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  1. Galera é uma pequena ajuda que gostaria de ter, apenas saber como colocar uma habilidade para ficar disponível apenas quando o npc entregar... Exemplo: Quero deixar ele igual a do alquimista do homúnculo... ❤️
  2. Inglês: How to put a skill as a platinum skill Português: Como colocar uma habilidade como uma habilidade de platina
  3. I would also like to know ...
  4. Inglês: I would like to know how I can put the NPC to summon the monsters without having to talk to him, (automatically) script: Português: Gostaria de saber como posso colocar o NPC para invocar os monstros sem precisar conversar com ele, ( automaticamente ) script:
  5. Hello guys, I need help with a script, would be a survival system, to open more customization in ragnarok, I would like to remind you that I am Brazilian, so the script exists sets in Portuguese, but bullshit like "hunger, thirst, sleep , weapon and armor durability " Script Survival this is a npc I used to create a system, if hungry, thirsty, sleep is at 0 he would take the player to prison, the problem is that he even takes my character to prison, but I don't know how I can make the player start with 80's hunger, thirst, sleep, and he ends up being taken to prison after the programming detects that he is at 0, and even in the menu npc I created when using the @menu all status command is at 0. .. below is the menu script Script Menu - Can anyone help me assign 80 hunger, thirst, sleep to the player creating the character?
  6. CDER

    Function Survival

    It would be a system of hunger, thirst, sleep ... If it arrives in a value less than 1, of the following commands like, delchar, breakequip, it is very visible until .., in my case every 18 minutes, would consume -1 hunger, thirst and -4 sleep, the durability of arms would care in the future, ie instead of spending -1 with time, would be spent through attacks, I was told that I need to move in the sql, while others insist on saying that my function has no logic whatsoever, which is funny, even because I know of my failures ...
  7. CDER

    Function Survival

    Hi guys, I have a very big and expansive project. First of all I'm Brazilian the script was not 100% translated, interpreted dubarma as "durabilityweapon" and dubarmor as "durabilityarmor" 1-Doubts: I do not know all the doc commands yet, so this is not quite complete function. 2-Npcs function: I added npcs to the outside of the function, and I used the "callfunc" command in the npc to call the function, these npcs would be bed, durability repairer, and in the future would initiate the same "callfunc" 1 hunger, thirst. 3-Error !!! When creating my menu npc, to view the statuses, only everything appears in 0, as if the function had not responded. 4- Menu command I used bindatcmd to when using the @ menu command, I would view your information. And I used the * menu, and even created a labbel for him. scriptlabbel: menu1: mes.@name $; mes "[Hunger]:"+.@hunger; month "[Headquarters]:"+.@headquarters; mes "[Sleep]:"+.@sleep; month "[DubArma]:"+.@dubarma; mes "[DubArmor]:"+.@dubarmadura; close; end; 5- function script function script Sobrevivencia { getcharid(0); if (getcharid(0)){ .@fome = 100; .@sede = 100; .@sono = 100; .@dubarma = 100; .@dubarmadura = 100; setd(".@fome", 100); setd(".@sede", 100); setd(".@sono", 100); setd(".@dubarma", 100); setd(".@dubarmadura", 100); getd(".@fome"); getd(".@sede"); getd(".@sono"); getd(".dubarma"); getd(".@dubarmadura"); end; } else{ if (.@fome <= 1){ delchar(.@fome, 0); end; } } if (.@sede <= 1){ delchar(.@sede, 0); end; } if (.@sono <= 1){ delchar(.@sono, 0); end; } if (.@sono <= 31){ sleep(30000); sleep2(30000); end; } if (.@dubarma <= 1){ @breakweapon; end; } if (.@dubarmadura <= 1){ @breakarmor; end; } attachnpctimer("strcharinfo(0)") initnpctimer(strcharinfo(0)); OnTimer1080000: .@fome = -1; .@sede = -1; .@sono = -4; end; }
  8. help-me, error runserver - npcghouse error: line 5, parse_callfunc: not enough arguments, expected... não consigo entender, por que da esse erro... prontera,150,150,5 script Casa de Guild 804,{ set @nome,"[G-house]"; set @itemid,"502"; set @itemqtd,"5"; set slot; set gdonahouse1,"[Guild]: == strcharinfo(2)"; set gdonahouse2,"[Guild]: != strcharinfo(2)"; set gmasterhouse1,"[Lider]: == strcharinfo(0)"; set gmasterhouse2,"[Lider]: != strcharinfo(0)"; set .mapa,"prontera"; // nome do mapa onde será teleportado set .coordX,175; // coordenada X do mapa que será teleportado set .coordY,170; // coordenada Y do mapa que será teleportado slot; mes @nome; if (slot){ mes "Deseja comprar nossos serviços ?, Custo:@itemqtd Moedas" next; end; switch(select("Sim!:Não!")){ case 1: if (getcharid(2) && getcharid(0) && getguildmaster(<getcharid(2))){ if (countitem(.idItem) == .qntdIdItem) { mes @nome; mes "Bem vinda:strcharinfo(2)"; close2; delitem @itemid,@itemqtd; getguildname(<getcharid(2)>); instance_create("<ghouse>"{,<IM_GUILD>{,<2>}}); slot+1; gdonahouse1; gmasterhouse1; break; end; } else { mes @nome; mes "Você não tem @itemqtd moedas, "; close; break; end; } } else { mes .@nome$; mes "Apenas guildmasters pode comprar casas!"; close; break; end; } case 2: mes @nome; mes "Ok!"; close; break; end; } } else { if (slot+1 && getguildname(<getcharid(2)>) != getguildname(<getcharid(2)>)){ mes nome; mes gdonahouse2; mes gmasterhouse2; mes "Já pertence a uma guild!"; close; end; else { if (slot+1 && getguildname(<getcharid(2)>)){ mes nome; mes gdonahouse1; mes gmasterhouse1; mes "Olá strcharinfo(0), Deseja entrar?"; next; switch(select("Sim!:Não!")){ case 1: mes @nome; mes "OK!"; close2; warp .mapa,.coordX,.coordX; break; end; case 2: mes @nome; mes "OK!"; close; break; end; } } } } } }
  9. CDER


    @thpereira você consegue? não conseguir ainda... chega discord ou pv, CDER#8973
  10. I would like to know where is the command that enables the class of the assassin to use a weapon in each hand The intention is for an armature to enable my custom class to use 2 daggers / sword / one-handed ax Ex: 2357, Valkyrie_Armor, Valkyrian Armor, 4.0,, 2800,, 6,, 1.0xFFFFFFFE, 2,2,16,, 1,1,0, {enable_two_weapons; }, {}, {}
  11. CDER

    2 armas

    Galera gostaria de saber aonde se encontra o comando que habilita pra classe do assasino usar uma arma em cada mão A idea é por pra uma armadura habilitar a minha classe custom usar 2 adagas/espada/machado de uma mão Ex: 2357,Valkyrie_Armor,Valkyrian Armor,4,0,,2800,,6,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,2,2,16,,1,1,0,{ enable_two_weapons; },{},{}
  12. CDER


    Alguem poderia me informa como consigo por pra ao usar uma armadura, exibir uma sprite no visual do char ?, exp: eu so um novice e quero com que quando eu use uma armadura, mude pra sprite de assasin cross...
  13. Como faço pra meu cliente ler a act/spr do monstro custom, ex: nas scripts da luafile/datainfo, amostra as scripts e os id dos monstros, mas eu quero por um monstro com act/spr, já esta na minha pasta data a act/spr, só nn sei como faço pra script ler a act/spr custom
  14. CDER

    Sistema pk

    @Juan Meissner imitar um server onde apenas burgues tem condições, nunca foi minha motivação, ridiculo...
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