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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. @Aeromesi: Thanks, I'll add you in a little while, I'm at work for most of the day now. @@Garr What a glaring error in my coding logic. Thank you very much. I'll revise and test based on that concept, but I'm sure it will work in that case. Thanks for being so helpful and understanding.
  2. Thanks for your response, I've been studying the Endless Tower and other instances inside of that folder to get a better understanding of how they work, but so far my very basic instance script seems not to allow another to be created. As it is, this script will not allow the creation of multiple instances, am I correct? prontera,155,191,6 script Instancer 4_F_OPERATION,{ //NPC Settings set npcname$,"^339999[Instancer]^000000"; mes npcname$; mes "Bear with me while I initiate the first sequence."; next; //Define instance set .@instance, instance_create("AmatsuInstance", getcharid(3), IOT_CHAR); //Check if it was successful, then check if attaching is problematic if( .@instance < 0 ) { mes npcname$; mes "Failed to create the instance!"; close; } if( instance_attachmap("amatsu", .@instance, 1, "amatsu2") == "" ) { instance_destroy(.@instance); mes npcname$; mes "Failed to attach Amatsu as a map!"; close; } //Finally initialize it instance_attach(.@instance); instance_set_timeout(300, 10, .@instance); instance_init(.@instance); //Success, let them know mes npcname$; mes "Initialization successful. Sending you off!"; next; //Warp the player to this new instance. warp "amatsu2", 198, 90; } I mean I realize this script is the most basic possible, but I did it to understand how instances are handled. This script under my understanding should be re-executable even if someone else created an instance simultaneously.. but when one player uses it, then another tries, it fails with "Failed to Initialize," at that stage. I know for sure I am missing something..
  3. Hi, I'm currently running through some ideas and I just want to see if I am thinking correctly on this: I am attempting to create an NPC that creates instances for whoever talks to it (after performing level checks and asking if they want to SOLO or PARTY run) and so far I cannot figure out how to allow a single script to control multiple instances. Is this natively possible with Hercules? For example, the player character talks to the NPC, the NPC after some dialogue options will create the dungeon instance and send the player or party to the instance, however, I also want other characters on the server to be able to make instances simultaneously with that same NPC script. So the NPC can handle the player/party who created instance already, in addition to anyone else who wants to create their own instances at the same time. Multiple instances managed by one script, potentially using the same emulated map or instance map. I do not refer to a player being able to join an instance in progress. So far most of the code I have seen works around limiting instance creation to one every 4 hours or some other hard limit, but I wish not to do that. Let me reiterate that I would like for the script to create many, perhaps dozens of instances for whoever wants to create one at any given moment simultaneously and uniquely. Ultimately my tests so far have brought me to only being able to create a single instance-- when another player comes and tries to create an instance, it fails because presumably there is already an instance created. I just want to know if it is possible given Hercules scripting engine to handle this, and if it is possible, what kind of method would I use? Thanks for any input. I hope I am clear, if not please allow me to make clearer examples.
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