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Posts posted by hannicaldummy

  1. Well, why you don't use a variable to do that?

    Like: If i'm a Warlock and want to use the Mage clothe, you can make one item with the mage clothe visual like the Akatsuk on Naruto Privates, and with this item you can use the preview system on download area to everythime the player log he put the mage's clothe

  2. I did a test, really works but the skills are changed, I would just like to change the image to be displayed

    without changing the other characteristics of the class, you know any other way to do this?


    Something like a "disguise" amending sprite player for monsters without changing the skills or anything, but changing the "job sprite", and means so permanent, that is, even if the character logout the new sprite is maintained.


    Thank you for your answer


    It's about the new clothes system?

  3. Hello, i use 20120410 hexed and got some errors with my client heres the ones:


    1º When i try to make a new NPC using a custom MOB ID got GE error, but if i use the command @disguise i transform into mob without errors, what can i do to change that and make the NPC use a custom mob display?


    2º Skill "Martyr's Reckoning" is like a passive skill canot use, here's the skill_db line:


    368,0,6,-1,0,0x61,0,5,1,yes,0,0,0,weapon,0,	PA_SACRIFICE, Martyr's Reckoning


    3º Every time i put a custom map it got GE, don't even load him, not even puting a custom map supply a original one like prontera, got the same error, how can i add a new custom map?


    4º Where can i get anywhere a diff and patch to hexed 20120410 who can show only "32767" dor max damage hit?


    5º Skill "Concentration" for LK should up his damage, but when the player use it's like nothing, here's the line:


    357,0,6,4,0,0x1,0,5,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,0,		LK_CONCENTRATION,Concentration


    Thank you for anyone who help or try, i apreciate at all :}


    try something like this (save this file as emblem.php and put it on your file, remember you should edit some configs)


    <?php/*	emblem.php v0.1 - By MagicalTux & LebrEf -	Idea : LebrEf	Code : MagicalTux (90%) - LebrEf (10%)	Updates: evos	> palette load, fread(); crashed the script	> 8bits images were a pixel off to the right*/// HOW THIS WORKS: access to this file appending a guild ID. ex your/web/emblem.php?guild=<guild_ID>$host_sql = 'localhost'; // Your SQL database$user = 'root'; // Your MySQL user name$pass = 'pass'; // Your MySQL password for user$db = 'ragnarok'; // Your main Ragnarok database$mysql_game = @mysql_connect( $host_sql, $user, $pass ) or die( "Can't connect to MySQL server [1]" );@mysql_select_db( $db, $mysql_game ) or die( "Can't connect to MySQL server [2]" );function imagecreatefrombmpstring($im) {	$header = unpack("vtype/Vsize/v2reserved/Voffset", substr($im,0,14));	$info = unpack("Vsize/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits/Vcompression/Vimagesize/Vxres/Vyres/Vncolor/Vimportant", substr($im,14,40));	extract($info);	extract($header);	if($type != 0x4D42) return false;		  // signature "BM"	$palette_size = $offset - 54;		$ncolor = $palette_size / 4;									//	$gd_header = "";//	// true-color vs. palette//	$gd_header .= ($palette_size == 0) ? "xFFxFE" : "xFFxFF";	  //	$gd_header .= pack("n2", $width, $height);//	$gd_header .= ($palette_size == 0) ? "x01" : "x00";//	if($palette_size) $gd_header .= pack("n", $ncolor);//	// no transparency//	$gd_header .= "xFFxFFxFFxFF";		$imres=imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);	imagealphablending($imres,false);	imagesavealpha($imres,true);	$pal=array();	if($palette_size) {		$palette = substr($im, 54, $palette_size);		$gd_palette = "";		$j = 0; $n=0;		while($j < $palette_size) {			$b = ord($palette{$j++});			$g = ord($palette{$j++});			$r = ord($palette{$j++});			$a = ord($palette{$j++});			if ( ($r==255) && ($g==0) && ($b==255)) $a=127; // alpha = 255 on 0xFF00FF			$pal[$n++]=imagecolorallocatealpha($imres, $r, $g, $b, $a);		}	}	$scan_line_size = (($bits * $width) + 7) >> 3;	$scan_line_align = ($scan_line_size & 0x03) ? 4 - ($scan_line_size & 0x03): 0;	for($i = 0, $l = $height - 1; $i < $height; $i++, $l--) {		// BMP stores scan lines starting from bottom		$scan_line = substr($im, $offset + (($scan_line_size + $scan_line_align) * $l), $scan_line_size);		if($bits == 24) {			$j = 0; $n=0;			while($j < $scan_line_size) {				$b = ord($scan_line{$j++});				$g = ord($scan_line{$j++});				$r = ord($scan_line{$j++});				$a = 0;				if ( ($r==255) && ($g==0) && ($b==255)) $a=127; // alpha = 255 on 0xFF00FF				$col=imagecolorallocatealpha($imres, $r, $g, $b, $a);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $col);			}		}		else if($bits == 8) {			$j=0;			while($j<$scan_line_size) {				$col=$pal[ord($scan_line{$j++})];				imagesetpixel($imres, $j-1, $i, $col);			}		}		else if($bits == 4) {			$j = 0; $n=0;			while($j < $scan_line_size) {				$byte = ord($scan_line{$j++});				$p1 = $byte >> 4;				$p2 = $byte & 0x0F;				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p1]);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p2]);			}		}		else if($bits == 1) {			$j = 0; $n=0;			while($j < $scan_line_size) {				$byte = ord($scan_line{$j++});				$p1 = (int) (($byte & 0x80) != 0);				$p2 = (int) (($byte & 0x40) != 0);				$p3 = (int) (($byte & 0x20) != 0);				$p4 = (int) (($byte & 0x10) != 0);				$p5 = (int) (($byte & 0x08) != 0);				$p6 = (int) (($byte & 0x04) != 0);				$p7 = (int) (($byte & 0x02) != 0);				$p8 = (int) (($byte & 0x01) != 0);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p1]);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p2]);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p3]);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p4]);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p5]);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p6]);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p7]);				imagesetpixel($imres, $n++, $i, $pal[$p8]);			}		}	}	return $imres;}if( isset( $_GET['guild'] ) && ereg( "^[0-9]+$", $_GET['guild'] ) ){	//Mysql query	$query_emblem = mysql_query( "SELECT `emblem_data` FROM `guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '".$_GET['guild']."';", $mysql_game );	$nb_emblem = mysql_num_rows( $query_emblem );	$fetch_emblem = mysql_fetch_array( $query_emblem );	$ebm=$fetch_emblem['emblem_data'];		//Check... Emblem exist ?	if( $nb_emblem != 0 && $ebm != 0 )	{		$ebm=@gzuncompress(pack('H*',$ebm));		// need to convert that to PNG with transparency		$im=imagecreatefrombmpstring($ebm);		header('Content-Type: image/png');		//The guild emblem 		imagepng($im);		exit;			}}// Emblem failed to load - send empty image to prevent page from appearing broken$im = imagecreate(24, 24);$background_color = imagecolorallocatealpha ($im, 255, 0, 255,127);imagecolortransparent($im, $background_color);header ('Content-type: image/png');imagepng($im);exit;?>


    it doens't show the emblem, with the new emulators, [bLOB - 2.1 KB] is what appears on emblem_data, not anymore a lot of letters :(

  5. To brAthena he code was


    // return 0;


    if(sd->status.base_level > 100)
    return 0;

    if(sd->status.job_level > 70)
    return 0;


    On map/pc.c, but on hercules i can't find the line or something who likes to customise, can someone tell me where i find that?

  6. 1 - Is there any way the server max level is 100, but the player can still go up levels with quests?




    Example: Quest 101 it becomes full level 101, but only with no question exp quest 101 rises to level 102, and so on ...

    Would SRC, SQL, npc script?


    Ive alread tryed for SQL:


    		query_sql "SELECT `base_lvl` FROM `char` WHERE `char` = '"+strcharinfo(0)+"'";		query_sql "UPDATE `char` SET `base_lvl` = `base_lvl` + 1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@esc$;


    But the char downs't gain the nivel

  7. I'd try on item and goes, but on item2 the both the same error "@item2 failled"


    atcommand "@item "+getequipid(4)+",1";


    Work perfectly, but not work on item2 :(

  8. How to a npc make a char use @item2 command?



      atcommand "@item2 getequipid(6),1,1,getequiprefinerycnt(6),0,getequipcardid(4,0),getequipcardid(4,1),getequipcardid(4,2),getequipcardid(4,3)";
         atcommand "@item2 getequipid(4),1,1,getequiprefinerycnt(4),0";

         delitem getequipid(4),1;
         delitem getequipid(6),1;



  9. Exists any npc who can take the cards from knife like doppelganger and baphomet(a exemple) and put it on a shoe?


    Like Knife [3] Doppelganger Card , Baphomet Card and Phreeoni Card + Taekwon Shoes [3]




    Knife [3] + Taekwon Shoes [3] Doppelganger Card , Baphomet Card and Phreeoni Card


    Only can be used for taekwons

  10. Try change this:
                            //warp .@map$, .@x, .@y;
                            warpportal 152, 182,.@map$,.@x,.@y;
    For this:
                            //warp .@map$, .@x, .@y;
                            warp 152, 182,.@map$,.@x,.@y;
    Or if not work:

                            warpportal .@map$,152,182;

                            warp .@map$,152,182;
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