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Posts posted by Granini

  1. Hi all,


    I have a problem right at the beginning. After going to the academy in izlude and going upstairs, there is no hallway and i got stuck between two portals, where said hallway should be. I could not move anymore so i logged off and on again and then i was in the room for the swordsman teacher. However, now i am stuck in this room as there is, like i said, no hallway and only a dark void which i can not enter (the crossed mouse curser is displayed).


    As it is only at the beginning, no lot is lost but i would like to solve it.


    Also, is there a way to "cheat"? Like port around with commands, level up, God mode and such? I would like to look around without getting killed and moving faster etc.


    And then a side question: Is there a way to install bots that can be hired? Or more like simulate player that walk around, killing enemies... you know, the illusion there are more adventurers and not only me. Especially do i miss player shops. Maybe there i a way to have some "fake" bot player shops with random stuff? Just a thought and because i am new with emulation and stuff i dont know what is possible and what not.


    EDIT: Oh and is this the latest update, close to retail live servers? I heard there are new classes. 

  2. Finally was able to make it run. Is there a way to add player bots? Bots you can invide and fight with you, open up shops and / or buy stuff from your shop you open etc?


    Also is there a way as Admin to add levels and get into a kind of God mode? So i can explore the world as i wish? I was never able to do so in my childhood and i would love to visit places that are ment for many other people.


    But with only me on this "server" i cant play most content.

  3. On 5/5/2021 at 9:18 PM, Granini said:



    I tried to set this up for me but i get an error that i can not connect. char and login server gives me two diffrent infos. Once it tells me that it can not find the exe, but i checked and both are in the file.

    And sometimes, it tells me to change somethig in the conf.


    I have no real experience with all of that. I did everything as told in the readme, did it now 3 times, delete everything, set up everything as told by the readme and thread but always the same problem.


    Hope someone can help me :(



    Error RO.PNG

    Error 2 RO.PNG

    I still was not able to get it to run. Can someone help me please?

  4. Hello,


    I tried to set this up for me but i get an error that i can not connect. char and login server gives me two diffrent infos. Once it tells me that it can not find the exe, but i checked and both are in the file.

    And sometimes, it tells me to change somethig in the conf.


    I have no real experience with all of that. I did everything as told in the readme, did it now 3 times, delete everything, set up everything as told by the readme and thread but always the same problem.


    Hope someone can help me :(



    Error RO.PNG

    Error 2 RO.PNG

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