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Posts posted by adam62

  1. Hi.


    I made a database upgrade from rAthena to Hercules some months ago, but I fear it could be outrageously outdated (and can't seem to find them anyways ATM).


    I'll try to revise/remake it when I have enough time, provided someone else hasn't done that yet by then. It's quite improbable that I'll have that finished today since I'm busy myself most of the day. Sorry for the delay in advance!


    thanks Jabot  :)


    for anyone who requires, the 3 keys are hardcoded to each client, you can search the keys in hex editor and modify for something unique.

    for those with IDA / OllyDBG, the keys are pushed just before the PACKET_CZ_ENTER reference (not the actual string)


    .text:007962A7 0F 84 77 FC FF FF                       jz      loc_795F24.text:007962AD 8B 0D 04 0F 98 00                       mov     ecx, dword_980F04.text:007962B3 68 05 22 05 22                          push    22052205h // key 3.text:007962B8 68 05 22 05 22                          push    22052205h // key 2.text:007962BD 68 05 22 05 76                          push    76052205h // key 1.text:007962C2 E8 A9 64 E3 FF                          call    sub_5CC770.text:007962C7 68 6C 30 89 00                          push    offset aPacket_cz_ente ; "PACKET_CZ_ENTER".text:007962CC E8 6F 19 C7 FF                          call    nullsub_1.text:007962D1 B9 2D 02 00 00                          mov     ecx, 22Dh.text:007962D6 83 C4 04                                add     esp, 4.text:007962D9 66 89 4C 24 48                          mov     word ptr [esp+3ECh+cp+2], cx

    how about this?

    ___:0084CE64 6A 04                                   push    4               ; cbData___:0084CE66 8D 85 DC FB FF FF                       lea     eax, [ebp+Data]___:0084CE6C 50                                      push    eax             ; lpData___:0084CE6D 6A 04                                   push    4               ; dwType___:0084CE6F 53                                      push    ebx             ; Reserved___:0084CE70 68 C8 FD 96 00                          push    offset aCash_category ; "CASH_CATEGORY"___:0084CE75 51                                      push    ecx             ; hKey___:0084CE76 FF 15 14 20 96 00                       call    RegSetValueExA___:0084CE7C 8B 95 70 FC FF FF                       mov     edx, [ebp+hKey+2]___:0084CE82 52                                      push    edx             ; hKey___:0084CE83 FF 15 0C 20 96 00                       call    RegCloseKey___:0084CE89___:0084CE89                         loc_84CE89:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_84B8E0+157Cj___:0084CE89 68 E8 2C 9A 00                          push    offset aPacket_cz_ente ; "PACKET_CZ_ENTER"

  3. Thanks for the effort and the pull request..we will look unto it..

    Herc already on the development we just need the full support for the client to be full functional and I need to gather more data in kRO before implementing...but for the meantime its not a priority but will be implemented soon.. :D







    can you gime me all change data to make skill Fallen Angel work? please  :)

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