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About EremesNYC

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  1. The first map I ever made (TY to syouji and olrox for the tutorials) Ladies and gents, I present to you Arlandria, (yeah I'm a big Foo Fighters fan). *Long story short a city that's floating in the skies of rune midgard. It's an interactive map, got some "secret places" where you can hang out (high jump!), some design npcs (which is easy to make), custom textures from buildings and design objects, (oh yeah dog fight airship!). It's a mixed theme city, you can see there's some japanese mixed with chivalry era accents, and a bit of steampunk. Concept was to build or design a city that has a story and personality, not just to be cool. As of now this map will be exclusive to a server that will be launched soon (yeah I worked for free). but I will try to work on a free release edition (just rob me will you?). Here's some imgs: City front (effect on for the clouds) just the welcome sign, nothing special, just wanna show it. One of the guild hangouts (I think there's like 8 of em) One of the guild hangouts (I think there's like 8 of em) For loners! (or lovers) Just the observatory steampunk root style Asian town Right on top of the gm lounge End? not yet Poseidon's fountain (use high jump!) Me and my best bud rune knight stat You can even sit on his head! just some walkable statues Store top one of the few (if 8 is few) guild hang outs and another one (was supposed to be a yggdrassil sapling) Arlandria, yep that's the town oh and it's revolving cloudy end
  2. Hey guys, I need a npc script that's just gonna say hi or hello or random stuff to players when clicked, it's just to add some design element to a server i'm helping to develop. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
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