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Posts posted by Noele

  1. Hello, this is my form of welcoming myself into the community, haha. I'm a security analyst and general software developer. I write a plethora of languages, some of my favorites being Java, PHP (yikes, those serialization RCEs), and python. I've recently decided to get back into Ragnarok, and as I currently spend my days managing various other game servers, I believe Ragnarok will be an awesome fit for me.

    As far as getting the lay of the land, is there anywhere I should look besides the wiki for general scripting resources (not sure if lua is the scripting language, haven't seen a name referenced). Possibly an API, some useful tips, or possibly even personal experiences you've had writing content that you felt helped you become more familiar with the environment.


    Also, it seems I may be using the vanilla rAthena on their github; would anyone here personally suggesting switching to Hercules (as I believe it's an engine as well) over rAthena? I'm obviously new to the scene and I've just picked up the first thing I heard about and got it configured.


    Thanks guys, glad to be here!


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