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  1. Good Idea. Also, if possible I want to suggest a way where you can get the unique instance ID attached for every player inside the instance map generated by the server. This way, we can create a custom script command like getinstanceid,<char id>; and joininstance,<instance id>; and depending on the instance setup, this can be PvP, Co-op, or Individual instance. (We can also do a battleground instanced map! We just have to improve Gravity's Instancing ideas.)
  2. I think the text format should be enough. Another suggestion, @reloadshopdb or w/e reload name for simplier reload of the cash shop feature. Also, thanks for the update! I'm also glad and surprised that Yommy shared his knowledge about this feature since only his server has a 100% working cash shop feature.
  3. Welcome! I hope you enjoy Hercules community!
  4. Since we all know that not all suggestions here will be implemented, I think we need a sub-forums in the suggestions section like "Approved" and "Rejected".
  5. The kRO VIP system has a slightly difference than other official servers. Notice the "PC방" in Malufet's screenshot? It means PC Bang. If kRO registered the I.P address of the specific PC Bang into their system, the players playing in that PC Bang will get additional bonus that stacks to the VIP bonus. Translation of the Announcement: E X P : 120% (PC BANG: 0% TPLUS: 0% Premium: 20% Server Rate: 100%)Drop rate : 120% (PC BANG: 0% TPLUS: 0% Premium: 20% Server Rate: 100%)Penalty of death : 70% (PC BANG: 0% TPLUS:0% Premium: -30% Server Rate: 100%) Also, If you guys want some preferences, eAmod has the best and closest VIP service out there. I don't know who is the real author is of eAmods premium service though. Note: I'm not sure what TPLUS means, but I have a feeling that this is the bonus you get when you are using a partner ISP.
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