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  1. Awesome ! Thank you for your answer ! I tried a lot of things but this one 😛
  2. Hi, Thank your for the answer, I will try that later :).
  3. Hello everyone, Just a simple question, is it possible to make invisible the scroll bar on notice box ? I tried a lot a things but the scroll bar is always there...
  4. Hello, I'm just wondering how i can retrieve the status of my server (char, map, login) on the website and on the patcher ? I think about a solution : telnet on the port of the server (6900, 5121, 6121) but i think this is not the good solution ?
  5. Okay thank you, there is a release date ?
  6. Hello everyone, Just a little question, is there a better "encryption" than MD5 available for storing password ? MD5 is low in security (or non existent) and I wonder if there is a better solution. Thank you by advance
  7. Hi, Wel well well, your script is awesome ! Congrats for it ! It's so clean and smooth know ! Wow ! Thank you so much !
  8. I'll test it and come back to you. Thank you for your script ;).
  9. Hi, Tahnk you for your reply, so if i understand correctly, with your script, the character will not wait 1s and will walk all the way and follow the "point" x/y i give ?
  10. Other question, there is a way to do it without a sleep ? With 1s each time it's like the character freeze when he starts a new destination 😕
  11. Never mind, i found the solution, make a variable for GID and use unitstop and unitwalk. Here is my test who works: izlude,124,148,4 script test#iz 4_F_NURSE,{ .@GID = getcharid(3); unitwalk .@GID,128,124; sleep 1000; unitstop .@GID; sleep 1000; unitwalk .@GID,128,109; sleep 1000; unitstop .@GID; sleep 1000; unitwalk .@GID,121,98; sleep 1000; unitstop .@GID; sleep 1000; unitwalk .@GID,108,97; end; }
  12. Okay i tested it and it works. Now i have a new question, the character move only if de X and Y position is on sight. However, i want to move at a point on the map that i can't see. How can i do that ? I already put to unitwalk one after the other but it's not working. If you have an idea ;).
  13. Hi, Nice ! I didn't do my research so good .... Thank you, i'll test this :).
  14. Hello everyone, I'm asking a question in my head right now. Is it possible to move a character to follow a path with a script or something ? Like NPC who can move to X to Y position on a map, is it possible for a char to force the char to move until a point on a map ? If yes, how ?
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