == 2) close;		if(@name$ == "prontera") savepoint "prontera", 173, 160;		if(@name$ == "aldebaran") savepoint "aldebaran",166, 163;		if(@name$ == "alberta") savepoint "alberta",16, 246;		if(@name$ == "payon") savepoint "payon",160, 179;		if(@name$ == "geffen") savepoint "geffen",124, 85;		if (Zeny < 100000) goto nomoney;		set Zeny, Zeny - 100000;		set alive, 1;		set paid, 1;		set golds,0;        warp "ordeal_1-2", 156, 155;    	close;nomoney:	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Sorry insufficient balance";	close;exchange:	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Hmm...let me see";	mes "You have " +golds+ ".";	if (golds == 0) goto nogold; 	mes "Ok get this.";	next;        if (checkweight(969,golds) == 0) goto L_OverWeight;	getitem 969, golds;	set golds, 0;	emotion e_gg;	close;L_OverWeight:	mes "[Gold Room Warperer]";	mes "Sorry your overweight";	close;nogold:	close;C_s:	close;}//============================================================//===========================================================//========================================//warps you may edit this one for your convenience//========================================ordeal_1-2,73,265,0	warp	ord500	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,129,194,0	warp	ord501	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,130,194,0	warp	ord502	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,178,193,0	warp	ord503	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,290,130,0	warp	ord504	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,241,281,0	warp	ord505	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,66,25,0 	warp	ord506	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,202,129,0	warp	ord509	1,1,prontera,173,160ordeal_1-2,105,154,0	warp	ord510	1,1,prontera,173,160//============Spawns=================ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0	monster	Golden Pecopeco	1002,100,40000,20000,0

    anyone has a raw/file of this script?


    Just copy the text above and...

    - press the Enter key after ;

    - press the Tab key for contents within the { } brackets


    I believe you need to first at least understand the logic of scripting before you try applying some.

  4. It's funny encountering this problem: I've done the following:


    guild_vs3<tab>mapflag zone<tab>Arena


    ...in my script and in the map_zone_db.conf...


        name: "Arena"

        disabled_commands: {
            storage: 99
            guildstorage: 99
            warp: 99
            jump: 99
            go: 99
            save: 99
            memo: 99
        disabled_items: {
            Solar_Sword: true
            ID1136: true


    But my char can still equip Solar Sword. Can you please advice me where/what I did wrong?


    Thanks a lot!


    Dear all,


    Since to post under "employment" takes quite a considerable amount of time for the topic to be shown, I'm wondering if anyone here could update these two plugins by AnnieRuru to the latest Herc Compatible version. I don't mind paying for the work done.


    PM me... Thanks!


    I do apologize for that. It is currently up now :)

    Nah no need the apology. Thanks though =)

  6. Dear all,


    Since to post under "employment" takes quite a considerable amount of time for the topic to be shown, I'm wondering if anyone here could update these two plugins by AnnieRuru to the latest Herc Compatible version. I don't mind paying for the work done.


    PM me... Thanks!

  7. Thanks for the speedy reply astralprojection!



    Urm... with this scenario in mind (2 servers running on 1 host), can these two servers share 1 database (I was thinking it would be easier for 'migration' that way), and if sharing 1 database is possible, how is it done/configured?


    Thanks again!

  8. Dear all,


    I'm wondering if it's possible to run 2 servers on 1 Host? Reason why is I've got a server that's running right now but it's on a really really old Hercules emulator. Is it possible for me to have another server running on the same host so that while this current one is up and running, I can also start working on the new server?


    If it's possible, would there be conflicts in the IP, etc. especially when players try to connect to the server?


    Well bottom line is I wanna get the latest Hercules emulator so that I can implement the new plugins that are there and not bound by the limitation of the old emulator's compatibility.


    So yea...


    Please advice and appreciate any input given.



  9. Hi,


    I noticed there's this bonus in the documentation:


    bonus bCriticalDef,n;                    Decreases Chance of being hit by critical by n%


    Wondering if this bonus is affected by the Critical of your opponent? For example... if I have 20 Critical Defence, and all it takes for my Opponent to overcome this is 20 Critical on his/her status window?


    Is it true?



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