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Posts posted by KeiSenpai

  1. Am I missing a translation somewhere? I know that one of these is related to the client, but not sure if both are.

    1. I am getting a unidentified quest for Endless Tower.
    2. Logout confirm box is not translated
    3. Login window is not translated
    4. Town names in the 'splash screen' are not translated
    5. Get a RED message upon selecting my character in the chat box.
    6. The NPC box in the back is not translated.

    I applied all updated translation files I could find, I am using 02-05-2020 client.





  2. On 2/4/2020 at 10:53 AM, Dastgir said:

    You also need to add maps in "db/map_index.txt"

    The issue was I forgot a comma, I appreciate your help.

    I gave up for now, as I do not think the project was ever fully finished.


    I am getting cutin errors (loading cardbmp spirtes - fixed by commenting them out) and then it couldn't warp me to the first floor because there was no map that it called for available.

    I looked through what was included, but I don't think it was included.


    Thanks again.


  3. I forgot a comma in my mapindex, causing it to not read properly.


    However, there is so many errors, that I assume either I am missing instructions or the project was never fully completed.

    I appreciate the efforts the developer did however, the idea was awesome!


    The error I am getting is missing sprites, and missing maps that were not included.

  4. Hello all,


    I am running a LAN Private Server for my wife & I to play on a Raspberry Pi 3b+. I wanted to install a new script, YProject, which contains new maps.

    The steps I took, so I am not sure if I am missing anything:



    Install mapcache plugin (build it)

    Ensured all maps along with resnametable.txt is in data/ folder

    Added each map to mapcache using ./map-server --map <name>

    Added each map name to maps.conf

    Added each map in db/map_index.txt

    Recompiled hercules



    The NPC doesn't auto load, but I am sure this is because I do not have it set to start up, which I am sure I can figure out.

    However, when I load it and try to use the NPC to warp to the special maps that the person designed, I get the following & the client hangs:



    [Debug]: pc_setpos: Passed mapindex(1086) is invalid!
    [Error]: buildin_warp: moving player 'TestAccount' to "dep_lb",118,32 failed.
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Scientist at prontera (140,181)


    I appreciate any help!

    Thank you

  5. 4 hours ago, Dastgir said:

    You also need to add maps in "db/map_index.txt"

    Thanks for replying! I did leave out a step in my original post, but I confirmed I added them in there as well.




    Under the section titled custom maps, but how it is above, is how I entered it in. Am I missing something else?


    Thanks again!


    EDIT: Also mapindex(1086) is where dep_lb map entry appears in the map_index.txt that the NPC is trying to move my character too.

  6. Hello all,


    I am running a LAN Private Server for my wife & I to play on a Raspberry Pi 3b+. I wanted to install a new script, YProject, which contains new maps.

    The steps I took, so I am not sure if I am missing anything:

    1. Install mapcache plugin (build it)
    2. Ensured all maps along with resnametable.txt is in data/ folder
    3. Added each map to mapcache using ./map-server --map <name>
    4. Added each map name to maps.conf
    5. Recompiled hercules


    The NPC doesn't auto load, but I am sure this is because I do not have it set to start up, which I am sure I can figure out.

    However, when I load it and try to use the NPC to warp to the special maps that the person designed, I get the following & the client hangs:


    [Debug]: pc_setpos: Passed mapindex(1086) is invalid!
    [Error]: buildin_warp: moving player 'TestAccount' to "dep_lb",118,32 failed.
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Scientist at prontera (140,181)


    I appreciate any help!

    Thank you

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