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Everything posted by Zalbahis
Just try commenting the original WoE Controler in scripts_guild.conf.. //npc: npc/guild/agit_controller.txt And then reload.. Hope this works for you
Haha! crap.. Thanks alot yommy .. Giving you a repu..
Hello Hercules!.. So I am having problems regarding with the vending control script of Emistry from rA. Can someone point out me what is the problem with the script.. Btw, I am using the latest Hercules SVN.. Map Server Image Vend Control Script - script Vend Control -1,{OnInit:sleep 1000;// Map for vendingset .map$,"rachel";setcell .map$,0,0,284,365,cell_novending,1;// x and y horizone ..setarray .x_line,142,147,152,157;setarray .y_line,166,170,174,178,182,186,190;set .x_line_size,getarraysize( .x_line );set .y_line_size,getarraysize( .y_line );set .count,1;for( set .@x,0; .@x < .x_line_size; set .@x,.@x + 1 ) for( set .@y,0; .@y < .y_line_size; set .@y,.@y + 1 ) if( checkcell( .map$,.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y],cell_chkpass ) ){ movenpc "#vend_slot"+.count,.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y]; setcell .map$,.x_line[.@x],.y_line[.@y],.x_lin[.@x],.y_line[.@y],cell_novending,0; set .count,.count + 1; }npctalk "Vending Spot : "+.count;donpcevent "::OnSetup";end;}- script vend_slot -1,{getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1 );if( !getskilllv("MC_VENDING") ){ mes "You dont have ^0055FFVending Skill^000000.";}else if( getareausers( .@map$,.@x,.@y,.@x,.@y ) ){ mes "Someone already selected this spot.";}else{ mes "Spot : ^FF0000Available^000000"; mes "^0055FF[ Vending Area Rules ]^000000"; mes "^FF0000~ Use proper Shop Name.^000000"; mes "^FF0000~ Never sell Junk/Gifts.^000000"; mes " "; mes "^777777Player will failed to follow these will be punished.^000000"; if( select( "Select this Spot","Cancel" ) == 1 ){ warp .@map$,.@x,.@y; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); }}close;OnSetup:getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1 );set .@npcname$,strnpcinfo(0);while( 1 ){ if( getareausers( .@map$,.@x,.@y,.@x,.@y ) ){ hideonnpc .@npcname$; }else{ hideoffnpc .@npcname$; // specialeffect 313; } sleep 5000;}end;}// Add more if needed.rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot1 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot2 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot3 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot4 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot5 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot6 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot7 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot8 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot9 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot10 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot11 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot12 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot13 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot14 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot15 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot16 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot17 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot18 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot19 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot20 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot21 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot22 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot23 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot24 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot25 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot26 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot27 858rachel,1,1,4 duplicate(vend_slot) #vend_slot28 858 Thank you in advance and more power to Hercules !
This script is really buggy during the conflict of OnClock.. Example: this npc starts at this time.. OnClock0000: OnClock0010: Rounds: 5 Scenario OnClock0000: The player just answered 1 - 4 round and leaves without finishing the Event will still count on the nxt time the npc trigger.. OnClock0010: Assuming that the previous player has answered 4 rounds and there's a lacking of 1 more round. The NPC Start time still conflicting with the previous Time it starts [ OnClock0000 ].. so OnClock0010 will only do 1 round.. so I would like to ask if there's a way of this script to be at only 15-30mins per Event, so it'll stop from conflicting from the previous Time it start.. Here's the customized script, credits to the creator of this script //===== Hercules Script ======================================//= Disguise Event//===== By: ==================================================//= GmOcean//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 5.1//===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Hercules//===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Note: This script requires PCRE to run properly.//= 5.0 Last update by GmOcean.//= 5.1 Cleaned and standardized, mostly. [Euphy]//============================================================- script Disguise#Announcer -1,{OnInit: disablenpc "disguise#event"; disablenpc "Disguise Event"; end;OnClock0144:OnClock0147: announce "Dice: We are going to have a Dice Event.",0; enablenpc "disguise#event"; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: For those who wants to join, Please proceed to rachel,112,99 and enter the Warp Portal.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: After 1 Minute the Portal will close.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: So please go to rachel,112,99 and enter the Warp Portal now if you want to join.",0; enablenpc "Disguise Event"; donpcevent "Disguise Event::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; end;}gon_test,57,95,4 script Disguise Event 795,{ set .@GMLevel,90; // GM level required to access NPC. set .@n$,"[^0000FFDisguise NPC^000000]"; if (getgmlevel()>=.@GMLevel) { mes .@n$; mes "Select an option."; next; switch(select("Turn ON/OFF Event:Event Settings")) { case 1: mes .@n$; if (.EventON) { mes "The Event is currently: [^0000FFON^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it OFF?"; } else { mes "The Event is currently: [^FF0000OFF^000000]"; mes "Would you like to turn it ON?"; } if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; if (.EventON) { set .EventON,0; set .Timer,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; announce "A GM has decided to turn the Disguise Event off. As a result no further prizes will be given.",bc_map | bc_blue; deletepset 1; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; close; } set .EventON,1; set .Timer,1; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; set .ResetCounter,.ResetCounter+1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue; announce "The Event is being held in Prontera.",bc_all | bc_blue; close; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Pick a setting to modify."; next; switch(select("Monster Display:Number of Rounds:Prize Settings")) { case 1: setarray .@r$[0],"Disguise as all monsters.","Disguise as MVPs only."; mes .@n$; mes "Choose a disguise rule."; next; set .Rule, select(implode(.@r$,":")); mes .@n$; mes "The Disguise Rule has been set:"; mes " > ^0055FF"+.@r$[.Rule-1]+"^000000"; close; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Input the number of rounds you want the event to last."; mes "Current number: [^0000FF"+.Rounds+"^000000]"; next; input .@Rounds; set .Rounds,.@Rounds; mes .@n$; mes "The number of rounds has been changed to "+.Rounds+"."; close; case 3: mes .@n$; mes "Input the Item ID of the prize given each round."; mes "Current item: [^0000FF"+getitemname(.Prize)+"^000000] (ID #"+.Prize+")"; next; input .@Prize; mes .@n$; if (getitemname(.@Prize)=="" || getitemname(.@Prize)=="null") { mes "That item does not exist. Please try again."; close; } set .Prize,.@Prize; mes "Input the amount to be given."; next; input .@amount; mes .@n$; if (.@amount<=0 || .@amount>=10000) { mes "That amount is invalid. Using default ammount of 1."; set .@amount,1; next; mes .@n$; } set .PrizeAmt,.@amount; mes "The Prize has been changed successfully."; mes "Prize: "+.PrizeAmt+"x [^0000FF"+getitemname(.Prize)+"^000000]"; close; } } } if (.EventON) end; mes .@n$; mes "Welcome."; mes "How may I be of assistance?"; if(select("Information:Nothing, just passing through.")==2) close; next; mes .@n$; mes "This event is quite simple."; mes "At the start of the event, I will"; mes "disguise myself as a random"; mes "monster. You have to shout"; mes "that monter's name out loud."; next; mes "If you are correct, you will receive"; mes "a prize. If not, keep trying!"; mes "That's all that there is to this event."; close;OnInit: set .EventON,0; set .Wait,0; set .Winner,0; set .ResetCounter,0; set .Rounds,5; set .Prize,6418; set .PrizeAmt,5; set .Rule,1; setarray .MVP[0],1038,1039,1046,1059,1086,1087,1112,1115,1147,1150,1157,1159,1190,1251,1252,1272,1312,1373, 1389,1399,1418,1492,1502,1511,1583,1623,1630,1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1658,1685,1688, 1708,1719,1734,1751,1768,1779,1785,1802,1832,1871,1874,1885,1917,1980,2022,2068,2087,2131, 2156,2165; set .BlackList$, "1003,1006,1017,1021,1022,1027,1043,1075,1136,1137,1168," + "1171,1172,1173,1181,1187,1210,1217,1218,1222,1223,1224,1225,1226,1227,1228," + "1233,1284,1407,1411,1414,1495,1501,1900,1996,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004," + "2005,2006,2007,2011,2012,2025,2028,2029,2030,2031,2032,2033,2034,2035," + "2036,2037,2038,2039,2040,2041,2042,2043,2044,2045,2046,2047,2048,2049," + "2050,2051,2052,2053,2054,2055,2056,2057,2058,2059,2060,2061,2062,2063," + "2064,2065,2066,2067,2075,2076,2077,2078,2079,2080,2081,2083,2084,2085," + "2086,2087,2088,2089,2090,2091,2092,2093,2094,2095,2096,2097,2098,2099," + "2100,2101,2012,2103,2104,2105,2106,2107,2108,2109,2110,2111,2112,2113," + "2114,2115,2116,2117,2118,2119,2120,2121,2123,2124,2125,1496,"; end;OnEnable: set .ResetCounter,.ResetCounter+1; set .EventON,1; set .Timer,1; set .Wait,1; announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 1 minute.",bc_all | bc_blue; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end;OnTimer10000: if (.Timer || .Change) end; set .Wait,0; goto iDisguise; end;OnTimer30000: if (.Timer) end; set .Change,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; npctalk "You took too long to guess what I was. Please wait 10 seconds while I disguise again."; specialeffect 725; set $MonsterName$,""; deletepset 1; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end;OnTimer30001: if (.Timer!=1) end; announce "Dice: Last 30 seconds.",bc_all | bc_blue; end;OnTimer50000: if (.Timer!=1) end; announce "Dice: Last 10 seconds.",bc_all | bc_blue; end;OnTimer55000: if (.Timer!=1) end; announce "Dice: 5.",bc_all | bc_blue; end;OnTimer56000: announce "Dice: 4.",0; end; OnTimer57000: announce "Dice: 3.",0; end; OnTimer58000: announce "Dice: 2.",0; end; OnTimer59000: announce "Dice: 1.",0; end; OnTimer60000: announce "Dice: Time's up.",0; end; OnTimer61000: disablenpc "disguise#event"; set .Timer,0; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer62000: announce "Dice: Time's up. Portal will open again in 4 hours.",0; end;iDisguise: if (.Rule==1) { set .Winner,0; set .Monster,1000+rand(1,995); if (compare(","+.BlackList$+"," , ","+.Monster+",")) goto iDisguise; if (.Monster==.LastMonster) goto iDisguise; set .LastMonster,.Monster; set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo(.Monster,0); } if (.Rule==2) { set .Winner,0; set .Monster,rand(49); set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo(.MVP[.Monster],0); } deletepset 1; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.s*"+$MonsterName$+".*", "iCorrect"; activatepset 1; if (.Rule==1) setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",.Monster; if (.Rule==2) setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",.MVP[.Monster]; set .Change,1; setnpctimer 0; end;iCorrect: if (.Winner) { dispbottom "Someone has already won this round."; end; } set .Winner,1; set .RoundCount,.RoundCount+1; deletepset 1; activatepset 1; getitem .Prize,.PrizeAmt; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is correct! I was disguised as: "+$MonsterName$+"",bc_map | bc_blue; if (.RoundCount>=.Rounds) { setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set .RoundCount,0; set .Change,0; set .EventON,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; npctalk "Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. Come play again later."; end; } setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set .Change,0; setnpctimer 0; end;}rachel,112,99,0 warp disguise#event 1,1,gon_test,45,86 PS: Sorry for my bad explanation Thanks in advance..
Yeah and double checked it but nothing's really showing.. btw, have you tried it on your emulator?..
Yeah i know that, but its really weird that the map server is not showing any errors, I even type random words just to make make the map server read its errors and still nothing happens .. I also link it to right location and double check it..
Can Someone check this Poring Catcher why it isn't working or readable by Hercules Emulator.. I just dunu why.. and I haven't touch anything to it.. here's the script //=========== PORING CATCHER MADE ==============//=== BY: SHOGS-GFX and RAGNAROK DEVELOPERS ====//= Please Report if you encounter some errors =//===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======//==============================================//==FUNCTIONS===================================/* GM Can start the event manualy GM Can also stop the event manualyHOW: just PM this npc (npc:pcatch)The Next Guide Will Be Given by the Manager *///======= PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CREDITS =========//==============================================//== MORE UPDATES TO COME FOR BETTER FUNCTION ==//===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======//==============================================//====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========- script GMCONTROL -1,{OnInit:set $gmcontrol,60;end;}//---------------END OF SETUP-------------------//================ON WHISPER=========================- script pcatch -1,{//====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========//OnInit://set $gmcontrol,60;//end;//---------------END OF SETUP-------------------OnWhisperGlobal:if(getgmlevel() >= $gmcontrol) {mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Hello GameMaster!";mes "What do you want to do?";switch(select("Start Event:Stop Event:Nothing")){ case 1: { next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Please confirm by typing START."; input .@confirm$; if (.@confirm$ == "START") { donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStart"; close; } mes "Confirmation failed"; close; break; } case 2: { next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Please confirm by typing STOP."; input .@confirm$; if (.@confirm$ == "STOP") { donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStop"; close; } mes "Confirmation failed"; close; break; } case 3: { next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000"; mes "Good bye"; close; }}}}//====================ANNOUNCER======================- script Announcer2 -1,{OnGMStart: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; announce "(Poring Manager) : A Gamemaster started a Poring Catcher Event now.",0; sleep 3000; announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0; enablenpc "PoringCatcher"; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0; sleep 60000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) { disablenpc "Poring Banker"; announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because there's no players.",0; end; } donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable"; end;OnGMStop: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; announce "A Gamemaster has stopped the Poring Catcher Event",0; mapwarp "poring_w01.gat","prontera.gat",155,173; disablenpc "Poring Banker"; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; end;OnClock1200:OnClock1100:OnClock1300:OnClock2300: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; announce "(Poring Manager) : Poring Catcher Event will start at the moment.",0; sleep 3000; announce "(Poring Manager) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera, enter the warp portal.",0; enablenpc "PoringCatcher"; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : Prize: will be TCG and Gold Coins",0; sleep 2000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal is going to close in one minute.",0; sleep 60000; announce "(Poring Manager) : The portal has been closed.",0; disablenpc "PoringCatcher"; if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) { disablenpc "Poring Banker"; announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because no players found in map.",0; end; } donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable"; end;OnInit: disablenpc "Poring Banker"; disablenpc "PoringCatcher";}//---------All Job Registration----------------------------------------prontera,155,173,0 warp PoringCatcher 2,2,poring_w01,105,128//---------------------------------------------------------------------//---------------------------------------------------------------------- script Poring Banker -1,{OnEnable:mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: The Poring Catcher Event will start shortly",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: I will be summoning 100 porings with different names kill the real poring",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Catch some Porings!!...",0;sleep2 10000;goto L_Start;end;L_Start: if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_None; if(getmapusers("poring_w01") >= 1) { mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0; sleep2 6000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 5",0; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 4",0; sleep2 4000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 3",0; sleep2 3000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 2",0; sleep2 2000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Manager: 1",0; donpcevent "Poringsummoner::OnSummon"; end; } L_None: disablenpc "Poring Banker"; killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; end;}//==================SUMMONER OF PORINGS ======================- script Poringsummoner -1,{OnSummon: if(getmapusers("poring_w01") == 0) goto L_2None; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1002,1,"poringwin::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Pouring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Proing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poirng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"I'm not a Poring",1002,5,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Gnirop",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1113,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1062,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Por|ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Por1ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Porong",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"P0ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"P@ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; monster "poring_w01.gat",0,0,"Porng",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";end;L_2None:disablenpc "Poring Banker";killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All";end;}//==================REAL PORING FOR WIN======================- script poringwin -1,{OnMobKilled: killmonster "poring_w01.gat","All"; atcommand "@doommap"; getitem 7227,1; getitem 671, 10; announce "Poring Banker: We have a winner! well done " + strcharinfo(0) + ".",0; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end;}//==================DUMY PORINGS FOR LOSERS======================- script poringlose -1,{OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Your out of the game, You did not catch the right Poring !"; percentheal -99,-99; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end;}//==================Mapflags========================poring_w01 mapflag nowarpporing_w01 mapflag nowarptoporing_w01 mapflag noteleportporing_w01 mapflag nosaveporing_w01 mapflag nomemoporing_w01 mapflag nobranchporing_w01 mapflag nolootporing_w01 mapflag noskillporing_w01 mapflag nopenalty I also tested it on the past Hercules Emulator and still has the problem @_@..
Thanks guys!, it's fully working now ..
I'm requesting for a MVP Hunting Points.. Every MVP gives points to its killer depending on the MVP difficulty.. Example: Phreeoni = 1 Point Baphomet = 2 Points Thanatos = 5 Points etc.... I hope that, it explains well.. Thank you in advance and more power to Hercules Devs. PS: Or just 1 Point per MVP kill if you don't have the script above ..
Can Anyone take a look of this, is there a way for this to be, Auto Team Balance upon Joining BG?.. or in Registration?.. Here's the script.. Originally from eAthena and seem to work on Hercules.. Original Script.. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=255789 My Current Script, this is on Team Deathmatch Battleground.. // ==============================================================================// BattleGround System - Flavius TD - Flavius Team Deathmatch// ==============================================================================// By Suke / s4zuk3// ==============================================================================// Registration NPC's// *********************************************************************jupe_ele,39,57,4 script Registration::Fl1R_Guillaume 418,{ end;OnInit: waitingroom "Team Battle",4,"Flavius_BG1::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; end;OnEnterBG: set $@FlaviusBG1_id1, waitingroom2bg("bat_b01",390,10,"Flavius_BG1::OnGuillaumeQuit",""); end;}jupe_ele,46,57,4 script Registration::Fl1R_Croix 414,{ end;OnInit: waitingroom "Team Battle",4,"Flavius_BG1::OnCroixJoin",1; end;OnEnterBG: set $@FlaviusBG1_id2, waitingroom2bg("bat_b01",10,290,"Flavius_BG1::OnCroixQuit",""); end;}// Battleground Engine// *********************************************************************- script Flavius_BG1 -1,{ end;OnInit: disablenpc "Guillaume Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Croix Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl11"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl12"; end;OnGuillaumeQuit:OnCroixQuit: if($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) {end;} if(Bat_Team == 2) { for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_red$); set .@i,.@i+1){ if($@bg_red$[.@i] == strcharinfo(0)) {break;} } deletearray $@bg_red$[.@i],1; set $@td_a,$@td_a-1; end; } else if(Bat_Team == 1) { for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_blue$); set .@i,.@i+1){ if($@bg_blue$[.@i] == strcharinfo(0)) {break;} } deletearray $@bg_blue$[.@i],1; set $@td_b,$@td_b-1; end; } else { end; } end; OnGuillaumeJoin:OnCroixJoin: if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 1 ){ if( $@Guill < 30 && $@Croi < 30){ set .@Guillaume, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Fl1R_Guillaume"); set .@Croix, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Fl1R_Croix"); if (.@Guillaume!=0 && .@Croix!=0){ set $@Guill, ($@Guill + 1); set $@Croi, ($@Croi + 1); waitingroom2bg_single($@FlaviusBG1_id1,"bat_b01",311,224,"Fl1R_Guillaume"); waitingroom2bg_single($@FlaviusBG1_id2,"bat_b01",87,75,"Fl1R_Croix"); mapannounce "jupe_ele","Battleground -- Team Deathmatch [80-99] G: " + $@Guill + "/30, C: " + $@Croi + "/30 in Progress!!",1,0x006400; end; } } } if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 0 ){ donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnReadyCheck"; end; }OnReadyCheck: if( $@FlaviusBG1 ) end; set .@Guillaume, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Fl1R_Guillaume"); set .@Croix, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Fl1R_Croix"); if( .@Guillaume < 3 || .@Croix < 3 ){ if( .@Guillaume >=4 && .@Croix >=4 && !agitcheck() && $@FLTD_Flood < gettimetick(2) ) { announce "Battleground -- Team Deathmatch [ B ]: " + .@Guillaume + "/3, [ R ]: " + .@Croix + "/3",bc_all,0x006400; set $@FLTD_Flood, gettimetick(2) + 15; end; } mapannounce "jupe_ele","Battleground -- Team Deathmatch [ B ]: " + .@Guillaume + "/3, [ R ]: " + .@Croix + "/3",1,0x006400; end; } // // BG Variables set $@FlaviusBG1, 1; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 0; set .Guillaume_Score, 1; set .Croix_Score, 1; // Prepare NPC donpcevent "#gfl1_respawn::OnBGStart"; donpcevent "#cfl1_respawn::OnBGStart"; enablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl11"; enablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl12"; disablenpc "Guillaume Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Croix Vintenar#fl1"; // Build and Warp Teams donpcevent "Fl1R_Guillaume::OnEnterBG"; donpcevent "Fl1R_Croix::OnEnterBG"; // Vamos contando :3 set $@Guill, 10; set $@Croi, 10; announce "Battleground -- Team Deathmatch has started!",0,0x006400; initnpctimer; // Death!!OnRoundStart: if( $@FlaviusBG1 != 1 ) end; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; areapercentheal "bat_b01",382,2,397,17,100,100; areapercentheal "bat_b01",2,282,17,297,100,100; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id1,"bat_b01",311,224; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id2,"bat_b01",87,75; sleep 2000; if( $@FlaviusBG1 != 1 ) end; mapannounce "bat_b01","Team Deathmatch has begun!!",1,0x006400; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; end;OnPCDieEvent: if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 1 ) { getmapxy (mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0,strcharinfo(0)); if ( mapname$ != "bat_b01") end; if( Bat_Team == 1) { set .Croix_Score, .Croix_Score -1; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; if (.Croix_Score < 1) donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnCroixTDWin"; end; } if ( Bat_Team == 2) { set .Guillaume_Score, .Guillaume_Score -1; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; if (.Guillaume_Score < 1) donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnGuillaumeTDWin"; end; } }end;OnGuillaumeTDWin: set $@FlaviusBG1, 2; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 1; mapannounce "bat_b01","The Blue Team has won the Team Deathmatch",1,0x0000FF; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnMatchEnd"; end; OnCroixTDWin: set $@FlaviusBG1, 2; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 2; mapannounce "bat_b01","The Red Team has won the Team Deathmatch",1,0xFF0000; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnMatchEnd"; end; OnTimer900000: if ($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) end; mapannounce "bat_b01","Team Deathmatch will ends in 5 minutes",1,0x006400; end;OnTimer1140000: if ($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) end; mapannounce "bat_b01","Team Deathmatch will ends in 1 minute",1,0x006400; end;OnTimer1200000: if ($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) end; if( .Croix_Score > .Guillaume_Score ) { mapannounce "bat_b01","The Croix army has won the Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch!",1,0xFF0000; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnCroixTDWin"; } else if( .Croix_Score < .Guillaume_Score ) { mapannounce "bat_b01","The Guillaume army has won the Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch!",1,0x0000FF; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnGuillaumeTDWin"; } else { mapannounce "bat_b01","The Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch is over. The time is out, this is a Tie",1,0x006400; set $@FlaviusBG1, 2; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 3; stopnpctimer; sleep 2000; } OnMatchEnd: donpcevent "#gfl1_respawn::OnBGStop"; donpcevent "#cfl1_respawn::OnBGStop"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl11"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl12"; enablenpc "Guillaume Vintenar#fl1"; enablenpc "Croix Vintenar#fl1"; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id1,"bat_b01",390,10; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG1_id2,"bat_b01",10,290; deletearray $@bg_red$; deletearray $@bg_blue$; set $@td_a,0; set $@td_b,0; sleep 3000; mapannounce "bat_b01","Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch will close in 1 minute!",1,0x006400; initnpctimer; end;OnTimer30000: if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 2 ) mapannounce "bat_b01","Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch will close in 30 seconds!",1,0x006400; end;OnTimer50000: if( $@FlaviusBG1 == 2 ) mapannounce "bat_b01","Battle of Flavius Team Deathmatch will close in 10 seconds!",1,0x006400; end;OnTimer60000: if( $@FlaviusBG1 != 2 ) end;OnReset: stopnpctimer; set .Guillaume_Score, 99; set .Croix_Score, 99; set $@FlaviusBG1_Victory, 0; // NPC's disablenpc "Guillaume Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Croix Vintenar#fl1"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl11"; disablenpc "Therapist in battle#fl12"; if( $@FlaviusBG1_id1 ) { bg_destroy $@FlaviusBG1_id1; set $@FlaviusBG1_id1, 0; } if( $@FlaviusBG1_id2 ) { bg_destroy $@FlaviusBG1_id2; set $@FlaviusBG1_id2, 0; } sleep 1000; mapwarp "bat_b01","bat_room",155,150; sleep 2000; bg_updatescore "bat_b01",.Guillaume_Score,.Croix_Score; set $@FlaviusBG1, 0; donpcevent "Flavius_BG1::OnReadyCheck"; end;}// View oponentes en el mapa <3- script viewtd -,{end;OnPCLoadMapEvent: if($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) {end;} if(Bat_Team == 2) { getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0); while(.@MAPNAME$ == "bat_b01"){ if($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) {end;} getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0); if(.@MAPNAME$ != "bat_b01") { end;} for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_red$); set .@i,.@i+1){ if($@bg_red$[.@i] == strcharinfo(0)) { set .@ontd,1; break;} } if(.@ontd != 1) { setarray $@bg_red$[$@td_a],strcharinfo(0); set $@td_a,$@td_a+1; } set .@j,0; for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_blue$); set .@i,.@i+1){ set .@j,.@j+1; getmapxy(.mapES$, .xI, .yI,0,$@bg_blue$[.@i]); viewpoint 1,.xI,.yI,.@j,0x0000ff; } // cierre for sleep2 1000; } // cierre while } else if(Bat_Team == 1) { getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0); while(.@MAPNAME$ == "bat_b01"){ if($@FlaviusBG1 != 1) {end;} getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0); if(.@MAPNAME$ != "bat_b01") { end;} for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_blue$); set .@i,.@i+1){ if($@bg_blue$[.@i] == strcharinfo(0)) { set .@ontd,1; break;} } if(.@ontd != 1) { setarray $@bg_blue$[$@td_b],strcharinfo(0); set $@td_b,$@td_b+1; } set .@j,0; for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($@bg_red$); set .@i,.@i+1){ set .@j,.@j+1; getmapxy(.mapES$, .xE, .yE,0,$@bg_red$[.@i]); viewpoint 1,.xE,.yE,.@j,0xff0000; } // cierre for sleep2 1000; } // cierre while } else { end; } }// Battleground rewards// *********************************************************************bat_b01,390,13,5 script Guillaume Vintenar#fl1 419,{ if( $@FlaviusBG1_Victory ) { if( $@FlaviusBG1_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Blessed Guillaume!!"; mes "Let's enjoy our glorious victory!"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ", its a sign reflecting victory"; close2; set .@Reward,18; } else { // Derrota mes "[Swandery]"; mes "You lost, but you're dedicated to this battle."; mes "This is a reward for your great dedication by Guillaume Marollo!"; mes "Just take this defeat a lesson, and later you would definitely learn."; close2; set .@Reward,6; } set Flavius_BG_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 300; //setquest 2070; getitem 7829, .@Reward; set .@ontd,0; bg_leave; warp "bat_room",155,150; end; } end;}bat_b01,10,293,5 script Croix Vintenar#fl1 415,{ if( $@FlaviusBG1_Victory ) { if( $@FlaviusBG1_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Blessed Croax!!"; mes "Let's enjoy our glorious victory!"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ", its a sign reflecting victory"; close2; set .@Reward, 18; } else { // Derrota mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Oh, " + strcharinfo(0) + ". Don't be sad."; mes "Even though we didn't win, we did our best."; mes "This is a Royal gift from Croix, and please don't forget this battle. We can win the next."; close2; set .@Reward, 6; } set Flavius_BG_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 300; //setquest 2070; getitem 7829, .@Reward; set .@ontd,0; bg_leave; warp "bat_room",155,150; end; } end;}// Battleground Therapist// *********************************************************************bat_b01,390,13,5 script Therapist in battle#fl12 95,{ OnHeal: if((@h_last) && (getnpctimer(1))) end; set @h_last,1; percentheal 100,100; repair 1101; skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,5; skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,5; dispbottom "HP/SP fully restored."; if(!getnpctimer(1)){setnpctimer 0; attachnpctimer(strcharinfo(1)); startnpctimer;} while(getbrokenid(1)){ repair(1);{ set .@i, .@i +1; } if (.@i) dispbottom .@i + " Item(s) Repaired.";} end; OnTimer5000: set @h_last,0; stopnpctimer; end; OnInit: defpattern 1, "heal","OnHeal"; activatepset 1; end;}bat_b01,10,293,5 script Therapist in battle#fl11 95,{ OnHeal: if((@h_last) && (getnpctimer(1))) end; set @h_last,1; percentheal 100,100; repair 1101; skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,5; skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,5; dispbottom "HP/SP fully restored."; if(!getnpctimer(1)){setnpctimer 0; attachnpctimer(strcharinfo(0)); startnpctimer;} while(getbrokenid(1)){ repair(1);{ set .@i, .@i +1; } if (.@i) dispbottom .@i + " Item(s) Repaired.";} end; OnTimer5000: set @h_last,0; stopnpctimer; end; OnInit: defpattern 1, "heal","OnHeal"; activatepset 1; end;}// Battleground Respawn and Regroup// *********************************************************************bat_b01,390,10,0 script #gfl1_respawn 139,{ end;OnBGStart: initnpctimer; end;OnBGStop: stopnpctimer; end;OnTimer9000: misceffect 83; end;OnTimer10000: areapercentheal "bat_b01",382,2,397,17,100,100; set .@mapx,rand(309,327); set .@mapy,rand(141,159); areawarp "bat_b01",382,2,397,17,"bat_b01",.@mapx,.@mapy; initnpctimer; end;}bat_b01,10,290,0 script #cfl1_respawn 139,{ end;OnBGStart: initnpctimer; end;OnBGStop: stopnpctimer; end;OnTimer9000: misceffect 83; end;OnTimer10000: areapercentheal "bat_b01",2,282,17,297,100,100; set .@mapx,rand(72,91); set .@mapy,rand(141,159); areawarp "bat_b01",2,282,17,297,"bat_b01",.@mapx,.@mapy; initnpctimer; end;}// MapFlags// *********************************************************************bat_b01 mapflag battleground 2bat_b01 mapflag nomemobat_b01 mapflag nosave SavePointbat_b01 mapflag noteleportbat_b01 mapflag nowarpbat_b01 mapflag nowarptobat_b01 mapflag noreturnbat_b01 mapflag nobranchbat_b01 mapflag nopenaltybat_b01 mapflag loadevent// *********************************************************************** Thank you in advance <3 Kindly Move this Post, I accidentally posted it here, and it supposed to be on "Script Support Section" Thanks..
I manually patch this and it's now working 100%, thanks quesoph..
@Greek Yeah!, like that one indeedy!.. @quesoph. I'll try this one.. hope it'll work.. I'll give any feedback after the test.. @neqste.. That would be awesome if it'll be on HPM but.. I'm having problems on making it work with the other Plugins.. @jaBote.. I'll already tested the first method you posted but it won't work.. I dunu why..
Can someone make a Hercules of this @go Delay when hit?.. this is from rAthena so it would be useful to everyone using Hercules if there's a version of this here.. Original Topic on there rA Wiki.. http://rathena.org/wiki/@go_delay_when_hit Thank you in advance Cheers!
Yeah it was on the 4th slot on the Equipment after the Enchantment, I just didn't get your idumitemtable thing.. is that the thing I will going to mess with?..
I would like to ask, if this is a Data modification or something and where could i possibly mess with it.. Here's an Example of the Colored Equipment after the Enchantment through NPC.. And also for the other Equips was Enchanted.. Thank you in advance.. Note: Kindly Move this topic to Client side Support, or to Graphic Section.. I mistakenly posted it.. </3...
This is great!.. <3
Thank you for the reply bro, it help me a lot !
I can find the script isn't well tabbed, or I think there's a syntax problem It gives me lot of errors.. Edit: I did change the tabs and get working on from upto +7 but how do you check the refine success chance anyway?..
Can someone customized this script.. just like HD Elu 100% refine chance from +1 to +7 and down to 60, 40, 30 for going to +10.. & for HD Ori 100% refine chance same from +1 to +7 and down to 50, 40, 30 for going to +10.. Here's the Original Script of Euphy.. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= HD Refiners//===== By: ==================================================//= Euphy//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 1.0//===== Compatible With: =====================================//= rAthena SVN//===== Description: =========================================//= [Official Conversion]//= Refiners that use HD ores to refine equipment. Upon//= failure, the equipment is not destroyed; rather, its//= refine level decreases by 1. The success rate is identical//= to that for Enriched ores.//= - "Blacksmith Mighty Hammer" only refines from +7~9.//= - "Basta" only refines from +10 and up.//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= 1.0 First version. [Euphy]//============================================================// Blacksmith Mighty Hammer (+7~9)//============================================================- script ::MightyHammer -1,{ disable_items; mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "Unlike others, I am a blacksmith who refines a very limited number of items."; mes "I refine only items that are ^CC0000+7 to +9^000000."; next; mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "My specialty is that even if my refining fails, the refine level decreases by 1 without losing the gear. Isn't it great?"; next; mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "So lets kick this into overdrive, what d' ya say? What item do you want to refine?"; next; setarray .@position$[1],"Head","Body","Left Hand","Right Hand","Robe","Shoes","Accessory 1","Accessory 2","Head 2","Head 3"; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,1; .@i<=10; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+((getequipisequiped(.@i))?getequipname(.@i):.@position$[.@i]+"-[Not equipped]")+":"; set .@part, select(.@menu$); if (!getequipisequiped(.@part)) { mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; switch(.@part) { case 1: mes "I'm a blacksmith, not a hairstylist."; break; case 2: mes "With my hammer, I will make you a star of the sky."; break; case 3: case 4: mes "Making artificial hands is not my specialty."; break; case 5: mes "Bring out the item so I can refine it!"; break; case 6: mes "Where is this foot odor coming from?"; break; case 7: case 8: mes "Where is the accessory?"; break; case 9: mes "What do you want me to refine?"; break; case 10: mes "Huh? What do you want me to do?"; break; } close; } if (!getequipisenableref(.@part)) { mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "This item can't be refined."; close; } if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) < 7 || getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) > 9) { mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "I only handle items with refine levels from +7 to +9."; close; } switch(getequipweaponlv(.@part)) { default: case 0: set .@price,20000; set .@material,6241; //HD_Elunium break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: set .@price,20000; set .@material,6240; //HD_Oridecon break; } mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "In order to refine the gear you selected you need ^ff9999"+getitemname(.@material)+"^000000 and 20,000 zeny as a fee."; mes "Do you have them ready?"; next; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "I will wait until you are ready."; close; } if (getequippercentrefinery(.@part) < 100) { mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "It looks like this item will likely fail to be refined."; mes "Well, even if it fails, it only decreases by 1 refine level."; mes "Would you like to continue refining?"; next; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "Only those who overcome fear of failure will obtain a masterpiece."; close; } } if (countitem(.@material) == 0 || Zeny < .@price) { mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "Didn't you just say you had everything ready?"; close; } delitem .@material,1; set Zeny, Zeny-.@price; mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "Tac! Tac! Tac!"; if (getequippercentrefinery(.@part) > rand(100) || getequippercentrefinery(.@part) > rand(100)) { successrefitem .@part; next; emotion e_no1; mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "The sound refreshes my mind everytime I hear it."; mes "Here, have it. Refine succeeded flawlessly!"; close; } downrefitem .@part; next; emotion e_omg; mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "Oops!!"; next; mes "[Blacksmith Mighty Hammer]"; mes "I am sure a person like you would never blame me for a decrease in refine level by 1. Hmm."; close;}prt_in,59,54,3 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#prt 826morocc_in,65,30,3 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#morocc 826payon,148,176,3 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#pay 826alberta_in,16,56,3 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#alb 826yuno_in01,171,18,3 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#yuno 826ein_in01,22,82,3 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#ein 826lhz_in02,280,19,3 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#lhz 826// iRO NPC locations:// moc_para01,38,185,4 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#ed 826// payon,174,133,4 duplicate(MightyHammer) Mighty Hammer#im 826 I really appreciate your help!, Thanks in Advance..
you are naughty bro Lol, not soo.. xD
Working fine now.. I did to remake again Thanks guys <3
I haven't any problems at the Emulator, But the Npc says I have an Error with an Invalid Menu Selection.. well here's the script.. // Settings :// - Only required to edit the ShopSetting() Function// Notes : You may also add / remove Menu ( If any ) // - Shop Currency can be either ItemID or Variable Name, but must write within Quotation Marks ( "" )// Ex. of Variable. -> Zeny , #CASHPOINTS , #KAFRAPOINTS , CustomVariable , #CustomVariable// - ERROR Message are used to show Invalid Settings in your NPC.// Leave this alone...- shop Emistry_Shop -1,512:100pvp_y_3-3,171,314,4 script Weapons 513,{function ShopSettings;function ValidateCost;function CurrencyInfo;function ClearData;function ValueConvert;function ErrorNotice;mes "Hello and Good Day to you!, I have the finest Weapons";mes "In town Take a Look and I'm sure you'll gotta love it";next;// Menu Selectionselect("1 & 2 Handed Swords","Axe & Daggers","Mace & Knux");ClearData();ShopSettings( @menu );npcshopitem "Emistry_Shop",512,100;npcshopdelitem "Emistry_Shop",512;for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set .@i,.@i+1) npcshopadditem "Emistry_Shop",@ItemLists[.@i],@ItemCost[.@i];mes "Okay.. These are all I have in Stock";callshop "Emistry_Shop",1;npcshopattach "Emistry_Shop";end;function ShopSettings { switch( getarg(0) ){ Case 1: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"zeny"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],1108,1117,1124,1130,1120,1149,1155,1158,1163,1164,1165; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],2500,3000,10000,12000,50000,70000,22500,60000,74000,90000,12000; break; Case 2: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"zeny"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],1302; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],10000; break; Case 3: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"zeny"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],2306,2302,2303,2304,2305,2301; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],20,22,34,445,52,641; break; // Case 4,5,6.....etc... default: ErrorNotice( "Invalid Menu Selection for Menu "+@menu+"." ); close; } if( @Currency$ == "" ) ErrorNotice( "Invalid Currency Setting in Menu "+@menu+" ." );if( getarraysize( @ItemCost ) != getarraysize( @ItemLists ) || getarraysize( @ItemLists ) != getarraysize( @ItemCost ) ) ErrorNotice( "Missing or Extra Value of Item or Cost Settings in Menu "+@menu+" ." );return;}function ErrorNotice { mes "^FF0000ERROR^000000 - "+getarg(0); mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; mes "Inform this Message to ^0000FFGame Staffs^000000 immediately !"; close;}function CurrencyInfo { if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){ mes "Item Currency : ^FF0000"+getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000"; mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) )+"^000000"; }else if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) == "null" ){ mes "Variable Currency : ^FF0000"+getarg(0)+"^000000"; mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( getd( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000"; }return;}function ValidateCost { if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){ if( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1; }else{ if( getd( getarg(0) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1; }return 0;}function ClearData { set @Currency$,""; set @TotalCost,0; deletearray @bought_nameid[0],getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); deletearray @bought_quantity[0],getarraysize( @bought_quantity ); deletearray @ItemLists[0],getarraysize( @ItemLists ); deletearray @ItemCost[0],getarraysize( @ItemCost );return;}function ValueConvert { set .@num, atoi(""+getarg(0)); if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0); set .@l, getstrlen(""+.@num); for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$; if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$; } return .@num$;}OnBuyItem: ShopSettings( @menu ); for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1) for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set @j,@j+1) if( @ItemLists[@j] == @bought_nameid[@i] ) set @TotalCost,@TotalCost + ( @ItemCost[@j] * @bought_quantity[@i] ); mes "[ Jimboy ]"; mes "^FF0000 BILLING LIST^000000"; mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; for( set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1 ) mes "^FF0000"+@bought_quantity[@i]+" x ^0000FF"+getitemname( @bought_nameid[@i] )+"^000000"; mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) mes "Total Cost : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" x "+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+"^000000"; else if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) == "null" ){ mes "Total Cost : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" "+@Currency$+"^000000"; } mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; if( ValidateCost( @Currency$,@TotalCost ) ){ if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) mes "[ ^FF0000X^000000 ] Insufficient ^0000FF"+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+"^000000"; else{ mes "[ ^FF0000X^000000 ] Insufficient ^0000FF"+@Currency$+"^000000"; } }else{ if( select( "^0000FFPurchase^000000:Cancel" ) == 1 ){ if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) delitem atoi( @Currency$ ),@TotalCost; else{ set getd( @Currency$ ),getd( @Currency$ ) - @TotalCost; } for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1) getitem @bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i]; message strcharinfo(0),"Purchased "+getarraysize( @bought_nameid )+" Items."; mes "Thank you for shopping."; } }ClearData();close;}
I would to request, a Currency shop for Zeny, Cash points and Items thanks , cause Sir Emistry Script won't work on Hercules.. Thanks in Advance and More Power.. Cheers!