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Sidra Harris

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Posts posted by Sidra Harris

  1. can i remove  Kagerou/Oboro from the server and the Job Changer ?

    Thats my Script :

    //===== Hercules Script ======================================
    //= Job Changer
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Euphy
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.4
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= A fully functional job changer.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.1 Fixed reset on Baby job change. [Euphy]
    //= 1.2 Added Expanded Super Novice support and initial Kagerou/Oboro support. [Euphy]
    //= 1.3 Kagerou/Oboro added. [Euphy]
    //= 1.4 Improved legibility (renamed variables, replaced
    //      numbers with constants; Changed syntax to match
    //      Hercules standards; Fixed status point exploit upon
    //      Baby Novice job change. [Haru]
    prontera,146,95,6	script	Job Changer::kaf_prontera5	4_F_KAFRA1,{
        function Job_Menu; function A_An;
        mes "[Job Changer]";
        if (Class > Job_Soul_Linker) {
            mes "No more jobs are available.";
        if (checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkmount() || hascashmount()) {
            mes "Please remove your "+((checkfalcon())?"falcon":"")+((checkcart())?"cart":"")+((checkmount() || hascashmount())?"mount":"")
                +" before proceeding.";
        if (.skill_point_check && SkillPoint > 0) {
            mes "Please use all your skill points before proceeding.";
        .@eac = eaclass();
        .@base = .third_classes ? roclass(.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) : Class;
        if (.@base >= Job_Knight && .@base <= Job_Crusader2) {
            if (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel || JobLevel < .rebirth_jlevel) {
                .@blvl = .rebirth_blevel - BaseLevel;
                .@jlvl = .rebirth_jlevel - JobLevel;
                mes "You need "
                    + (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel ? ((.rebirth_blevel - BaseLevel) +" more base levels "+ (JobLevel < .rebirth_jlevel ? "and " : "")) : "")
                    + (JobLevel < .rebirth_jlevel ? (.rebirth_jlevel - JobLevel) +" more job levels " : "")
                    + "to continue.";
            if (Class > Job_Crusader2) {
                mes "Switch to third class?";
            while (true) {
                mes "Select an option.";
                .@choice = select(" ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000", (.third_classes ? " ~ ^FF0000Third Class^000000":""), " ~ ^777777Cancel^000000");
                if (.@choice == 3)
                mes "[Job Changer]";
                mes "Are you sure?";
                if (.@choice == 1)
                mes "[Kafra Job Changer]";
        .@job1 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1);
        .@job2 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2);
        if ((.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE) {
            .@newclass = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD);
            .@required_jlevel = 99;
        } else if (Class == Job_Ninja || Class == Job_Gunslinger) {
            .@newclass = .@job1;
            .@required_jlevel = 70;
        if (.@newclass && .third_classes) {
            if (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel || JobLevel < .@required_jlevel) {
                mes "You need "
                    + (BaseLevel < .rebirth_blevel ? ((.rebirth_blevel - BaseLevel) +" more base levels "+ (JobLevel < .@required_jlevel ? "and " : "")) : "")
                    + (JobLevel < .@required_jlevel ? (.@required_jlevel - JobLevel) +" more job levels " : "")
                    + "to continue.";
            mes "Switch to "+jobname(.@newclass)+"?";
        if (.@eac&EAJL_2)
            if (.@eac&(EAJL_UPPER|EAJL_BABY) || roclass(.@eac|EAJL_UPPER) == -1) {
                mes "No more jobs are available.";
        if ((.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_NOVICE) {
            if (JobLevel < .jobchange_first) {
                mes "A job level of "+.jobchange_first+" is required to change into the 1st Class.";
            } else if (Class == Job_Novice_High && .linear_jobchange && lastJob) {
                mes "Switch classes now?";
            } else if (Class == Job_Novice) {
                Job_Menu(Job_Swordman, Job_Mage, Job_Archer, Job_Acolyte, Job_Merchant, Job_Thief,
                         Job_SuperNovice, Job_Taekwon, Job_Gunslinger, Job_Ninja, Job_Baby);
            } else if (Class == Job_Novice_High) {
                Job_Menu(Job_Swordman_High, Job_Mage_High, Job_Archer_High, Job_Acolyte_High, Job_Merchant_High, Job_Thief_High);
            } else if (Class == Job_Baby) {
                Job_Menu(Job_Baby_Swordman, Job_Baby_Mage, Job_Baby_Archer, Job_Baby_Acolyte, Job_Baby_Merchant, Job_Baby_Thief,
            } else {
                mes "An error has occurred.";
        if (roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1) == -1 || roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2) == -1) {
            mes "No more jobs are available.";
        } else if (!(.@eac&EAJL_2) && JobLevel < .jobchange_second) {
            mes "A job level of "+.jobchange_second+" is required to change into the 2nd Class.";
        } else if (.linear_jobchange && lastJob && (.@eac&EAJL_UPPER)) {
            mes "Switch classes now?";
        } else {
            Job_Menu(.@job1, .@job2);
    function Job_Menu {
        while (true) {
            if (getargcount() > 1) {
                mes "Select a job.";
                .@menu$ = "";
                for (.@i = 0; .@i < getargcount(); ++.@i)
                    .@menu$ += " ~ "+jobname(getarg(.@i))+":";
                .@menu$ += " ~ ^777777Cancel^000000";
                .@newjob = getarg(select(.@menu$)-1, 0);
                if (!.@newjob) close;
                if ((.@newjob == Job_SuperNovice || .@newjob == Job_Super_Baby) && BaseLevel < .supernovice_level) {
                    mes "[Kafra Job Changer]";
                    mes "A base level of "+.supernovice_level+" is required to turn into a "+jobname(.@newjob)+".";
                mes "[Kafra Job Changer]";
                mes "Are you sure?";
            } else {
                .@newjob = getarg(0);
            if (select(" ~ Change into ^0055FF"+ jobname(.@newjob) +"^000000 class", " ~ ^777777"+(getargcount() > 1 ? "Go back": "Cancel")+"^000000") == 1) {
                mes "[Kafra Job Changer]";
                .@eac = eaclass();
                if (.@newjob == Job_Novice_High)
                    // Rebirth
                    if (Zeny - .zeny_cost[3] < 0)
                        mes "Sorry, but you don't have " + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .zeny_cost[3], 3, ".") + "z to change your class.";
                        Zeny -= .zeny_cost[3];
                else if (Class == Job_Novice || Class == Job_Baby || Class == Job_Novice_High || .@newjob == Job_SuperNovice)
                    // 1st and high 1st
                    .@value = (Class == Job_Novice_High) ? .zeny_cost[1] : .zeny_cost[0];
                    if (.@newjob != Job_Baby)
                        if (Zeny - .@value < 0)
                            mes "Sorry, but you don't have " + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .@value, 3, ".") + "z to change your class.";
                            Zeny -= .@value;
                else if (!(.@eac&EAJL_2))
                    // 2nd and high 2nd
                    .@value = (.@eac&EAJL_UPPER) ? .zeny_cost[4] : .zeny_cost[2];
                    if (Zeny - .@value < 0)
                        mes "Sorry, but you don't have " + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .@value, 3, ".") + "z to change your class.";
                        Zeny -= .@value;
                    // 3rd
                    if (.third_classes)
                        if (Zeny - .zeny_cost[5] < 0)
                            mes "Sorry, but you don't have " + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .zeny_cost[5], 3, ".") + "z to change your class.";
                            Zeny -= .zeny_cost[5];
                mes "You are now "+A_An(jobname(.@newjob))+"!";
                if (.@newjob == Job_Novice_High && .linear_jobchange)
                    lastJob = Class; // Note: This is incompatible with the Valkyrie rebirth script.
                jobchange .@newjob;
                if (.@newjob == Job_Novice_High)
                if (.@newjob == Job_Baby) {
                    SkillPoint = 0;
                specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL2;
                specialeffect2 EF_ELECTRIC;
                if (.platinum)
                    callsub Get_Platinum;
            if (getargcount() == 1)
            mes "[Kafra Job Changer]";
    function A_An {
        setarray .@vowels$, "a", "e", "i", "o", "u";
        .@firstletter$ = strtolower(charat(getarg(0), 0));
        for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@vowels); ++.@i) {
            if (.@vowels$[.@i] == .@firstletter$)
                return "an "+getarg(0);
        return "a "+getarg(0);
        skill NV_FIRSTAID, 1, 0;
        if (BaseClass == Job_Novice) {
            if (Class != Job_SuperNovice)
                skill NV_TRICKDEAD, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseClass == Job_Swordman) {
            skill SM_MOVINGRECOVERY, 1, 0;
            skill SM_FATALBLOW, 1, 0;
            skill SM_AUTOBERSERK, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseClass == Job_Mage) {
            skill MG_ENERGYCOAT, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseClass == Job_Archer) {
            skill AC_MAKINGARROW, 1, 0;
            skill AC_CHARGEARROW, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) {
            skill AL_HOLYLIGHT, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseClass == Job_Merchant) {
            skill MC_CARTREVOLUTION, 1, 0;
            skill MC_CHANGECART, 1, 0;
            skill MC_LOUD, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseClass == Job_Thief) {
            skill TF_SPRINKLESAND, 1, 0;
            skill TF_BACKSLIDING, 1, 0;
            skill TF_PICKSTONE, 1, 0;
            skill TF_THROWSTONE, 1, 0;
        if (BaseJob == Job_Knight) {
            skill KN_CHARGEATK, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Priest) {
            skill PR_REDEMPTIO, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Wizard) {
            skill WZ_SIGHTBLASTER, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Blacksmith) {
            skill BS_UNFAIRLYTRICK, 1, 0;
            skill BS_GREED, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Hunter) {
            skill HT_PHANTASMIC, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Assassin) {
            skill AS_SONICACCEL, 1, 0;
            skill AS_VENOMKNIFE, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Crusader) {
            skill CR_SHRINK, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Monk) {
            skill MO_KITRANSLATION, 1, 0;
            skill MO_BALKYOUNG, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Sage) {
            skill SA_CREATECON, 1, 0;
            skill SA_ELEMENTWATER, 1, 0;
            skill SA_ELEMENTGROUND, 1, 0;
            skill SA_ELEMENTFIRE, 1, 0;
            skill SA_ELEMENTWIND, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Rogue) {
            skill RG_CLOSECONFINE, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Alchemist) {
            skill AM_BIOETHICS, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Bard) {
            skill BA_PANGVOICE, 1, 0;
        } else if (BaseJob == Job_Dancer) {
            skill DC_WINKCHARM, 1, 0;
        .rebirth_blevel = 99;    // Minimum base level to reborn OR change to third class
        .rebirth_jlevel = 50;    // Minimum base job level to reborn OR change to third class
        .jobchange_first = 10;   // Minimum job level to turn into 1st class
        .jobchange_second = 40;  // Minimum job level to turn into 2nd class
        .third_classes = 1;      // Enable third classes/Extended Classes? (1: yes / 0: no)
        .supernovice_level = 45; // Minimum base level to turn into Super Novice
        .linear_jobchange = 1;   // Enforce linear class changes? (1: yes / 0: no)
        .skill_point_check = 1;  // Force player to use up all skill points? (1: yes / 0: no)
        .platinum = 0;           // Get platinum skills automatically? (1: yes / 0: no)
        //                       1st, high 1st, 2nd, rebirth, high 2nd, 3rd
        setarray .zeny_cost[0], 10000, 55000, 100000, 255000, 475000, 1000000;


  2. Need Advanced Buffer :


    if lvl 175 the npc give him some buffs


    if lower than lvl 175 not give him anything !


    thanks  :wub:


    Need Advanced Warper : 

    if the player in lvl 175 and have those 2 items " 2573 , 5217 " warp the player to ins_in,40,45

    if not in lvl 175 or not have on of the items not warping him 

     thanks  :wub:

  3. when i go to login , then select the server , the game shutdown and give me txt file with this : 

    Ragnarok has been crashed!
    UTC Time:       21/06/2016 23:04:43
    Local Time:     22/06/2016 01:04:43
    EXE version:    2013-12-23
    Gepard version: 2.0
    Gepard compilation date: 2016040401
    OS version: Windows 8 Professional 64 bit Build 9200
    0x004361f2 NeoonRo.exe
    0x00436290 NeoonRo.exe
    0x004945bc NeoonRo.exe
    0x005747c5 NeoonRo.exe
    0x0058c046 NeoonRo.exe
    0x00847006 NeoonRo.exe
    0x008bbff9 NeoonRo.exe
    0x008bd1ea NeoonRo.exe
    0x751a3744 KERNEL32.DLL
    0x77c7a064 ntdll.dll
    0x77c7a02f ntdll.dll
    EAX: 0x0019f980 | 0001702272
    ECX: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    EDX: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    EBX: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    ESI: 0x03bc2868 | 0062662760
    EDI: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    ESP: 0x0019f97c | 0001702268
    EBP: 0x0019f98c | 0001702284
    EIP: 0x004361f2 | 0004415986
    DR0: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    DR1: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    DR2: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    DR3: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    DR6: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    DR7: 0x00000000 | 0000000000
    TF0: 0
    TF1: 0
    RST: 0 0 0 504
    SST: 0
    CST: 0
    =================================== Stack ===================================
    0019f97c:  de c2 b7 c6 1c fb 19 00 b8 54 8d 00 ff ff ff ff            T      
    0019f98c:  9c f9 19 00 90 62 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        bC         
    0019f99c:  28 fb 19 00 bc 45 49 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   (    EI         
    0019f9ac:  7a c0 b7 c6 f8 f3 bb 0e 68 28 bc 03 f8 9f b0 00   z       h(      
    0019f9bc:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 3f                 @?
    0019f9cc:  00 00 00 00 00 00 5d 3f 00 00 d8 3d 00 00 00 00         ]?   =    
    0019f9dc:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 d8 f1 ce 0e                   
    0019f9ec:  00 00 00 00 fe ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                   
    0019f9fc:  10 2f 65 0e fa ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 78 cb d6 0e    /e         x   
    0019fa0c:  00 00 00 00 54 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00       T           
    0019fa1c:  00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3f 00 00 80 3f 00 00 00 00          ?   ?    
    0019fa2c:  7e 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00   ~               
    0019fa3c:  e7 ff ff ff 3f 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00       ?           
    0019fa4c:  00 00 00 00 00 00 80 40 00 00 00 44 40 75 c7 00          @   D@u  
    0019fa5c:  7e 02 00 00 7e 01 00 00 7e 01 00 00 00 01 00 00   ~   ~   ~       
    0019fa6c:  bd 02 00 00 80 01 00 00 c0 af c0 fa c0 ce c5 cd                   
    0019fa7c:  c6 e4 c0 cc bd ba 5c 00 5f b9 e8 b0 e6 33 2d 34         \ _    3-4
    0019fa8c:  2e 62 6d 70 00 00 00 00 d0 b2 57 01 02 00 00 00   .bmp      W     
    0019fa9c:  00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00                   
    0019faac:  03 00 00 00 a9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 47 bc 04               `G  
    0019fabc:  01 00 00 00 40 50 3f 69 60 47 bc 04 ec fa 19 00       @P?i`G      
    0019facc:  0a 51 3f 69 94 7b bc 04 b0 6d ed 00 10 00 00 00    Q?i {   m      
    0019fadc:  00 00 00 00 19 51 3f 69 60 47 bc 04 5a 2e b0 16        Q?i`G  Z.  
    0019faec:  00 00 00 00 40 50 3f 69 03 00 00 00 30 fb 19 00       @P?i    0   
    0019fafc:  c2 db 67 69 52 d3 4a 69 6f 36 3f 69 86 2f b0 16     giR Jio6?i /  
    0x00400000   0x00906000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\NeoonRo.exe
    0x77c20000   0x00179000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    0x75190000   0x000f0000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
    0x772d0000   0x00176000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
    0x6fc00000   0x00091000   C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll
    0x69c00000   0x00278000   C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcLayers.DLL
    0x75390000   0x000be000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msvcrt.dll
    0x76bc0000   0x00140000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USER32.dll
    0x770f0000   0x0014d000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GDI32.dll
    0x754d0000   0x013bf000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHELL32.dll
    0x77620000   0x004dd000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\windows.storage.dll
    0x769e0000   0x001ba000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\combase.dll
    0x76930000   0x000ac000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RPCRT4.dll
    0x74d30000   0x0001e000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll
    0x74d20000   0x0000a000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll
    0x74cc0000   0x00059000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcryptPrimitives.dll
    0x75140000   0x00043000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll
    0x75450000   0x0007b000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\advapi32.dll
    0x77090000   0x00044000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\shlwapi.dll
    0x77240000   0x0000c000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll
    0x77560000   0x0008d000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\shcore.dll
    0x76f10000   0x00044000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\powrprof.dll
    0x770e0000   0x0000f000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll
    0x76ff0000   0x00092000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEAUT32.dll
    0x76d00000   0x001a5000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SETUPAPI.dll
    0x76890000   0x00036000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CFGMGR32.dll
    0x69fe0000   0x00017000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MPR.dll
    0x66680000   0x00003000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sfc.dll
    0x74c50000   0x00067000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV
    0x74c20000   0x0001b000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll
    0x70330000   0x0000f000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sfc_os.DLL
    0x6c390000   0x0000e000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SortWindows61.dll
    0x775f0000   0x0002b000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IMM32.DLL
    0x77b00000   0x00120000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSCTF.dll
    0x74d50000   0x0005c000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WS2_32.dll
    0x76ba0000   0x00007000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NSI.dll
    0x5c0f0000   0x006a2000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\gepard.dll
    0x77460000   0x000ea000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ole32.dll
    0x003f0000   0x00007000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\DINPUT.dll
    0x30000000   0x0006d000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\binkw32.dll
    0x69650000   0x000eb000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DDRAW.dll
    0x60000000   0x0005d000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\ijl15.dll
    0x21100000   0x0005d000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\mss32.dll
    0x10000000   0x00015000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\cps.dll
    0x00370000   0x0005d000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\granny2.dll
    0x6ce80000   0x00024000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll
    0x6a330000   0x00069000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\MSVCP100.dll
    0x69060000   0x000bf000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\MSVCR100.dll
    0x6a320000   0x00007000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DCIMAN32.dll
    0x6ceb0000   0x00092000   C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.10240.16384_none_49c02355cf03478c\COMCTL32.dll
    0x74c40000   0x00008000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll
    0x744d0000   0x00224000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll
    0x74400000   0x00030000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL
    0x68f20000   0x0013f000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll
    0x74100000   0x0000f000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll
    0x6ce30000   0x00023000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll
    0x743f0000   0x00008000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL
    0x74bc0000   0x00021000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll
    0x6fca0000   0x00075000   C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll
    0x725f0000   0x00044000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSTA.dll
    0x71e60000   0x00012000   C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll
    0x71e40000   0x00016000   C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
    0x71fd0000   0x00013000   C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll
    0x72c90000   0x0004e000   C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll
    0x74360000   0x00084000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll
    0x71e30000   0x0000b000   C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll
    0x712c0000   0x00046000   C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll
    0x71310000   0x00008000   C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll
    0x26f00000   0x0002a000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\Mp3dec.asi
    0x22600000   0x00016000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\Mssfast.m3d
    0x69b70000   0x00086000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DSOUND.DLL
    0x76f60000   0x00082000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\clbcatq.dll
    0x65b70000   0x00054000   C:\Windows\System32\MMDevApi.dll
    0x69990000   0x00142000   C:\Windows\System32\PROPSYS.dll
    0x6b550000   0x00068000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL
    0x669c0000   0x000c5000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll
    0x6c0c0000   0x00009000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\avrt.dll
    0x6c0a0000   0x0001d000   C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll
    0x5cdb0000   0x00d71000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll
    0x693e0000   0x000df000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\D3DIM700.DLL
    0x72ba0000   0x00014000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL

    any one can help me ?

  4. when i go to login , then select the server , the game shutdown and give me txt file with this : 


    Ragnarok has been crashed!
    UTC Time:       21/06/2016 23:04:43
    Local Time:     22/06/2016 01:04:43
    EXE version:    2013-12-23
    Gepard version: 2.0
    Gepard compilation date: 2016040401
    OS version: Windows 8 Professional 64 bit Build 9200
    0x004361f2 NeoonRo.exe
    0x00436290 NeoonRo.exe
    0x004945bc NeoonRo.exe
    0x005747c5 NeoonRo.exe
    0x0058c046 NeoonRo.exe
    0x00847006 NeoonRo.exe
    0x008bbff9 NeoonRo.exe
    0x008bd1ea NeoonRo.exe
    0x751a3744 KERNEL32.DLL
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    SST: 0
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    0x00400000   0x00906000   D:\User\Prog\Files\Trans\neoon\NeoonRo.exe
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    0x72ba0000   0x00014000   C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL

    any one can help me ?

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