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About GodLesZ

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  • Birthday 06/12/1987

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  1. Tested the above script 1:1, "Poring" is spawned as intended, please mark as solved.
  2. The reason for the missing update is the wrong NPC name donpcevent "PvP Ranker::OnInit"; This assumes an NPC named "PvP Ranker" has an Event named "OnInit" (which is executed once after server start and on every @reloadscript and @loadnpc). Your NPC is named "PvP Ladder". So either rename your NPC to "PvP Ladder" or adjust all "PvP Ranker::OnInit" call to "PvP Ladder::OnInit".
  3. This is like running to your service station saying "my car wont start". Any mysql error in your map-server console? How are the new vote points saved? Each vote a new table record or just a single record per account_id? May you attach the voting PHP script too?
  4. If you already did a mysql query to fetch anything for char or login table, its a simple JOIN to fetch the online character including his last_map info too. But in general, if you got the choice, getmapxy should be faster i guess.
  5. Your current map is saved as `last_map` (including `last_x` and `last_y`) every n seconds (defined in /conf/map-server.conf as `autosave_time`; see also `save_settings` setting).
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