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Everything posted by NewNewbie

  1. I'm trying xD But sometimes is just a " more or a wrong letter... i'm studying... I will work harder thank you for the words, my regards
  2. yeah.. listen, last time I played ragnarok, was like 10 years ago, and in now i'm a boxer, nothing like a programmer... I know nothing about this, but i'm working hard to learn scripiting and english, to make a cool server lol and the reason that I wrote "itens" rather than "items" is because in my language (portuguese) "itens" is right xD thank y'all, sorry any thing
  3. here is working without those "(" ")" but thanks anyway xD
  4. Are you sure? It is working ok here... where is the mistake?
  5. lol, was just a "z" when should be "Z" lol! 3 hours!!! Thank you all guys ^^
  6. Lol sorry. I have 500x Cheese, 500x Egg and 500kk, but always go to n_FORGOT message. What is wrong?
  7. { mes "Hey bro!"; mes "I work in a pizzeria because I love pizza! HAHA"; next; mes "Do you love pizza?"; switch(select("Yes","No")){ case 1: mes "I can't give you a piece of that, sorry..."; mes "But If you bring some itens for me, I can give you a incredible hat!"; next; mes "Do you wanna a Pizza Hat?"; mes "Besides being beautiful, it enables ^0000FFLv1 Provoke."; switch(select("Sure!","No thanks!")){ case 1: next; mes "Ok, I will need:"; mes "^0000FF50x Cheese"; mes "^0000FF50x Egg"; next; emotion e_heh; mes "And please don't forget my tip"; mes "^0000FF150.000 Zeny"; next; mes "You have my items?"; switch(select("Yes","Not yet")){ case 1: if (countitem(574) > 49 && countitem(548) > 49 && zeny >149999) { delitem 574,50; delitem 548,50; set zeny,zeny-150000; getitem 5499, 1; next; mes "Done!!"; close; } else { goto n_FORGOT; } case 2: next; mes "Don't worry, go pick up the itens."; close; n_FORGOT: mes "Bro, you forgot something"; close; } case 2: next; mes "Ok, no problem."; mes "Cya"; close; } case 2: mes "You do not know what you're missing!"; close; } }
  8. Thank you xD Was this and a "}" at end xD Thank you!
  9. prontera,124,210,4 script Mr. Pimp 4_M_REINDEER,{ mes "[Mr. Pimp]"; mes "Hello young..."; mes "My things can make you stronger."; mes "But everything have a price, and mine is not cheap... I'm picky haha"; next; mes " [" + strcharinfo(0) + "]: What you have for me?"; mes "[Mr. Pimp]"; mes "See... I have many things for you"; mes "Let's annihilate the newbies"; emotion e_gg; switch(select("Sleipnir","Nothing interesting")){ case 1: mes "[Mr. Pimp]"; mes "+20% HP/SP"; mes "+ Movement Speed"; mes "+10 MDEF"; next; switch(select("What do i need?","Not interested.")){ case 1: mes "[Mr. Pimp]"; mes "Bring me those items, so i can start working on your Sleipnir."; mes "Don't forget my money!"; mes "^0000FF5x Coal"; mes "^0000FF5x Burnt Tree"; mes "^0000FF5x Red Bijou"; mes "^0000FF5x Star Dust"; mes "^0000FF10x Mixture"; mes "^0000FF200.000 Zenys"; next; switch(select("I have it all!","Let's deal later...")){ case 1: if (countitem(1003) < 5) goto M_ITEM; if (countitem(7068) < 5) goto M_ITEM; if (countitem(7447) < 5) goto M_ITEM; if (countitem(1001) < 5) goto M_ITEM; if (countitem(974) < 10) goto M_ITEM; if (zeny <200000) goto M_ITEM; delitem 1003,5; delitem 7068,5; delitem 7447,5; delitem 1001,5; delitem 974,10; set zeny,zeny-200000; getitem 2410, 1; next; mes "[Mr. Pimp]"; mes "Have fun""; close; case 2: goto exit; } } case 2: goto ni; } M_ITEM: next; mes "[Mr. Pimp]"; mes "You don't have all the itens!"; mes "Don't try to cheat me."; close; exit: mes "[Mr. Pimp]"; mes "See you later"; close; ni: mes "Hummmm ok..."; close; Where is mi mistake? xD
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