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    hsombini reacted to Mystery in Ragnarok Renders   
    Ragnarok Renders 
    What is a render?
    A render is basically an image where an object in the image has a transparent background. Think of transparency as something invisible. In this case the object(s) are monsters, characters, items, etc.

    How do I make a render?
    Well there are several ways, my easy solution is just to use the magic eraser tool in Photoshop CS5. You use that and click the background, the more solid the outline of the object the easier it is to render. Some objects you may have to trace the lines so that way the eraser doesn't erase a part of the image its not supposed to. This takes much trial and error, and don't worry, as long as you don't mess up on the tracing, you can't tell its been traced.

    What does the packages contain?
    NPC cutins, official wallpapers, and fankit images. There are also login screens that have been put together, as well as loading screens. It will also have all the original images for people who want to help out or just to see what the render came from; however, wallpapers are not included because it makes the package too large.

    What format are the images in?
    The images are saved in .PNG format.
    Disclaimer: Not every file is in .png format (Renders Package).

    Renders Package (Renders [10-2-2010])
    https://github.com/Mysteries/Mysterious-Project/tree/master/Graphics/Renders [10-2-2010]
    Updated: Added blank card templates, as well as blank flags.

    Card Images
    https://github.com/Mysteries/Mysterious-Project/tree/master/Graphics/Card Images
    Comment: I don't know if this will be useful to anyone, but I figured why not. From the data.grf.

    NPC Cutins
    https://github.com/Mysteries/Mysterious-Project/tree/master/Graphics/NPC Cutins
    Info: The NPC images without a transparent background. Also from the data.grf.

    jRO NPC Cutins (2012)
    http://mysterious-project.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Renders/jRO Cutins.rar
    Info: Thanks to Bahamut for supplying them. I made them into Renders.
    Rebellion (Friday October 18th 2013)
    Info: Trying to find some Rebellion images… in this folder there will be a mix of .jpgs and .pngs
    Kagerou & Oboro (Friday October 18th 2013)
    Info: Trying to find some Oboro & Kagerou images

    February 1st 2014 Update~ 
    Did some drastic changes with my Graphic folder that houses render images:
    - Reorganized my folders
    - Renamed a bunch of files
    - Fixed Oboro and Kagerou to proper .png formats (Renders)
    - Added a new folder ‘February2014_Renders’ with additional renders I am currently working on
    - Updated Kagerou and Oboro Renders
    Commit link
    Sadly, the changes I've done were long for GitHub and won't display the diff.
  2. Upvote
    hsombini reacted to Ind in N> Help Testing New Instances   
    We heard you, and we're very close to releasing it, while the adjustments were few I'd like to have it properly tested just to be sure we didn't miss anything.

    Please post in this thread for any issues you encounter, I'll be committing it into the repository once we deem it to be all green.
  3. Upvote
    hsombini reacted to malufett in Monster Transform Update   
    Monster Transform Update

    What is it?
    A new feature when in you can transform your characters into monsters and you can still use all your skills like a normal character do. The Transformation Scroll is consumable for 20 mins. Can only be removed when your killed or if you die. What are those?
    Deviruchi Scroll: Increase ASPD +1, HIT + 5 during transformed as Deviruchi. Raydric Archer Scroll: Increase attack 25% by using bow. Mavka Scroll: Increase attack 25% by using bow. Marduk Scroll: Increase magical attack 25%. Banshee Scroll: Increase magical attack 25%. Poring Scroll: Increase critical damage 25% during transformed as Poring Golem Scroll: Increase  resistance of non property 2% and activate Endure 5Lv by certain chance when gets physical attack. Changes:You can customize your transformation by using 'montransformation' script command and add specific status effect. ex. montransform <monster name>, <duration>, <sc type>, <val1>, <val2>, <val3>, <val4> This feature can be disabled in GvG by switching its config in 'confbattlemisc.conf' // Is monster transformation disabled during Guild Wars? // If set to yes, monster transforming is automatically removed/disabled when entering castles during WoE times mon_trans_disable_in_gvg: no 
    Special Thanks:Beret Kyeme Super Awesome Yommy Link/s:commit Screenshot/s:

  4. Upvote
    hsombini reacted to Ind in HPM Hooking Now Available!   
    Hercules Plugin Manager: Hooking
    Hello~! What?!
    In March 1st we started the Hercules Renewal Phase One, in order to prepare Hercules for this update, and now 7 months later it's fully complete, we've gone all over the map-server's code, taken hundreds of notes, modified thousands of lines, and have greatly improved our knowledge, making it very much worth the effort. HPM Hooking
    Zero Processing OverheadNormally programs that avail hooking end up paying a price for it, processing-time-wise, HPM Design frees Hercules from that toll -- absolutely no processing overhead to functions not being hooked to. Smart, Flexible Design Hooks receive all function params as pointers, whereas the original is int pc_dropitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n,int amount)the one for the hook shall be (struct map_session_data *sd,int *n,int *amount)which allows for hooks to modify any and all data as it pleases.
    postHooks receive one additional param, which accounts for the result of the original function, int <name>(int retVal, struct map_session_data *sd,int *n,int *amount)In this case it'd allow for the postHook to react properly to what the original returned, in this case (for pc_dropitem) 0 (failure) or 1 (success) Hooking is a simple operation, it is possible to hook an infinite number of times to the over 2k hookable functions (all the interfaced ones, accounting for over 99% of map server) HPExport void plugin_init (void) {     addHookPre("pc->dropitem",my_pc_dropitem_preHook);  /* int my_pc_dropitem_preHook(struct map_session_data *sd,int *n,int *amount) */     addHookPost("pc->dropitem",my_pc_dropitem_postHook);/* int my_pc_dropitem_postHook(int retVal, struct map_session_data *sd,int *n,int *amount) */ } DocumentationThe sample plugin has already been updated to demonstrate hooking, the documentation present in the wiki will be updated shortly. Hercules-Hooks Updates This covers how we'll maintain the hookable points up to date with the game server's code The cache that boosts the hooks -- Made Possible Thanks to Haruna! -- is maintained by an application, for a couple days it will remain like that so we can keep an eye on it and debug as we go, once we're confident with it we'll enable its standalone mode, which will make the process automatic (without the need for developers to proofread and approve) and able to follow up on any new commits within seconds of it landing on the repository. Also in
    Haruna has redesigned the Makefile for plugins, so those of you not using windows will need to re-enter your plugins in it (its much easier now, Haruna provided a very straight-forward documentation in the file) Pre-existing plugins will need to be recompiled, given the chances in the Hercules Plugin Manager, attempting to load any not-recompiled plugin will lead to it not being loaded (and a warning in console will be displayed) Design by
    Haruna, Xgear, Gepard and Ind Special Thanks to
    Hercules Team, Contributors, for all have contributed to us getting here, Thank you all very much! Takkun for the MSVC-2012 project files Haruna for the MSVC-2010 project files Link~u!
    Commit And - On the Horizon
    Script Engine UpdatesThose of you who lurk our page on github probably have already noticed some stuff from it, we'll soon be resuming, for those of you not familiar with it: Many syntax additions and improvements (Thanks to Haruna!) Limitless array support, improvements to array storage and processing Support for Char and Account variable arrays (and no more limit on amount of char/acc vars), improvements to processing and storage of char/acc variables. Catching UpWe hear you, we're lagging on staying up to date with the releases of other projects, we'll be prioritising towards catching up with them. Hercules Stress Test ServerI'll be delaying the release of our Stress Test Server, while it is now viable thanks to hooking, I'd like to prioritise catching up with other releases
  5. Upvote
    hsombini reacted to icabit in Self Map Announce   
    i saw this post on rathena http://rathena.org/b...-self-announce/
    i wonder why no one every released one
    I was bored and i was thinking of making something
    so i remembered that eamod has this feature
    so i made one for us 
    i don't know how eamod did it but i just do it via script 
    i know theres like 123123 maps out there
    but it was easy to get them all to work once you know a little bit of programming LOL
    it will announce to yourself where you are currently
    this will announce the map listed on mapindex in data folder 
    so it wont announce something like iz_dun01
    it will announce it as undersea tunnel 
    works on every map that is enabled by default in hercules
    but the script is quite simple and i suppose it will work with rathena and eathena too
    note: if you will encounter errors on your map server just simply look for it in the script and comment them or delete them. if you know how to enable those maps then do so. its yours to decide what you do
    note 2: i will only support major problems of the script
    note 3: you may modify it but don't remove the header
    check the attached picture for an example 

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