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Everything posted by adam62

  1. Help me, how to change the drop rates for all equipment Become 5%?
  2. @Yommy Thank you Yommy Sorry my bad Yommy, you know how to add new packets and Encryption keys to hercules server? Sorry my english really really bad
  3. how about this? ___:0084CE64 6A 04 push 4 ; cbData___:0084CE66 8D 85 DC FB FF FF lea eax, [ebp+Data]___:0084CE6C 50 push eax ; lpData___:0084CE6D 6A 04 push 4 ; dwType___:0084CE6F 53 push ebx ; Reserved___:0084CE70 68 C8 FD 96 00 push offset aCash_category ; "CASH_CATEGORY"___:0084CE75 51 push ecx ; hKey___:0084CE76 FF 15 14 20 96 00 call RegSetValueExA___:0084CE7C 8B 95 70 FC FF FF mov edx, [ebp+hKey+2]___:0084CE82 52 push edx ; hKey___:0084CE83 FF 15 0C 20 96 00 call RegCloseKey___:0084CE89___:0084CE89 loc_84CE89: ; CODE XREF: sub_84B8E0+157Cj___:0084CE89 68 E8 2C 9A 00 push offset aPacket_cz_ente ; "PACKET_CZ_ENTER"
  4. can you gime me all change data to make skill Fallen Angel work? please
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