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About GM.PiXeL

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  1. You can find those source mods in the Source Request and Source Support sections.
  2. Hi Hercules, I'm currently installing MySQL Server on my computer. I forgot on what will I choose among the "Config Type" Here are the choices: Kindly help me on what to choose or what's the best. Thanks in advance.
  3. What? Please make a noob-friendly guide. CPS DLL then what?
  4. Question: So, I encrypt the grf with the security mode. Now, how to make my client read/decrpyt that grf?
  5. It lessens the error but still got this: 1>..srcmapskill.c(6453): error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier 1>..srcmapskill.c(6459): error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier 1>..srcmapskill.c(6485): error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier 1>..srcmapskill.c(6486): error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier @ Line 6452 : ii = i; @ Line 6459 : if( !i && ( skill_id == RG_STRIPWEAPON || skill_id == RG_STRIPSHIELD || skill_id == RG_STRIPARMOR || skill_id == RG_STRIPHELM ) ) @ Line 6485 : clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,i); @ Line 6486 : i = 1;
  6. Hi Hercules, I wanted to add this patch on my server. I tried it doing manually. http://herc.ws/board/files/file/27-forcibly-strip/ Index: map/skill.c===================================================================--- map/skill.c (revision 12238)+++ map/skill.c (working copy)@@ -6397,6 +6397,7 @@ case SC_STRIPACCESSARY: { unsigned short location = 0; int d = 0;+ unsigned char ii = 0; //Rate in percent if ( skill_id == ST_FULLSTRIP ) {@@ -6450,10 +6451,48 @@ break; } + ii = i;+ //Attempts to strip at rate i and duration d if( (i = skill->strip_equip(bl, location, i, skill_lv, d)) || (skill_id != ST_FULLSTRIP && skill_id != GC_WEAPONCRUSH ) ) clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,i); + if( !i && ( skill_id == RG_STRIPWEAPON || skill_id == RG_STRIPSHIELD || skill_id == RG_STRIPARMOR || skill_id == RG_STRIPHELM ) )+ {+ int idx = sd?pc->search_inventory (sd, 7321):-1;+ if( idx >= 0 )+ {+ struct status_change *sc = iStatus->get_sc(src);+ if( sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] )+ {+ if( sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ROGUE )+ {+ if (rnd()0 >= ii)+ {+ enum sc_type sc_atk;+ if( skill_id == RG_STRIPWEAPON )+ sc_atk = SC_NOEQUIPWEAPON;+ else if( skill_id == RG_STRIPSHIELD )+ sc_atk = SC_NOEQUIPSHIELD;+ else if( skill_id == RG_STRIPARMOR )+ sc_atk = SC_NOEQUIPARMOR;+ else if( skill_id == RG_STRIPHELM )+ sc_atk = SC_NOEQUIPHELM;+ else+ sc_atk = SC_NONE;+ if( sc_atk != SC_NONE )+ {+ sc_start(bl, sc_atk, 100, skill_lv, d);+ clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,i);+ i = 1;+ }+ }+ pc->delitem(sd, idx, 1, 0, 1, LOG_TYPE_NONE);+ }+ }+ }+ }+ //Nothing stripped. if( sd && !i ) clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); But this are the errors: 1>..srcmapskill.c(6453): error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier 1>..srcmapskill.c(6459): error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier 1>..srcmapskill.c(6464): error C2065: 'iStatus' : undeclared identifier 1>..srcmapskill.c(6464): error C2223: left of '->get_sc' must point to struct/union 1>..srcmapskill.c(6485): error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier 1>..srcmapskill.c(6486): error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier
  7. Thanks for this. I already have the LOV for SG just forgot to update. Status: Sage/Wiz = Done. Sg = Done. Rouge = Not Done
  8. HI Hercules, This is my second/last topic on SL Modification. I want to add an extra effect on Soul Link skill. This is the effects i want to add: • Sage - The Sage's HP will also increase by BaseLvl*200 HP and his/her Vit will increase by Int/5 (For example, 255 Int will give you an additional bonus of 255/5 = 51 Vit. • Wizard - The Wizard's HP will also Increase by BaseLvl*200 HP and his/her Vit will increase by Int/5(For example, 255 Int will give you an additional bonus of 255/5 = 51 Vit. • Star Gladiator - Enable to use Lvl 10 Parrying. Increase damage on Boss monster and Holy monster by 70%. • Rouge - You can use Single Strip through Full Chemical Protection by consuming Glistening Coat(Working only when the target has FCP or Full Chemical Protection) Oh, I found a src code on Sage/Wizard and Star Gladiator on this topic: But the problem is, I do not know where to add those. http://herc.ws/board/topic/2232-soul-link-modif-request/?p=14962 I also found the one for Rouge, but there is a problem after compiling. http://herc.ws/board/files/download/27-forcibly-strip/ 48 Errors and 2 Warnings. Thanks In Advance. (PS: You can post the src mod one by one.) Status: Wizard - Done. Sage - Done. Star Gladiator - Done. Rouge - Not yet Done.
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