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About maqc

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  1. I have two versions, I think one is already diffed and the other is not. Not sure how stable this one is, I've never used it. I've been using Xray 2007-09-04 and 2008-05-28 successfully, but I never tried the later 2009 releases. https://easyupload.io/m/bf01ka Good luck!
  2. Yes sir, here it is : [Info]: Git revision (src): '4928dff40de97204aa3d91cc539094e5bc667906' [Info]: Git revision (scripts): 'e7bc84db588fa39ac610f51f8793c384c19aa1e9'
  3. Hi, I've got a weird issue since a while. Players are unable to open guild storage and the console throws that error whenever someone tries : [Error]: intif_parse_LoadGuildStorage: data size mismatch 6488 != 72024 I am using latest revision. I checked the source code, but I can't figure out where that could come from... Any idea? Thanks!
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