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About xeNium

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  1. My rAthena FluxCP currently is compatible with Hercules, item, monster db seems to be fine, do you know major issues with rAthena FluxCP when connected with Hercules server platform? Yesterday, item db seems to be not working properly, I am downloading someone files and now it working.
  2. I am using Hercules as the server platform but using rAthena FluxCP for the website control panel because the theme I download also include the rAthena FluxCP so I don't know which part I must copy and paste it to Hercules FluxCP. So, is this will cause trouble or what in the near future? http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2991-green-fluxcp-theme/
  3. Is this patcher got cash shop button remover? I know how to remove it using HxDen but I do choose patcher, feel more safe, lol.
  4. Done, now it does not crash, just black screen O: Edit: It works with default .grf but does not work with custom .grf from my servers, hiks!
  5. xeNium

    Timed Warp

    Done, it working, it enable me to talk to the NPC when the WoE is enabled but does not want to respond if the WoE isn't enabled, the only problem left is, how i can tell them my WoE Schedule? mes "This castle is not open at the moment."; mes "This castle will be open again only during the next WoE session:"; mes "Day: ^0000DD" + .daysOfWeek$[.woe_day[.woe_index]]; mes "^000000Start time: ^00DD00" + .woe_0_str$[.woe_index]; mes "^000000End time: ^DD0000" + .woe_1_str$[.woe_index]; Anyone could modified it for me? I am using Euphy WOE Controller
  6. xeNium

    Timed Warp

    No, I mean I am trying to replacing the warp, example prt_gld to prt_cas01, not editing the woe_controller. Changing the warp script on prt_gld and replace it with a NPC warp using 723 NPC sprite. Beside that I heard Toastys WoE Controller is a little bit laggy during WoE so I switched back to Euphy WoE Controller because I figured out how to make a waiting room like Toastys waiting room (It's not a countdown but at least it tell us the time used by the server computer, hope I can found a countdown version).
  7. xeNium

    Timed Warp

    I am using http://rathena.org/board/topic/57377-toastys-woe-controller/ Beside that, I don't know how to script this one, trying to write it based toastys woe controller, failed, too complex. Could you help me?
  8. xeNium

    Timed Warp

    Is there any way to prevent anyone to enter the WoE castle maps If the WoE isn't activated? for example, If you click the Warp NPC (I heard normal warp does not able to have script) it will ask you, do you want to teleport to the WoE castle or not, but before that, If the WoE isn't activated (for example, the WoE castle maps activated at 07:00 AM and end at 08:00 AM and 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM, both on Saturday but you click the Warp NPC at 6:59 AM and 07:59 PM Saturday, so the Warp NPC will prevent you from entering the WoE castle maps) Is there any way to do that? WoE Schedule, Friday 06:00 AM - 07:00 AM, Friday 07:00 PM-08:00 PM, Saturday 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
  9. Last time I played on a Ragnarok Online Private Server, they got multiple Points system, such as PvP points (PvP on Battlegroud, PvP Tournament, Deatmatch, not a 1vs1 PvP, the winner got the PvP Points), Quest Points (Do daily quests and you will got quest points), Vote for Points, Donation Points, how I can do that too? I want to make a custom shop like that, is anyone know how to do that trick?
  10. Is there any updates about Quick Refine and High Refine like this NPC Script for Hercules? The original revision kinda old, 2.9 and then modified by Kenedos for the Qucik Refine features, he also add High Refine but that's standalone script, does not need to remove the original refine.txt.
  11. Okay, here we go for the conclusion
  12. Is there a way, I can savepoint exactly current location of the player when he execute the case 1? I don't like the specific savepoint like savepoint "prontera",156,199 because I am using duplicate NPC, so it will be weird if they execute the case 1 in Alberta but their savepoint is in Prontera
  13. My username at control panel also, xeNium I also have tested it too on my 2nd computer (I have laptops and unused computer) and I put it on the desktop NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770m, support 4.4 OpenGL, ah I think somehow it require something that both of my computer and laptops don't have, do you got other BrowEdit version?
  14. Is this free or for sale? If for sale, how much is this cost?
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