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Posts posted by Slowpoker

  1. Olá pessoal estou com um problema na escrita que aparece no jogo da pasta messages.conf, traduzi ela porém ela fica com esses caracteres estranhos... alguém sabe o que poderia ser?

    uso o client 20150916, já testei diversos langtype também porém nenhum resultado aqui.


    Hello everyone, I have a problem with the writing from messages.conf file that appears in the game, I translate it, but it keeps those strange characters ... does anyone know what it could be?

    I use the 20150916 client, I already tested several langtype also but no results here.



    @EDIT : Problem solved, i saved the file in ANSI encoding and works.


  2. Hi, i'm not getting to solve a problem with some class names, the problem is that some classes have accents in writing like á, ç ... and they are not working, just displays like the picture.

    i'm from brazil, my language is portuguese and i added enable custom job at the hexed 20150916 following this topic because i was getting another problem with class name translated

    i'm using data folder from https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE

    i'd like to write mercenário and shows that.

    my clientinfo is with langtype 12 and version 1 but i tried with anothers langtype and the error continues..

    problem job name.png



    @EDIT : Problem solved, i saved the file in ANSI encoding and works.

  3. So i downloaded today hercules and i found on inter-server.conf a lack of data about the sql data. If you make the download you will not find the liners.

    sql.db_port: 3306
    sql.db_username: root
    sql.db_password: vertrigo
    sql.db_database: ragnarok

    // MySQL Character SQL server
    char_server_port: 3306
    char_server_id: root
    char_server_pw: vertrigo
    char_server_db: ragnarok

    // MySQL Map SQL Server
    map_server_port: 3306
    map_server_id: root
    map_server_pw: vertrigo
    map_server_db: ragnarok

    // MySQL Log SQL Database
    log_db_port: 3306
    log_db_id: root
    log_db_pw: vertrigo
    log_db_db: ragnaroklog
    log_login_db: loginlog


  4. prontera,155,182,2	script	onoi	75,{end;OnInit:	waitingroom "Party - Waiting Room",20,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnStart",1;	end;OnTimer2000:OnStart:	if ( getmapusers( "new_1-2" ) == 0 ) {		warpwaitingpc "new_1-2",0,0,1;		if ( $@warpwaitingpcnum )			announce  "The player "+ rid2name( $@warpwaitingpc[0] ) +" was teleported to the event room!",bc_blue|bc_all;		if ( getwaitingroomstate(0) == 0 ) {			stopnpctimer;			end;		}	}	initnpctimer;	end;}


    Many thanks to all who tried to help me, I'm very grateful for that.

  5. add this at the bottom part


    prontera    mapflag    loadevent


    this might not be a good idea. cause everytime you warp to prontera and new_1-2 is empty

    it'll always announce "new_1-2 is empty, please go into map the next".



    These maps are random maps quesoph, i'm using their just to test this script.


    quesoph is almost working fine, but there is a little problem yet. The problem is that the message just show if a player go into prontera and new_1-2 is empty( OK ! GOOD !), but if the player already is in prontera when new_1-2 becomes empty the message doesn't show.





    jazeera,152,111,6    script    John    81,{OnInit:    waitingroom "Waiting Room",5,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnStart",1;    end;    OnStart:    if( getmapusers( "new_1-2" ) > 0) {        attachrid $@warpwaitingpc;        announce strcharinfo(0)+" is in the event room!",bc_blue|bc_all;        end;    }    warpwaitingpc "new_1-2",98,17,1;    attachrid $@warpwaitingpc;    announce  strcharinfo(0)+" was teleported to the event room!",bc_blue|bc_all;    end;    OnPcLoadMapEvent:    if( getmapusers( "new_1-2" ) == 0) {        announce "new_1-2 is empty, please go into map the next",0;        //donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnStart";    }    end;}new_1-2    mapflag    loadevent



    The message doesn't show yet in prontera when the player goes out from new_1-2. I don't know why it is so hard, i'm not getting advance it.

  7. try?



    prontera,151,182,6    script    John    81,{OnInit:    waitingroom "Waiting Room",5,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnStart",1;    end;OnStart:    warpwaitingpc "new_1-2",98,17,1;    attachrid $@warpwaitingpc;    announce  "The player "+strcharinfo(0)+" was teleported to the event room!",bc_blue|bc_all;    end;OnPcLoadMapEvent:    if ( strcharinfo(3) != "new_1-2" ) end;        if( getmapusers( "prontera" ) >= 1) {            mapannounce  "new_1-2","There is a player in prontera!",bc_blue|bc_all;            end;        }    end;}new_1-2    mapflag    loadevent






    Quesoph, your code doesn't work fine, but i make another here and i need to add just a part in it to it works fine. I wanna add a code in it that when one player go out from new_1-2, the npc send a message to prontera like " new_1-2 is empty, please go into map the next ".


    my code :


    prontera,151,182,6	script	John	81,{end;OnInit:    waitingroom "Waiting Room",5,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnStart",1;    end;	OnStart:	if( getmapusers( "new_1-2" ) > 0) {	attachrid $@warpwaitingpc;	announce	"The player "+strcharinfo(0)+" is in the event room!",bc_blue|bc_all;    end;	}	    warpwaitingpc "new_1-2",98,17,1;    attachrid $@warpwaitingpc;    announce  "The player "+strcharinfo(0)+" was teleported to the event room!",bc_blue|bc_all;    end;	}

    So, i just need to add something that do it sends a message when a player goes out from new_1-2 . I tried here, but no advance.

  8. I think I haven't understood you. Could you please elaborate?



    Yes, i can sir.   I'd like to do a script that when a player go into the map(1), this script will send a message to the map(1) just if there is someone in the map(2). But the npc would have to check the player that went into the map(1) to the npc needn't send several times repeatedly the same message to the map(1), sends just one time to the player that went in the map.

  9. Anyone knows how can i do to the npc send a message to a specify map(1) when in this same map(1) there is somebody and in another map(2) there isn't anybody ??? . The npc has to check if someone go in the map(1) and if there is anyone in the map(2), so it send the message.


    I try to do something like this but doesn't work :


    if(getmapusers("new_1-2") > 0) {     mapannounce   "prontera","Now, there is one player doing the test, please wait your turn!",bc_map,0xFF0000;     end;	}

    i'm not getting to do the npc check if one player go in the map(1)=prontera to the npc send the message.


    *map(2) = new_1-2


    could anyone help me ?

  10. yep, but my problem didn't solve yet, i'm trying to solve it with another form but i didn't get too. If anyone wanna help me i'm grateful.


    Anyone knows how can i do to the npc send a message to all in the specify room when in a map there isn't anybody ???  I think that it can help me to solve it.

  11. Hi, guys, I'm trying to make with that one player is teleported to the map and the other players wait in the waiting room while the first player stays there, in the map. When the first player go out from the map, the second goes in the map and others wait too and so on. My scrit above isn't working this way, it's teleporting the players to the map, ok, but it isn't doing the second player in the waiting queue teleport immediately after the first player goes out from the map. The second player is getting to teleport just if another player clicks on the balloon above the npc( waiting room). This is my problem, the players don't get to teleport immediately after the player that is in a position above his position gets out from map.


    I'm not getting to do it and i don't know what i need to do to it works fine.


    my script :


    prontera,151,182,6	script	John	81,{    end;OnInit:    waitingroom "Waiting Room",5,"John::OnStart",1;    end;OnStart:    if(getmapusers("new_1-2")==0) {        warpwaitingpc "new_1-2",98,17,1;        attachrid $@warpwaitingpc;        announce  "The player "+strcharinfo(0)+" was teleported to the event room!",bc_blue|bc_all;    }    end;}


    If anyone can help me, i thank !

  12. Yes, i can but if you want to modify again i advice you to study the code that i gave to you because i just added some equal lines. Didn't forget to reput if i helped you.


    here is :


    prontera,155,188,4	script	Sample	561,{		mes "[Sample]";	mes "Hello "+StrCharInfo(0)+"!";	mes "What would you like to do?";menu	"100 Golds to 1 TCG",gold, "Poring Coin to Cash Shop",poring, "Mithrill Coin to 1000 Zeny",coin;gold:		if(countitem(969) >= 100)		{			delitem 969,100;						next;			mes "[Sample]";			mes "Here is your item!";			getitem 7227,1;			close;		}poring:		if(countitem(7539) >= 1)		{			delitem 7539,1;						next;			mes "[Sample]";			mes "Here is your item!";			atcommand "@cash 1";			close;		}coin:		if(countitem(674) >= 1)		{			delitem 674,1;						next;			mes "[Sample]";			mes "Here is your money!";			set Zeny,Zeny + 1000;			close;		}		next;	mes "[Sample]";	mes "Sorry but you don't have items to continue.";	close;}

  13. Try this :


    prontera,155,188,4	script	Sample	561,{		mes "[Sample]";	mes "Hello "+StrCharInfo(0)+"!";	mes "What would you like to do?";menu	"100 Golds to 1 TCG",gold, "Poring Coin to Cash Shop",poring;gold:		if(countitem(969) >= 100)		{			delitem 969,100;						next;			mes "[Sample]";			mes "Here is your item!";			getitem 7227,1;			close;		}poring:		if(countitem(7539) >= 1)		{			delitem 7539,1;						next;			mes "[Sample]";			mes "Here is your item!";			atcommand "@cash 1";			close;		}		next;	mes "[Sample]";	mes "Sorry but you don't have items to continue.";	close;}


    try to replace 

        if (checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1))    {        mes "[ Divine ]";        mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed.";        close;    }


    if (readparam(Weight) > 121 && checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1)){    mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed.";    close;}

    this will check the weight and also the items.


    I don't see why you would need to check it twice. The usage of checkweight() here will return 0 if the player is over the weight of the items and their respective amounts; this means that if the player is carry anything other than what was listed, (s)he will be unable to proceed.




    Is your character wearing any sort of equipment? Anything equipped counts towards your accumulative weight.




    I just noticed a very small (but critical) typo in the script I gave you lol.


    Change this:


    if (checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1))


    To this:


    if (!checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1))


    The final output should be:


    // ...next;// Check if player has the exact amount of these items and zenyif(countitem(628) == 20 && countitem(969) == 1 && countitem(7019) == 1 && Zeny == 50000){    // Check if the player's weight exceeds the items checked for    if (!checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1))    {	    mes "[ Divine ]";	    mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed.";	    close;    }   	 // Delete items and deduct zeny    delitem 628, 20;    delitem 969, 1;    delitem 7019, 1;    Zeny -= 50000;   	 // Confirmation dialogue    mes "[ Divine ]";    mes "Ok, alright! You can go in here now!";    next;   	 // Warp player    warp "prontera",154,285;    close;}// Error messagemes "[ Divine ]";mes "I'm sorry, but you don't have the items required to proceed.";close;



    The error keeps on man, i'm already perturbed with it, lol. No, the char isn't wearing any kind of clothes on him. The weight's char scores 121 in the window(alt+v) when it is without clothes and carrying the items(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1). When i use your script i just get to be teleported even if my weight is > 121 i get to be teleported too. It seems that the script doesn't get to run the two conditions, just one. I've been trying to fix it here but nothing happens, nothing advance.

  15. try to replace 

        if (checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1))    {        mes "[ Divine ]";        mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed.";        close;    }


    if (readparam(Weight) > 121 && checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1)){    mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed.";    close;}

    this will check the weight and also the items.




    I'm still a little confused as to what you're trying to do, but from what I understand, you want to see if the player has the exact amounts of the items specified; the weight check is to determine if the player is carrying anything other than the items in the amounts specified. If that's the case, then your process needs to be reorganised a little.


    Give this a try; read the comments to see how the script progresses:


    // ...next;// Check if player has the exact amount of these items and zenyif(countitem(628) == 20 && countitem(969) == 1 && countitem(7019) == 1 && Zeny == 50000){    // Check if the player's weight exceeds the items checked for    if (checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1))    {        mes "[ Divine ]";        mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed.";        close;    }        // Delete items and deduct zeny    delitem 628, 20;    delitem 969, 1;    delitem 7019, 1;    Zeny -= 50000;        // Confirmation dialogue    mes "[ Divine ]";    mes "Ok, alright! You can go in here now!";    next;        // Warp player    warp "prontera",154,285;    close;}// Error messagemes "[ Divine ]";mes "I'm sorry, but you don't have the items required to proceed.";close;


    The same error keeps guys. I tryed to replace sevenzz23 but i didn't get  any advance . I don't know why it doesn't work because seem to be one thing not so hard and error keeps on. I have already spent almost 2 day trying to fix it but no progress.

  16. yes, yes is it that i'd like to do, this is my idea from what i wanna do. I saw your scrit and tryed to use it but the same error keeps on. When i have the items [ 1(969),1(7019) and 20(624) ] in my inventory the scrit works but when i create more a item in my inventory the scrit fails.


    egs : I have my items1(969),1(7019) and 20(624) ] in my inventory and then i create a yggdrasill berry(id:607 -> weight: 30), when i going to use again the npc, it works like if this yggdrasil berry don't exist, the npc deletes my items and deduct the money and the yggdrasil keep on in my inventory but the other things disappear. The script don't read the part that do it shows ( Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed ) if char's weight is > 121 .


    The proper method would be to use readparam().




    if (readparam(Weight) > 121){    mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed.";    close;}


    i didn't get to run it here. What i wanna do is a thing like it :


    if((countitem(628) == 20) && (countitem(969) == 1) && (countitem(7019) == 1) && (Zeny == 50000)) {
    set Zeny, Zeny - 50000;
    delitem 628,20;
    delitem 969,1;
    delitem 7019,1;
    mes "[ Divine ]";
    mes "Ok, alright! You can go in here now!";
    warp "prontera",154,285;
    if (readparam(Weight) > 121{

     mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed.";



    My problem is that always that i put one item more besides 1(969),1(7019) and 20(624), the script works like if there isn't the rest it. So, the weight gets above 121 and the message ( mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed."; )  don't show and the items are deleted from char.
    the sum of the weight of the items(1(969),1(7019) and 20(624))  is 121.

  18. Hello everyone, i'm with a doubt how can i get to put a npc to bar(impede to continue) a player in the script if he weighs more than 121. 



    I try to create like this egs but i didn't have any advance:


    if(Weight > 121)  {

    mes "You are heavy, please remove your extra weight.";







    Anyone could help me ???






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