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About HaARiZz

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  • Birthday 10/16/1992

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  1. You just need to have a good data folder. You can download it here (English Translated Data Folder by zackdreaver) For Renewal : https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE For Pre-Renewal : https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishPRE
  2. Download this file and extract it on your RO folder. I have put it on the right path which is data > luafiles514 > lua files > skillinfoz skillinfoz.zip
  3. Hi everyone, First, I need to know what client are stable for Classic RO which only have Knight, Priest and etc job only and lvl 99/50. Second, I need to know is that any problem if I'm using latest Hercules server file? Or I need to do my own modification for making Classic RO server? Third, If anyone have classic server file, could someone share it here? Thank You.
  4. Maybe someone able to provide with video tutorial how to get those PACKET KEY will be more useful I think. One more thing, I need to know that either we need to use patched ragexe or clean ragexe to find the packet key inside that client?
  5. OMG! Thanks alot dude for your reply. I don't know the new file location for packetkeys was there. I follow oldest tutorial said that need to put before #endif /* MAP_PACKETS_H */ on src/map/packets.h and I got an error while compile my server. One more thing, I can use 2015-11-04 client for create pre-re server? And is this hercules stable with that client version?
  6. I think that it will be ONLINE soon. Just now I need to struggle for make it come true.
  7. Nope. Just now I want to configure my private server first. Then I will figure out is there any problem that I can't solve myself. I will post it here. Thank you for your kindness. I really appreciate it.
  8. Thank you for your guidance! I really appreciate it. Keep your work! Voted for your help!
  9. Thanks for your advice. Is there any guide that I can follow to build hercules with pre-renewal settings?
  10. HaARiZz

    Hi there!

    Hi friends, I'm HaARiZz from Malaysian. I had my own RO private server before and shut it down around 3 years ago. After that, I had stop hosting or playing RO. Now, I think that I want to start this carrier again. So many changes nowadays that I should learn to gain more knowledge before I rebuild my own RO private server. I hope that we can support each other to raise our community. Thank You.
  11. Hi there, I would like to know that which emulator should I use if I want to build Transcendent 2-2 Job Class Server? If I'm not mistaken, Iast I host or play RO around 3 years ago. So when I want to rebuild RO Server. There are two choice either want to use Hercules as an emulator or rAthena. I need an explanation regarding to my need. #p/s : I'm so sorry if I had post this New Topic into wrong section.
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