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Aurora Wright

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About Aurora Wright

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  • Birthday 01/25/1994

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  • Location:
    Japan - Nagoya, Aichi
  • Interests
    I'm curious and love emotional anime, Nintendo games and tinkering with my devices.
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  1. Oook, sorry for the big delay to answer!! First of all, thank you everybody! I did everything you guys recommended, but, it seems that the 2017-12-08dRagexe ZERO executable is not responding correctly to some pathes. I'm already using GRF Files without any DATA folder. I've already tried to use the itemInfo_Sak.lub from @Asheraf and Zack Dreaver. I've already downloaded and applied the System Folder from @OmarAcero. I've already used the: Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended) option, and I already defined that the file that would be "searched" would be the itemInfo_Sak.lub. I've already diffed the executable with all these options recommended from you @OmarAcero. The Korean descriptions in CP1252 encoding still there with my itemInfo_True.lub from the Original Ragnarök Zero, but with the itemInfo_Sak.lub from @Asheraf the items lose their sprites, and, the "8th argument" error keep happening. Note: I've already replaced the Function in the end of the itemInfo_True.lub with the itemInfo_Sak.lub function, and vise and versa, all the errors keep happening!! I'm going crazy
  2. Ok @Asheraf! I'm already using GRFs and inside the DATA folder there's just one msgstringtable from your DATA FOLDER, but I'll put the msgstringtable inside of my GRF. About the descriptions I MEAN THE ITEM DESCRIPTIONS. As you can see in this image: Here's my ZERO.INI (DATA.INI) Here's my clientinfo.xml About the ItemInfo_Sak.lub, yeah I already noticed that!! But I thought someone where using the Zero Client with a Translated ItemInfo_True.lub or .lua, or otherwise I will have to change the function at the end of the code and I will also have to add some more arguments at the end of each item line. New issue: "8th argument" using your itemInfo_Sak.lub Thank you Asheraf for the answer!!
  3. So I'm using “2017-12-08dRagexe ZERO” client, and I'm having some issues, for some reason my EXE can't found the Sprites and Textures inside the DATA/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item and other directories. First of all, the sysbox_bg.bmp it's inside the DATA FOLDER and GRF and also inside of the Skin folder. Second, the description seem to be in Korean but in CP1252 encoding, and I'm Japanese, I don't know too much about Korean, I know more about English, Portuguese and Dutch. Third, Any of you guys have a translated itemInfo_true.lua or lub in English or Portuguese to share with me? @BrOgBr, @Archetype Saber, @OmarAcero, @Asheraf I've attached some of error images:
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