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Posts posted by granrover

  1. //// [========================================================]// [===========           The Invasor            ===========]// [========================================================]// [ Version 8                                              ]// [========================================================]// [ Original script by: Ivion                              ]// [========================================================]// [ Description:                                           ]// [--------------------------------------------------------]// [                                                        ]// [ - Automatic invasion events.                           ]// [ - 24 randomly selected cities.                         ]// [ - 15 different types of invasion.                      ]// [ - Invasion events are divided into 3 difficulty stages.]// [ - GM Control Panel whispering to NPC:invasor.          ]// [========================================================]// [ Changelog: (5 last updates)                            ]// [--------------------------------------------------------]// [                                                        ]// [ v4: [Ivion]                                            ]// [ - Nuevos mobs balanceados, añadidos a la db.           ]// [ - 2 nuevos tipos de invasiones.                        ]// [ - Ahora los mobs dropean items.                        ]// [ - Recompensas y penalizaciones globales.               ]// [ - Acceso ingame mediante OnWhisperGlobal.              ]// [ - Nuevas opciones de configuración.                    ]// [ - Reescrito casi todo el código.                       ]// [                                                        ]// [ v5: [Ivion]                                            ]// [ - Varios bugfixes.                                     ]// [ - Optimización del script.                             ]// [ - Añadido mid_camp.                                    ]// [ - Nuevos mobs sin tanta db.                            ]// [ - Nuevos bosses.                                       ]// [ - Nuevas invasiones: Ice, Nature, Dragon, Kaos y       ]// [   Takeshi.                                             ]// [ - Incremento de rates del servidor a +20%.             ]// [ - Retirado el sistema de penalizaciones.               ]// [ - Los spawns no disminuirán al matar los bosses.       ]// [ - Sistema para Save Point alternativo.                 ]// [                                                        ]// [ v5.1: [Ivion]                                          ]// [ - Bugfix: Corregido un pequeño error en mob_db2 que    ]// [   producía errores en el map-server.                   ]// [                                                        ]// [ v6: [Ivion]                                            ]// [ - Translated into english.                             ]// [ - Added new 13.2 episode cities.                       ]// [ - Global delayed announcements system.                 ]// [ - Rates increment won't affect other possible bonnuses ]// [   from other scripts.                                  ]// [ - Bugfix: Mapflags used while the invasion event will  ]// [   be cleared according to their inicial state.         ]// [ - Some mobs has been replaced.                         ]// [ - Bugfix: Removed Ghoul and Angeling mobs from the 3rd ]// [   stage of the Undead invasion.                        ]// [ - Some bosses has been replaced.                       ]// [ - Some balance adjustments to the stats of the bosses. ]// [ - Bugfix: Some bosses had range2 = 0.                  ]// [ - The control panel won't be displayed to              ]// [   multiple gms at once.                                ]// [ - Mobs and bosses will drop Poring Coins.              ]// [                                                        ]// [ v7: [Ivion]                                            ]// [ - Bugfix: Incorrect map cells in Amatsu and Juno.      ]// [ - Added teleport skill to the bosses.                  ]// [ - Updated the skills of the 13.1 monsters.             ]// [                                                        ]// [ v8: [Ivion]                                            ]// [ - The init timer won't reset when reloading scripts.   ]// [ - Added some information about the invasion progress in]// [   the GMs Control Panel.                               ]// [========================================================]// [ http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=224056 ]// [========================================================]-	script	invasor	-1,{OnInit:// [========================================================]// [ Configuration:                                         ]// [--------------------------------------------------------]	set .t1,2*24;		// Minimum time to activate a new invasion event. (h)	set .t2,4*24;		// Maximum time to activate a new invasion event. (h)	set .t3,24*120;		// Maximum duration of the invasion event. (min)	set .r1,50000;			// Mob rate. (%)	set .pci,8905;		// Item reward dropped by mobs and bosses. (Default = Poring Coin)	set .pcr1,1;		// Rate of item rewards dropped by mobs. (0 = off | %)	set .pcr2,10;		// Rate of item rewards dropped by bosses. (0 = off | %)				// After successfully completing the invasion, the experience rates will be increased for a time.	set .t4,60;		// Duration of the experience event. (0 = off | min)	set .r2,30;		// Experience rates increment. (0 = off | %)	set .gm,60;		// GM level required to access the Control Panel whispering to NPC:invasor.	// Alternative Save Point:	// If a player had saved in the map of the current invasion event, his respawn point will be changed to this one.	set .s$,"prontera";	// Map.	set .sx,156;		// x.	set .sy,161;		// y.	// Cities:	// getarg(0): Name.	// getarg(1): Map.	// getarg(2): Intensity. (0 = off | Intensity)	//callsub Onc0,"Alberta","alberta",11;	callsub Onc0,"Al De Baran","aldebaran",14;	callsub Onc0,"Amatsu","amatsu",18;	callsub Onc0,"Ayothaya","ayothaya",8;	callsub Onc0,"Comodo","comodo",22;	callsub Onc0,"Einbech","einbech",11;	callsub Onc0,"Einbroch","einbroch",22;	callsub Onc0,"Geffen","geffen",10;	callsub Onc0,"Gonryun","gonryun",14;	callsub Onc0,"Hugel","hugel",9;	callsub Onc0,"Izlude","izlude",5;	callsub Onc0,"Jawaii","jawaii",0; // 7	callsub Onc0,"Juno","yuno",30;	callsub Onc0,"Lighthalzen","lighthalzen",24;	callsub Onc0,"Louyang","louyang",27;	callsub Onc0,"Lutie","xmas",20;	callsub Onc0,"Manuk","manuk",8;	callsub Onc0,"Midgarts Expedition Camp","mid_camp",13;	callsub Onc0,"Morroc","morocc",25;	callsub Onc0,"Moscovia","moscovia",6;	callsub Onc0,"Niflheim","niflheim",0; // 20	callsub Onc0,"Payon","payon",19;	callsub Onc0,"Prontera","prontera",0; // 30	callsub Onc0,"Rachel","rachel",18;	callsub Onc0,"Splendide","splendide",29;	callsub Onc0,"Umbala","umbala",4;	callsub Onc0,"Veins","veins",20;	// Invasion types:	// getarg(0): Name.	// getarg(1 .. 9): Mobs.	// getarg(10 .. 12): Bosses.	callsub Onc1,"Aqua",1068,1071,1071,1069,1044,1144,1045,1065,1264,1894,2016,1112;	callsub Onc1,"Demon",1146,1109,1101,1149,1632,1773,1382,1292,1208,1920,1389,1929;	callsub Onc1,"Dragon",1715,1718,1155,1380,1206,1385,1717,1714,1716,1262,1720,2022;	callsub Onc1,"Earth",1784,1782,1165,1517,1615,1516,1378,1386,1602,1919,1785,1916;	callsub Onc1,"Fire",1836,1367,1383,1072,1384,1381,1318,1837,1366,1833,1831,1832;	callsub Onc1,"Ghost",1509,1179,1186,1143,1510,1192,1506,1375,1291,1704,1921,1768;	callsub Onc1,"Ice",1243,1789,1776,1778,1323,1317,1775,1515,1319,1777,1252,1779;	callsub Onc1,"Insect",1054,1100,1139,1279,1099,1625,1304,1194,1305,1618,2087,1147;	callsub Onc1,"Kaos",1140,1508,1163,1276,1504,1132,1698,1505,1507,1702,1268,2018;	callsub Onc1,"Machina",1151,1616,1745,1682,1270,1622,1202,1678,1673,1978,1623,1685;	callsub Onc1,"Nature",1162,1118,1880,1500,1497,1410,1780,1884,1314,1991,1885,1957;	callsub Onc1,"Takeshi",1026,1188,1404,1584,1609,1512,1416,1405,1401,1518,1492,1418;	callsub Onc1,"Undead",1403,1169,1041,1196,1197,1117,1297,1866,1098,1870,1038,1373;	callsub Onc1,"Venom",1621,1256,1037,1402,1209,1216,1207,1883,1148,1987,1871,1874;	callsub Onc1,"Wind",1627,1156,1253,1263,1633,1692,1412,1774,1259,1992,1918,1931;	//callsub Onc1,"Aqua",1068,1071,1228,1069,1044,1144,1045,1065,1264,2503,2504,2505;	//callsub Onc1,"Demon",1146,1109,1101,1149,1632,1773,1382,1292,1208,2536,2537,2538;	//callsub Onc1,"Dragon",1715,1718,1155,1380,1206,1385,1717,1714,1716,2524,2525,2526;	//callsub Onc1,"Earth",1784,1782,1165,1517,1615,1516,1378,1386,1602,2512,2513,2514;	//callsub Onc1,"Fire",1836,1367,1383,1072,1384,1381,1318,1837,1366,2500,2501,2502;	//callsub Onc1,"Ghost",1509,1179,1186,1143,1510,1192,1506,1375,1291,2527,2528,2529;	//callsub Onc1,"Ice",1243,1789,1776,1778,1323,1317,1775,1515,1319,2506,2507,2508;	//callsub Onc1,"Insect",1054,1100,1139,1279,1099,1625,1304,1194,1305,2518,2519,2520;	//callsub Onc1,"Kaos",1140,1508,1163,1276,1504,1132,1698,1505,1507,2539,2540,2541;	//callsub Onc1,"Machina",1151,1616,1745,1682,1270,1622,1202,1678,1673,2515,2516,2517;	//callsub Onc1,"Nature",1162,1118,1880,1500,1497,1410,1780,1884,1314,2509,2510,2511;	//callsub Onc1,"Takeshi",1026,1188,1404,1584,1609,1512,1416,1405,1401,2542,2543,2544;	//callsub Onc1,"Undead",1403,1169,1041,1196,1197,1117,1297,1866,1098,2533,2534,2535;	//callsub Onc1,"Venom",1621,1256,1037,1402,1209,1216,1207,1883,1148,2521,2522,2523;	//callsub Onc1,"Wind",1627,1156,1253,1263,1633,1692,1412,1774,1259,2530,2531,2532;// [--------------------------------------------------------]// [ End of configuration.                                  ]// [========================================================]	set .br,getbattleflag("base_exp_rate");	set .jr,getbattleflag("job_exp_rate");	// Fix incorrect map cells:	setcell "amatsu",314,267,314,314,0,0;	setcell "yuno",205,219,205,218,0,0;	donpcevent "invasor::On0";	end;Onc0:	if(getarg(2) > 0) {		set .c1$[.c],getarg(0);		set .c2$[.c],getarg(1);		set .i[.c],getarg(2);		set .c,.c + 1;	}	return;Onc1:	set .@a,getarraysize(.n$);	set .n$[.@a],getarg(0);	while(.@b < 12) {		set getd(".m"+((.@a * 12) + .@),getarg(.@b + 1);		set .@b,.@b + 1;	}	return;On0:	while(1) {		set .a,0;		set .b,0;		set .c,0;		set .@t,gettimetick(2) / 60;		if($TIt <= .@t) set $TIt,.@t + rand(.t1 * 60,.t2 * 60);		sleep ($TIt - .@t) * 60 * 1000;		set .a,1;		set $TIt,0;		set .@t,0;		donpcevent "invasor::OnTimer";		if(!. set .b,rand(1,getarraysize(.i));		set .b,.b - 1;		if(!.c) set .c,rand(1,getarraysize(.n$));		set .c,.c - 1;		set .mf1,getmapflag(.c2$[.b],1);		set .mf4,getmapflag(.c2$[.b],4);		setmapflag .c2$[.b],1;	// noteleport		setmapflag .c2$[.b],4;	// nopenalty		callsub Clrmsg;		announce "S.O.S.!! "+.c1$[.b]+" ESTA SUFRIENDO UNA TERRIBLE INVACION!!!.",bc_all,0xffaa00;		while(.a > 0) {			if(!.d) {				set .d,4 - .a;				killmonster .c2$[.b],"invasor::onm9";				if(.a > 1) callsub Addmsg,"Los ejércitos invasores nuevamente entran en la ciudad.","ffaa00",.c2$[.b];				monster .c2$[.b],0,0,"--ja--",getd(".m"+((.c * 12) + .a + 8)),4 - .a,"invasor::onm9";			}			if(mobcount(.c2$[.b],"invasor::onm"+((.a * 3) - 3)) < (.i[.b] * .r1 / 20)) monster .c2$[.b],0,0,"--ja--",getd(".m"+((.c * 12) + (.a * 3) - 3)),.i[.b],"invasor::onm"+((.a * 3) - 3);			if(mobcount(.c2$[.b],"invasor::onm"+((.a * 3) - 2)) < (.i[.b] * .r1 / 20)) monster .c2$[.b],0,0,"--ja--",getd(".m"+((.c * 12) + (.a * 3) - 2)),.i[.b],"invasor::onm"+((.a * 3) - 2);			if(mobcount(.c2$[.b],"invasor::onm"+((.a * 3) - 1)) < (.i[.b] * .r1 / 20)) monster .c2$[.b],0,0,"--ja--",getd(".m"+((.c * 12) + (.a * 3) - 1)),.i[.b],"invasor::onm"+((.a * 3) - 1);			if(.a > 0) sleep 20000;		}		set .d,0;		set .@a,12;		while(.@a > 0) {			set .@a,.@a - 1;			killmonster .c2$[.b],"invasor::onm"+.@a;		}		if(!.mf1) removemapflag .c2$[.b],1;		if(!.mf4) removemapflag .c2$[.b],4;		set .mf1,0;		set .mf4,0;		if(.a == -1) {			callsub Addmsg,"Recompensa: Experiencia aumento de rates a "+.r2+"%. ("+.t4+" min)","ffaa00";			setbattleflag "base_exp_rate",getbattleflag("base_exp_rate") + (.br * .r2 / 100);			setbattleflag "job_exp_rate",getbattleflag("job_exp_rate") + (.jr * .r2 / 100);			sleep .t4 * 60 * 1000;			setbattleflag "base_exp_rate",getbattleflag("base_exp_rate") - (.br * .r2 / 100);			setbattleflag "job_exp_rate",getbattleflag("job_exp_rate") - (.jr * .r2 / 100);			announce "Los rates de la experiencia ha sido restaurados.",bc_all,0xffaa00;		}	}	end;onm0:onm1:onm2:	if(playerattached() && .pcr1) if(!rand(100 * 100 / .pcr1)) getitem .pci,1;	end;onm3:onm4:onm5:	if(playerattached() && .pcr1) if(!rand(75 * 100 / .pcr1)) getitem .pci,1;	end;onm6:onm7:onm8:	if(playerattached() && .pcr1) if(!rand(50 * 100 / .pcr1)) getitem .pci,1;	end;onm9:	if(.a < 1) end;	set .d,.d - 1;	if(.a != 3) {		if(.a == 1) set .@a$,"Sbirro";		if(.a == 2) set .@a$,"Hero";		set .@b$,callsub(Grammar_a_an,.n$[.c]);		if(playerattached()) {			set .@a$,strcharinfo(0)+" ha muerto "+.@b$+" "+.n$[.c]+" "+.@a$+".";			if(.a == 1) getitem .pci,2 * .pcr2 / 100;			if(.a == 2) getitem .pci,3 * .pcr2 / 100;		}		else set .@a$,.@b$+" "+.n$[.c]+" "+.@a$+" haz sido asesinado.";		callsub Addmsg,.@a$+" ("+(4 - .a - .d)+"/"+(4 - .a)+")","ffaa00",.c2$[.b];		if(!.d) set .a,.a + 1;	}	else {		if(playerattached()) {			set .@a$,strcharinfo(0)+" ha matado a la "+.n$[.c]+" Deux.";			getitem .pci,1 * .pcr2 / 100;		}		else set .@a$,"El "+.n$[.c]+" Deux a sido asesinado.";		callsub Addmsg,.@a$,"ffaa00",.c2$[.b];		callsub Addmsg,"El ejército invasor de "+.c1$[.b]+" ha sido derrotado.","ffaa00";		if(.t4 && .r2) set .a,-1;		else set .a,0;		awake "invasor";	}	end;OnTimer:	sleep .t3 * 120 * 1000;	if(.a < 1) end;	set .a,0;	awake "invasor";	callsub Clrmsg;	callsub Addmsg,"Las defensas de "+.c1$[.b]+" han sido derrotadas por los ejércitos invasores.","ffaa00";	callsub Addmsg,"Hoy será recordado como un día negro para el servidor Apolo-RO /sob.","ffaa00";	end;OnPCLoginEvent:	if(.a > 0) {		sleep2 3000;		if(.a > 0) announce "¡¡S.O.S.!! "+.c1$[.b]+" está sufriendo de una terrible invasión.",bc_self,0xffaa00;	}	else if(.a == -1) {		sleep2 3000;		if(.a == -1) announce "La experiencia de rates ha sido aumentada a "+.r2+"%.",bc_self,0xffaa00;	}	end;OnPCDieEvent:	if((.a > 0) && (getsavepoint(0) == .c2$[.b])) save .s$,.sx,.sy;	end;OnWhisperGlobal:	if(getgmlevel() < .gm) end;	set .@n$,"^008888The Invasor^000000";	mes .@n$;	mes "Este es el panel de control del sistema de Invasor.";	if(!.a) {		mes "Actualmente no hay ninguna invasión en curso.";		set .@t,$TIt - (gettimetick(2) / 60);		if(!.@t) set .@t$,"a few seconds";		else if(.@t < 60) set .@t$,.@t+" minutes";		else {			set .@t,.@t / 60;			if(.@t < 24) set .@t$,.@t+" hours";			else set .@t$,(.@t / 24)+" days";		}		mes "Próximo evento de la invasión automática tendrá lugar en "+.@t$+".";		next;		set .@b,select("^880000Exit^000000","Start invasion.") - 1;		mes .@n$;		if(.@ {			mes "Select a city.";			next;			set .@a,select("^880000Random^000000",.c1$[0],.c1$[1],.c1$[2],.c1$[3],.c1$[4],.c1$[5],.c1$[6],.c1$[7],.c1$[8],.c1$[9],.c1$[10],.c1$[11],.c1$[12],.c1$[13],.c1$[14],.c1$[15],.c1$[16],.c1$[17],.c1$[18],.c1$[19],.c1$[20],.c1$[21],.c1$[22],.c1$[23],.c1$[24],.c1$[25],.c1$[26],.c1$[27],.c1$[28],.c1$[29],.c1$[30],.c1$[31],.c1$[32],.c1$[33],.c1$[34],.c1$[35],.c1$[36],.c1$[37],.c1$[38],.c1$[39]);			mes .@n$;			set .@a,.@a - 1;			mes "Seleccione una clase para la invasión.";			next;			set .@b,select("^880000Random^000000",.n$[0],.n$[1],.n$[2],.n$[3],.n$[4],.n$[5],.n$[6],.n$[7],.n$[8],.n$[9],.n$[10],.n$[11],.n$[12],.n$[13],.n$[14],.n$[15],.n$[16],.n$[17],.n$[18],.n$[19],.n$[20],.n$[21],.n$[22],.n$[23],.n$[24]);			mes .@n$;			set .@b,.@b - 1;			if(.a) {				mes "En este momento, no se puede iniciar una nueva invasión.";				mes "Regresa mas tarde.";				close;			}			set .b,.@a;			set .c,.@b;			awake "invasor";			mes "Una nueva invasión se ha iniciado.";			close;		}	}	else if(.a > 0) {		mes "Actualmente no existe "+callsub(Grammar_a_an,.n$[.c])+" "+.n$[.c]+" invasión que tienen lugar en "+.c1$[.b]+".";		next;		set .@b,select("^880000Exit^000000","Cancelar la actual invasión.") - 1;		mes .@n$;		if(.@ {			if(.a < 1) {				mes "Actualmente no hay ninguna invasión en curso.";				close;			}			set .a,0;			announce "La invasion en "+.c1$[.b]+" ha sido cancelada.",bc_all,0xffaa00;			mes "la invasion en "+.c1$[.b]+" ha sido cancelada.";			awake "invasor";			close;		}	}	else {		mes "Experiencia de rates aumentada "+.r2+"% como una recompensa por la invasión anterior.";		next;		set .@b,select("^880000Exit^000000","Restaurar rates.") - 1;		mes .@n$;		if(.@ {			if(.a != -1) {				mes "Actualmente los rates no son modificados por el sistema de Invasor.";				close;			}			awake "invasor";			mes "Los rates han sido restaurados.";			close;		}	}	mes "Hasta pronto.";	close;// Adds a new message to the announcement list:// getarg(0): Message.// getarg(1): Color.// getarg(2): Map. (optional)Addmsg:	set .@a,getarraysize($@inv_msg0$);	if(.@a >= 10) {		deletearray $@inv_msg0$[0],.@a - 9;		set .@a,9;	}	set $@inv_msg0$[.@a],getarg(0);	set $@inv_msg1$[.@a],getarg(1);	set $@inv_msg2$[.@a],getarg(2,"");	if(!.@a) donpcevent "inv_msg::On0";	return;// Clear the announcement list:Clrmsg:	set .@a,getarraysize($@inv_msg0$);	cleararray $@inv_msg0$[0],"",.@a;	cleararray $@inv_msg1$[0],"",.@a;	cleararray $@inv_msg2$[0],"",.@a;	awake "inv_msg";	return;Grammar_a_an:	set .@w$,getarg(0);	if(	compare("_init_"+.@w$,"_init_A") ||		compare("_init_"+.@w$,"_init_E") ||		compare("_init_"+.@w$,"_init_I") ||		compare("_init_"+.@w$,"_init_O") ||		compare("_init_"+.@w$,"_init_U")	) return "an";	else return "a";}// Delayed announcements:// Announces a message from the announcement list every 3 seconds.-	script	inv_msg	-1,{On0:	while(getarraysize($@inv_msg0$)) {		if($@inv_msg2$[0] == "") announce $@inv_msg0$[0],bc_all,"0x"+$@inv_msg1$[0];		else mapannounce $@inv_msg2$[0],$@inv_msg0$[0],bc_all,"0x"+$@inv_msg1$[0];		if(getarraysize($@inv_msg0$)) sleep 3000;		deletearray $@inv_msg0$[0],1;		deletearray $@inv_msg1$[0],1;		deletearray $@inv_msg2$[0],1;	}	end;}

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