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About Imbecile

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  1. Imbecile

    HW Bug

    I did. Nothing works. Anyone can suggest?
  2. Imbecile

    HW Bug

    I have encountered Bug with Wiz (Both male and female) on the latest RagEXE Clients. Can anyone upload me the job sprite of both male and female on the data.grf of the latest RagEXE?
  3. How to make it 10% only?
  4. Okay here is my thought about this one. On prt_fild04, I want all Porings (on that map only) to drop a specific item (TCG Card). Anyone?
  5. Can anyone make this into ItemInfo.lub and lua please? The ItemConverter won't convert it. Request.zip
  6. How can i remove the delay for ASPD
  7. I dont see any problems regarding with my skill_db.
  8. My Player is currently asking for removing of skill delay. I mean perfectly REMOVE them. But it seems that it has like 0.5 secs delay and my skill_conf's After-Cast Delay is already 0. Can someone help?
  9. { Id: 19005 AegisName: "Cyclops" Name: "Cyclops" Type: 5 Buy: 24000 Weight: 100 Def: 1 Loc: 512 Refine: false View: 905 Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,1000; "> }, I am using 19005 ID and View ID of 905 but when i equipt the item, it errors me.
  10. Some of the Renewal Items are not Translated such as Explosive Kunai. Can anyone at least share their latest msgstringtable?
  11. How can i allow all jobs to use Valkyrie Set and Diabolus Set? And Tried changing the Job: 0xFFFFFFFF and (Tried) 0xFFFFFFFE But doesn't work as i @reloaditemdb and Restart the server. Help?
  12. Here is my script. I hope anyone can help me do a remedy for this one // ==== Registration ==== // ==============================================================================// MapFlags// *********************************************************************bat_room mapflag nomemobat_room mapflag loadeventbat_room mapflag nowarptobat_room mapflag nowarpbat_room mapflag nobranchbat_room mapflag nopenaltybat_room mapflag noteleportbat_room mapflag nosave SavePoint// BattleGround Warper - Entrance// *********************************************************************livion,143,87,5 script CTH 403,{//ayothaya,132,181,3 script CTH 403,{ mes "[CTH Recruiter]"; if (getgmlevel() >= 99) goto cthgm;if ($@register < 1) { set registeredna,0; mes "Registration for Capture The Heroes is closed."; close;} elseif (isequipped(2199) || isequipped(1599)) goto nonono;if (registeredna == 1) { set normallook,(getlook(7)); setlook 7, 172; warp "new_3-4",19,64; end;}if (registeredna == 2) { set normallook,(getlook(7)); setlook 7, 362; warp "new_3-4",139,105; end;}if (BaseLevel < 265) goto Dipwede;playermode: if (callfunc("has_char_from_same_ip", "new_3-4")) { next; mes "[CTH Recruiter]"; mes" "; mes "^FF0000Dual Login in CTH is not allowed!^000000"; close; } else { mes "The Capture The Heroes will start soon..."; mes "I was sent here to recruit worthy warriors."; next; mes "[CTH Recruiter]"; mes "The forces of good and evil , and are in need of experienced warriors like you. How would you like to lend your power to one of the forces in Anny and CG's Kingdom?"; next; if( select("I Wanna Join:I Don't Want to Join") == 2 ) { mes "[CTH Recruiter]"; mes "I'll always be stationed here for more soldiers. Feel free to come back whenever you're interested."; close; } mes "[CTH Recruiter]"; mes "I wish you luck... young warrior."; close2; goto pilina; end; }Dipwede:mes "[CTH Recruiter]";mes "I'm sorry but only elite and worthy warriors are aloud to join the Capture The Heroes...";mes "";mes "Cry Babies aren't allowed.";close;nonono:mes "I'm Sorry but you cannot join the CTH with the Hokage/Akatsuki suit on.";close;pilina:if ($@register < 1) end;if ($Team == 1) goto Teamtwo; set $Team,1; set normallook,(getlook(7)); setlook 7, 172; set Bat_Team,1; set registeredna,1; warp "new_3-4",19,64; sleep2 3000; dispbottom "You joined the Warriors of the Light..."; end;Teamtwo: set $Team,2; set normallook,(getlook(7)); setlook 7, 362; set Bat_Team,2; set registeredna,2; warp "new_3-4",139,105; sleep2 3000; dispbottom "You joined the Warriors of the Darkness..."; end; cthgm: if (nagstartna==1) goto cthstop; mes "Hello Master. Do you want to initiate Capture the Heroes manually?"; menu "Edit Prizes",editprizes,"Player Mode",playermode,"Start Event",startevent,"Leave",canc; end; startevent: set nagstartna,1; donpcevent "Flavius_BG2::OnCTHStart"; close; cthstop: mes "Hello Master, Do you want to stop Capture the Heroes?"; menu "Edit Prizes",editprizes,"Player Mode",playermode,"Stop Event",stopevent,"Leave",canc; end; stopevent: announce "Capture the Heroes has been stopped by a Game Master.",0; set $@FlaviusBG2, 2; set nagstartna,0; donpcevent "Flavius_BG2::OnMatchEnd"; close;editprizes: set .rewardwinner, getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinner,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardwinneramount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinneramount,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardwinnerbadge, getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinnerbadge,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardwinnerbadgeamount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinnerbadgeamount,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardloser, getvariableofnpc(.rewardloser,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardloseramount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardloseramount,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardjoin, getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoin,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardjoinamount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoinamount,"Flavius_BG2"); mes "Hello Master, What reward would you like to change?"; next; switch(select("Winner Reward ^008000["+.rewardwinneramount+"x "+getitemname(.rewardwinner)+"]^000000:Winner Reward Badge ^008000["+.rewardwinnerbadgeamount+"x "+getitemname(.rewardwinnerbadge)+"]^000000:Loser Reward ^008000["+.rewardloseramount+"x "+getitemname(.rewardloser)+"]^000000:Reward of Participation ^008000["+.rewardjoinamount+"x "+getitemname(.rewardjoin)+"]^000000:MAX SCORE ^008000["+$cthmaxscore+"]^000000:Leave")) { case 1: next; mes "Please input the new Winner reward number!"; input .@rewardwinput; if (getitemname(.@rewardwinput) == "null" || getitemname(.@rewardwinput) == "") {next; mes "This item doesn't exists in the database.."; next; goto editprizes; } set getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinner,"Flavius_BG2"), .@rewardwinput; next; mes "Please input the item amount #."; input .@rewardwainput; if(.@rewardwainput <= 0){next; mes "Please input a # greater than 0!"; next; goto editprizes; } set getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinneramount,"Flavius_BG2"), .@rewardwainput; next; goto editprizes; case 2: next; mes "Please input the new Winner reward badge number!"; input .@rewardwbinput; if (getitemname(.@rewardwbinput) == "null" || getitemname(.@rewardwbinput) == "") {next; mes "This item doesn't exists in the database.."; next; goto editprizes; } set getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinnerbadge,"Flavius_BG2"), .@rewardwbinput; next; mes "Please input the item amount #."; input .@rewardwbainput; if(.@rewardwbainput <= 0){next; mes "Please input a # greater than 0!"; next; goto editprizes; } set getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinnerbadgeamount,"Flavius_BG2"), .@rewardwbainput; next; goto editprizes; case 3: next; mes "Please input the new Loser reward number!"; input .@rewardlinput; if (getitemname(.@rewardlinput) == "null" || getitemname(.@rewardlinput) == "") {next; mes "This item doesn't exists in the database.."; next; goto editprizes; } set getvariableofnpc(.rewardloser,"Flavius_BG2"), .@rewardlinput; next; mes "Please input the item amount #."; input .@rewardlainput; if(.@rewardlainput <= 0){next; mes "Please input a # greater than 0!"; next; goto editprizes; } set getvariableofnpc(.rewardloseramount,"Flavius_BG2"), .@rewardlainput; next; goto editprizes; case 4: next; mes "Please input the new Reward of Participation number!"; input .@rewardpinput; if (getitemname(.@rewardpinput) == "null" || getitemname(.@rewardpinput) == "") {next; mes "This item doesn't exists in the database.."; next; goto editprizes; } set getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoin,"Flavius_BG2"), .@rewardpinput; next; mes "Please input the item amount #."; input .@rewardpainput; if(.@rewardpainput <= 0){next; mes "Please input a # greater than 0!"; next; goto editprizes; } set getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoinamount,"Flavius_BG2"), .@rewardpainput; next; goto editprizes; case 5: next; mes "Please input the CTH Max Score."; input .@sinput; if(.@sinput <= 0){next; mes "Please input a # greater than 0!"; next; goto editprizes; } set $cthmaxscore, .@sinput; next; goto editprizes; case 6: close; } canc: close;}// Time calculation Function// *********************************************************************function script Time2Str { set .@Time_Left, getarg(0) - gettimetick(2); set .@Days, .@Time_Left / 86400; set .@Time_Left, .@Time_Left - (.@Days * 86400); set .@Hours, .@Time_Left / 3600; set .@Time_Left, .@Time_Left - (.@Hours * 3600); set .@Minutes, .@Time_Left / 60; set .@Time_Left, .@Time_Left - (.@Minutes * 60); set .@Time$, ""; if( .@Days > 1 ) set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Days + " days, "; else if( .@Days > 0 ) set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Days + " day, "; if( .@Hours > 1 ) set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Hours + " hours, "; else if( .@Hours > 0 ) set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Hours + " hour, "; if( .@Minutes > 1 ) set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Minutes + " minutes, "; else if( .@Minutes > 0 ) set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Minutes + " minute, "; if( .@Time_Left > 1 || .@Time_Left == 0 ) set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Time_Left + " seconds."; else if( .@Time_Left == 1 ) set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Time_Left + " second."; return .@Time$;}- script Light Camp#bat 973,{ end; }- script Dark Camp#bat 974,{ end; }// === System === new_3-4,19,69,5 script Registration#Light 418,{ end;OnInit: waitingroom "Enter Arena Here",40,"Flavius_BG2::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; end;OnEnterBG: set $@FlaviusBG2_id1, waitingroom2bg("bat_room",197,94,"Flavius_BG2::OnGuillaumeQuit","Flavius_BG2::OnPCDieEvent","Registration#Light"); end;}new_3-4,139,108,5 script Registration#Dark 414,{ end;OnInit: waitingroom "Enter Arena Here",40,"Flavius_BG2::OnCroixJoin",1; end;OnEnterBG: set $@FlaviusBG2_id2, waitingroom2bg("bat_room",197,77,"Flavius_BG2::OnCroixQuit","Flavius_BG2::OnPCDieEvent","Registration#Dark"); end;}// Battleground Engine// *********************************************************************- script Flavius_BG2 -1,{ end;OnCTHStop:set nagstartna,0; if ($@Guillaume_Score > $@Croix_Score) goto Guillawin; if ($@Guillaume_Score < $@Croix_Score) goto Croixwin; if ($@Guillaume_Score == $@Croix_Score) goto Nowinner; end;OnClock1930:OnClock2330:OnClock0330:OnClock0730:OnClock1130:OnClock1530:OnCTHStart:announce "Capture The Heroes will start in 4 Minutes... Please warp to the Main Town for Registration.",0;stopnpctimer; set $@Guillaume_Score, 0; set $@Croix_Score, 0; set $@FlaviusBG2_Victory, 0; set $@anuncioF4,0; set $@anuncioF3,0; set $@RedFlagTaken, 0; set $@Red_Flag_Carrier$,0; set $@BlueFlagTaken, 0; set $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$,0; set $@RedFlagFalse, 0; set $@BlueFlagFalse, 0; // NPC's disablenpc "Battle Reward#fl2"; disablenpc "Therapist in Battle#1"; disablenpc "Therapist in Battle#2"; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; set $@register,1; set $@FlaviusBG2, 0; if( $@FlaviusBG2_id1 ) { bg_destroy $@FlaviusBG2_id1; set $@FlaviusBG2_id1, 0; } if( $@FlaviusBG2_id2 ) { bg_destroy $@FlaviusBG2_id2; set $@FlaviusBG2_id2, 0; } sleep 1000; mapwarp "bat_b02","livion",146,87; mapwarp "new_2-4","livion",146,87; sleep 2000; bg_updatescore "bat_b02",0,0;sleep 60000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end;announce "Capture The Heroes registration will close in 3 Minutes... Please warp to the Main Town for Registration.",0;sleep 60000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end;announce "Capture The Heroes registration will close in 2 Minutes... Please warp to the Main Town for Registration.",0;sleep 60000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end;announce "Capture The Heroes registration will close in 1 Minute... Please warp to the Main Town for Registration.",0;sleep 1000;mapannounce "new_3-4","Please get your needed items from your storage, because commands in the battlefield are disabled!",1;sleep 1000;mapannounce "new_3-4","You can only open your storage, in the respawn point ( when you died )!",1;sleep 28000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end;announce "Capture The Heroes registration will close in 30 Seconds... Please warp to the Main Town for Registration.",0;sleep 20000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end;announce "Registration has Ended.",0;set $@register,0;goto Simulan;end;Simulan: bg_updatescore "bat_b02",$@Guillaume_Score,$@Croix_Score;sleep 2000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end; mapannounce "new_3-4","Please get inside the pubs to enter the Arena, You have 30 seconds to prepare.",1;sleep 20000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end; mapannounce "new_3-4","10 Seconds Before Starting, Please Don't Exit the Pubs.",1; sleep 7000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end; mapannounce "new_3-4","3",1;sleep 1000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end; mapannounce "new_3-4","2",1;sleep 1000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end; mapannounce "new_3-4","1",1; donpcevent "Flavius_BG2::OnReadyCheck"; end;OnInit: set .rewardwinner, 7711; set .rewardwinneramount, 15; set .rewardwinnerbadge, 7828; set .rewardwinnerbadgeamount, 50; set .rewardloser, 7711; set .rewardloseramount, 10; set .rewardjoin, 7829; set .rewardjoinamount, 50; set $cthmaxscore, 3; setcell "bat_room",201,94,194,90,cell_landprotector,1; setcell "bat_room",201,81,194,74,cell_landprotector,1; setcell "bat_b02",333,153,326,145,cell_landprotector,1; setcell "bat_b02",57,145,65,155,cell_landprotector,1; setcell "bat_b02",304,235,319,214,cell_landprotector,1; setcell "bat_b02",76,85,99,64,cell_landprotector,1; disablenpc "Battle Reward#fl2"; disablenpc "Therapist in Battle#1"; disablenpc "Therapist in Battle#2"; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; //set nagstartna,0; end;OnPCLoginEvent:if ($@register < 1) set registeredna,0;end;OnGuillaumeQuit:OnCroixQuit: if ( $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0) || $@Red_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0)){ if( Bat_Team == 1) { if( $@BlueFlagTaken == 1 ){ mapannounce "bat_b02","Lucifer of the Dark has been freed.",bc_map,0xFF0000; getmapxy (mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0,strcharinfo(0)); movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1",.@mapx,.@mapy; set $@BlueFlagFalse, 1; set $@BlueFlagTaken, 0; set $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$,0; sleep 4000; enablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; end; } } if( Bat_Team == 2) { if( $@RedFlagTaken == 1 ){ mapannounce "bat_b02","Freyja of the Light has been freed.",bc_map,0x0000FF; getmapxy (mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0,strcharinfo(0)); movenpc "Freyja of the Light#1",.@mapx,.@mapy; set $@RedFlagFalse, 1; set $@RedFlagTaken, 0; set $@Red_Flag_Carrier$,0; sleep 4000; enablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; end; } } } set BG_Delay_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 1200; end;OnGuillaumeJoin:OnCroixJoin: if( $@FlaviusBG2 == 1 ){ if( $@GuillC < 30 && $@CroiC < 30){ set .@Guillaume, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Registration#Light"); set .@Croix, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Registration#Dark"); if (.@Guillaume!=0 && .@Croix!=0){ set $@GuillC, ($@GuillC + 1); set $@CroiC, ($@CroiC + 1); waitingroom2bg_single($@FlaviusBG2_id1,"bat_b02",311,224,"Registration#Light"); waitingroom2bg_single($@FlaviusBG2_id2,"bat_b02",87,75,"Registration#Dark"); mapannounce "new_3-4","Capture The Heroes: " + $@GuillC + "/40, C: " + $@CroiC + "/40 in Progress!",1,0x610B5E; end; } } }end;OnReadyCheck: if( $@FlaviusBG2 ) end; set .@Guillaume, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Registration#Light"); set .@Croix, getwaitingroomstate(0,"Registration#Dark"); // BG Variables set $@FlaviusBG2, 1; set $@FlaviusBG2_Victory, 0; set $@Guillaume_Score, 0; set $@Croix_Score, 0; bg_updatescore "bat_b02",$@Guillaume_Score,$@Croix_Score; set $@BlueFlagTaken, 0; set $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$,0; set $@RedFlagTaken, 0; set $@Red_Flag_Carrier$,0; set $@RedFlagFalse, 0; set $@BlueFlagFalse, 0; // Prepare NPC donpcevent "respawn1::OnBGStart"; donpcevent "respawn2::OnBGStart"; enablenpc "Therapist in Battle#1"; enablenpc "Therapist in Battle#2"; disablenpc "Battle Reward#fl2"; // Build and Warp Teams donpcevent "Registration#Light::OnEnterBG"; donpcevent "Registration#Dark::OnEnterBG"; // Vamos contando set $@GuillC, 10; set $@CroiC, 10; announce "Capture The Heroes has started!",0; initnpctimer; // Start Match!!OnRoundStart: if( $@FlaviusBG2 != 1 ) end; areapercentheal "bat_b02",382,2,397,17,100,100; areapercentheal "bat_b02",2,282,17,297,100,100; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG2_id1,"bat_b02",311,224; bg_warp $@FlaviusBG2_id2,"bat_b02",87,75; sleep 2000; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark",62,149; movenpc "Freyja of the Light",328,150; movenpc "Freyja of the Light#1",391,14; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1",391,15; enablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; enablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; if( $@FlaviusBG2 != 1 ) end; announce "The Capture The Heroes has begun!!",0; sleep 5000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end; mapannounce "bat_b02","Capture the Enemy's Heroes and bring it to your Hero to score points.",0; sleep 3000;if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end; mapannounce "bat_b02","The First Team to score "+$cthmaxscore+" Points wins!!!.",0; sleep 3000; mapannounce "bat_b02","You only have 10 minutes to win the battle!",0; sleep 3000; mapannounce "bat_b02","After 10 minutes, if no one wins the battle, both teams will receive same prize!",0; sleep 297000; mapannounce "bat_b02","5 minutes left before the game ends!",0; sleep 180000; mapannounce "bat_b02","2 minutes left before the game ends!",0; sleep 60000; mapannounce "bat_b02","1 minute left before the game ends!",0; sleep 55000; mapannounce "bat_b02","5",0; sleep 1000; mapannounce "bat_b02","4",0; sleep 1000; mapannounce "bat_b02","3",0; sleep 1000; mapannounce "bat_b02","2",0; sleep 1000; mapannounce "bat_b02","1",0; sleep 1000; if( $@FlaviusBG2==2 ) end; donpcevent "Flavius_BG2::OnMatchEnd"; end;OnPCDieEvent: if ( $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0) || $@Red_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0)){ if( Bat_Team == 1) { if( $@BlueFlagTaken == 1 ){ mapannounce "bat_b02", "Lucifer of the Dark has been freed!!!",bc_map,0xFF0000; getmapxy (mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0,strcharinfo(0)); movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1",.@mapx,.@mapy; set $@BlueFlagFalse, 1; set $@BlueFlagTaken, 0; set $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$,0; sleep 2000; enablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; sleep 10000; if ($@nahawakanluci == 0){ movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1",155,119; set $@nahawakanluci,0; end; } end; } } if( Bat_Team == 2) { if( $@RedFlagTaken == 1 ){ mapannounce "bat_b02", "Freyja of the Light has been freed!!!",bc_map,0x0000FF; getmapxy (mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0,strcharinfo(0)); movenpc "Freyja of the Light#1",.@mapx,.@mapy; set $@RedFlagFalse, 1; set $@RedFlagTaken, 0; set $@Red_Flag_Carrier$,0; sleep 2000; enablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; sleep 10000; if ($@nahawakanfreya == 0){ movenpc "Freyja of the Light#1",243,182; set $@nahawakanfreya,0; end; } } } } end; OnMatchEnd: set $@FlaviusBG2, 2; stopnpctimer; movenpc "Freyja of the Light",391,15; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark",391,14; movenpc "Freyja of the Light#1",392,15; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1",392,14; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; donpcevent "respawn1::OnBGStop"; donpcevent "respawn2::OnBGStop"; disablenpc "Therapist in Battle#1"; disablenpc "Therapist in Battle#2"; enablenpc "Battle Reward#fl2"; sleep 5000; mapwarp "bat_b02","new_2-4",51,191; sleep 5000; mapwarp "bat_room","new_2-4",51,191; sleep 3000; mapannounce "new_2-4","Capture The Heroes will close in 1 minute!",1,0x610B5E; initnpctimer; end;OnTimer30000: if( $@FlaviusBG2 == 2 ) mapannounce "new_2-4","Capture The Heroes will close in 30 seconds!",1,0x610B5E; end;OnTimer50000: if( $@FlaviusBG2 == 2 ) mapannounce "new_2-4","Capture The Heroes will close in 10 seconds!",1,0x610B5E; end;OnTimer60000: if( $@FlaviusBG2 != 2 ) end;OnReset: stopnpctimer; set $@Guillaume_Score, 0; set $@Croix_Score, 0; set $@anuncioF4,0; set $@anuncioF3,0; set $@RedFlagTaken, 0; set $@Red_Flag_Carrier$,0; set $@BlueFlagTaken, 0; set $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$,0; set $@RedFlagFalse, 0; set $@BlueFlagFalse, 0; // NPC's disablenpc "Battle Reward#fl2"; disablenpc "Therapist in Battle#1"; disablenpc "Therapist in Battle#2"; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; if( $@FlaviusBG2_id1 ) { bg_destroy $@FlaviusBG2_id1; set $@FlaviusBG2_id1, 0; } if( $@FlaviusBG2_id2 ) { bg_destroy $@FlaviusBG2_id2; set $@FlaviusBG2_id2, 0; } sleep 1000; mapwarp "bat_room","new_2-4",51,191; sleep 1000; mapwarp "bat_b02","new_2-4",51,191; sleep 2000; bg_updatescore "bat_b02",0,0; set $@FlaviusBG2, 0; end;Guillawin: announce "The Warriors of the Light has won the Capture The Heroes!",0; set $@FlaviusBG2_Victory, 1; donpcevent "Flavius_BG2::OnMatchEnd"; end;Croixwin: announce "The Warriors of the Dark has won the Capture The Heroes!",0; set $@FlaviusBG2_Victory, 2; donpcevent "Flavius_BG2::OnMatchEnd"; end;Nowinner: announce "The Capture The Heroes has ended. There are no victors!",0; set $@FlaviusBG2_Victory, 3; donpcevent "Flavius_BG2::OnMatchEnd"; end;}// Banderas estaticas :3bat_b02,328,150,5 script Freyja of the Light 1751,1,1,{end;OnTouch: if( Bat_Team == 2 ){ set @hp, (Hp * 100 / MaxHp); //if (@hp < 50) goto notenafhp; set $@RedFlagTaken, 1; set $@Red_Flag_Carrier$,strcharinfo(0); mapannounce "bat_b02", "[ "+$@Red_Flag_Carrier$+" ] kidnapped Freyja of the Light",bc_map,0xFF0000; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; movenpc "Freyja of the Light",391,15; callsub OnRedFlagCarrier; end;notenafhp:announce "You cannot kidnap the Hero. Your HP is below 50%, Please Make sure that your HP is above 50% to successfully kidnap the Hero.",3;end; } if( $@BlueFlagTaken == 1 && $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0) ){ mapannounce "bat_b02", "[ "+$@Blue_Flag_Carrier$+" ] successfully devoured Lucifer of the Dark",bc_map,0x0000FF; set @banderas,@banderas + 1; set $@BlueFlagTaken, 0; set $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$,0; if( set($@Guillaume_Score, $@Guillaume_Score + 1) < $cthmaxscore ) { bg_updatescore "bat_b02",$@Guillaume_Score,$@Croix_Score; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark",62,149; movenpc "Freyja of the Light",328,150; movenpc "Freyja of the Light#1",391,14; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1",391,15; sleep 5000; mapannounce "bat_b02","The Heroes have been set to their Bases!!",bc_map,0xFFFF00; enablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; enablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; } else { bg_updatescore "bat_b02",$@Guillaume_Score,$@Croix_Score; mapannounce "bat_b02","The Warriors of the Light has won the Capture The Heroes!",1,0x0000FF; set $@FlaviusBG2_Victory, 1; donpcevent "Flavius_BG2::OnMatchEnd"; } } end; OnRedFlagCarrier:if($@RedFlagTaken == 1) { if($@Red_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0)) { sc_end SC_CLOAKING; sc_end SC_CHASEWALK; sc_end SC_HIDING; sc_start 297,2000,1; sc_start SC_ROKISWEIL,1200000,1; emotion e_hlp,1; percentheal -7,0; specialeffect2 58; sleep2 2000; goto OnRedFlagCarrier;}}sc_end 297; sc_end SC_ROKISWEIL; end;} bat_b02,62,149,5 script Lucifer of the Dark 1916,1,1,{end;OnTouch: if( Bat_Team == 1 ){ set @hp2, (Hp * 100 / MaxHp); //if (@hp2 < 50) goto notenafhp2; set $@BlueFlagTaken, 1; set $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$,strcharinfo(0); mapannounce "bat_b02", "[ "+$@Blue_Flag_Carrier$+" ] kidnapped Lucifer of the Dark",bc_map,0x0000FF; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark",391,14; callsub OnBlueFlagCarrier; end;notenafhp2:announce "You cannot kidnap the Hero. Your HP is below 50%, Please Make sure that your HP is above 50% to successfully kidnap the Hero.",3;end; } if( $@RedFlagTaken == 1 && $@Red_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0) ){ mapannounce "bat_b02", "[ "+$@Red_Flag_Carrier$+" ] successfully devoured Freyja of the Light",bc_map,0xFF0000; set @banderas,@banderas + 1; set $@RedFlagTaken, 0; set $@Red_Flag_Carrier$,0; if( set($@Croix_Score, $@Croix_Score + 1) < $cthmaxscore ) { bg_updatescore "bat_b02",$@Guillaume_Score,$@Croix_Score; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark",62,149; movenpc "Freyja of the Light",328,150; movenpc "Freyja of the Light#1",391,14; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1",391,15; sleep 5000; mapannounce "bat_b02","The Heroes have been set to their Bases!!",bc_map,0xFFFF00; enablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; enablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; } else { bg_updatescore "bat_b02",$@Guillaume_Score,$@Croix_Score; mapannounce "bat_b02","The Warriors of the Dark has won the Capture The Heroes!",1,0xFF0000; set $@FlaviusBG2_Victory, 2; donpcevent "Flavius_BG2::OnMatchEnd"; } } end; OnBlueFlagCarrier:if($@BlueFlagTaken == 1) { if($@Blue_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0)) { sc_end SC_CLOAKING; sc_end SC_CHASEWALK; sc_end SC_HIDING; sc_start 297,2000,1; sc_start SC_ROKISWEIL,1200000,1; emotion e_hlp,1; percentheal -7,0; specialeffect2 58; sleep2 2000; goto OnBlueFlagCarrier;}}sc_end 297;sc_end SC_ROKISWEIL; end;}//Banderas que dropean al morir, y se mueven :3!bat_b02,390,13,5 script Lucifer of the Dark#1 1916,1,1,{end;OnTouch: if( Bat_Team == 1 ){ set $@nahawakanluci,1; set $@BlueFlagFalse, 0; set $@BlueFlagTaken, 1; set $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$,strcharinfo(0); mapannounce "bat_b02","[ "+$@Blue_Flag_Carrier$+" ] kidnapped Lucifer of the Dark!!!",bc_map,0xFF0000; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1",390,13; callsub OnBlueFlagCarrier; end; } if( Bat_Team == 2 ){ set $@Blue_Returned$,strcharinfo(0); mapannounce "bat_b02","[ "+$@Blue_Returned$+" ] rescued Lucifer of the Dark...",bc_map,0xFF0000; set $@nahawakanluci,1; set $@Blue_Returned$,0; set $@BlueFlagFalse, 0; disablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1"; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark#1",390,13; movenpc "Lucifer of the Dark",62,149; enablenpc "Lucifer of the Dark"; end; }end;OnBlueFlagCarrier:if($@BlueFlagTaken == 1) { if($@Blue_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0)) { sc_end SC_CLOAKING; sc_end SC_CHASEWALK; sc_end SC_HIDING; sc_start 297,2000,1; sc_start SC_ROKISWEIL,1200000,1; emotion e_hlp,1; percentheal -7,0; specialeffect2 58; sleep2 2000; goto OnBlueFlagCarrier;}}sc_end 297; sc_end SC_ROKISWEIL; end;}bat_b02,390,14,5 script Freyja of the Light#1 1751,1,1,{end;OnTouch: if( Bat_Team == 2 ){ set $@nahawakanfreya,1; set $@RedFlagFalse, 0; set $@RedFlagTaken, 1; set $@Red_Flag_Carrier$,strcharinfo(0); mapannounce "bat_b02", "[ "+$@Red_Flag_Carrier$+" ] kidnapped Freyja of the Light!!!",bc_map,0x0000FF; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; movenpc "Freyja of the Light#1",390,13; callsub OnRedFlagCarrier; end; } if( Bat_Team == 1 ){ set $@Red_Returned$,strcharinfo(0); mapannounce "bat_b02","[ "+$@Red_Returned$+" ] rescued Freyja of the Light...",bc_map,0x0000FF; set $@nahawakanfreya,1; set $@Red_Returned$,0; set $@RedFlagFalse, 0; disablenpc "Freyja of the Light#1"; movenpc "Freyja of the Light#1",390,14; movenpc "Freyja of the Light",328,150; enablenpc "Freyja of the Light"; end; }end;OnRedFlagCarrier:if($@RedFlagTaken == 1) { if($@Red_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0)) { sc_end SC_CLOAKING; sc_end SC_CHASEWALK; sc_end SC_HIDING; sc_start 297,2000,1; sc_start SC_ROKISWEIL,1200000,1; emotion e_hlp,1; percentheal -7,0; specialeffect2 58; sleep2 2000; goto OnRedFlagCarrier;}}sc_end 297; sc_end SC_ROKISWEIL; end;}// Map View de las banderas.- script viewmapred -,{end;OnPCLoadMapEvent:OnViewRed: getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,@x,@y,0,strcharinfo(0); if(.@MAPNAME$ == "bat_b02") { if($@FlaviusBG2 == 2) { viewpoint 2,.yE,.yE,1,0x0000ff; end;} if($@FlaviusBG2 == 1) { if ($@RedFlagFalse == 1) { getmapxy(.mapES$, .xE, .yE,1,"Freyja of the Light#1"); viewpoint 1,.xE,.yE,1,0x0000ff; sleep2 1000; goto OnViewRed; } if ($@RedFlagTaken == 1) { getmapxy(.mapES$, .xE, .yE,0,$@Red_Flag_Carrier$); viewpoint 1,.xE,.yE,1,0x0000ff; sleep2 1000; goto OnViewRed; } } getmapxy(.mapES$, .xE, .yE,1,"Freyja of the Light"); viewpoint 1,.xE,.yE,1,0x0000ff; sleep2 1000; goto OnViewRed;}end;}/*- script IfAfkInBattleField -1,{OnPCLoadMapEvent: //while ( !getmapxy ( .@afkmap$, .@afkx, .@afky, 0) && .@afkmap$ == "bat_b02" ) { while( ! getmapxy(.@afkmap$,.@afkx,.@afky,0) && .@afkmap$ == "bat_b02"){ if ( .@afkx == .@afkmapx && .@afky == .@afkmapy ) { if( .@afkcountifidle < 60 ){ set .@afkcountifidle,.@afkcountifidle+10; if(.@afkcountifidle==(60-10)){ dispbottom "You have 10 seconds to move or you will be tagged as AFK"; } } else { dispbottom "You've been kicked for being afk."; set registeredna,0; setlook 7,normallook; warp "SavePoint",0,0; break; } } else { set .@afkmapx,.@afkx; set .@afkmapy,.@afky; set .@afkcountifidle,0; } sleep2 10000; }}*//*- script IfAfkInRespawn -1,{OnPCLoadMapEvent: while( ! getmapxy(.@afkmap2$,.@afkx2,.@afky2,0) && .@afkmap2$ == "bat_room"){ if ( .@afkx2 == .@afkmapx2 && .@afky2 == .@afkmapy2 ) { if( .@afkcountifidle2 < 60 ){ set .@afkcountifidle2,.@afkcountifidle2+10; if(.@afkcountifidle2==(60-10)){ dispbottom "You have 10 seconds to move or you will be tagged as AFK"; } } else { dispbottom "You've been kicked for being afk."; set registeredna,0; setlook 7,normallook; warp "SavePoint",0,0; break; } } else { set .@afkmapx2,.@afkx2; set .@afkmapy2,.@afky2; set .@afkcountifidle2,0; } sleep2 10000; }}*/- script Logout_CTH -1,{OnPCLogoutEvent: set registeredna,0; end;}function script has_char_from_same_ip { set .@my_map$, getarg(0); // get array of char names who are online from the same IP query_sql "SELECT `char`.`name` FROM `char` LEFT JOIN login ON `char`.account_id=login.account_id " + "WHERE last_ip=(SELECT last_ip FROM login WHERE account_id="+playerattached()+") AND online AND `char`.account_id!=" + playerattached(), .@name$; // check each char, and see if they are on the map for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@name$); set .@i,.@i+1) { getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0, .@name$[.@i]; if (.@map$ == .@my_map$) return 1; // another char from this IP is already on map } return 0; // no other chars from this IP are on that map}- script viewmapblue -,{end;OnPCLoadMapEvent:OnViewBlue: getmapxy .@MAPNAME$,@x,@y,0,strcharinfo(0); if(.@MAPNAME$ == "bat_b02") { if($@FlaviusBG2 == 2) { viewpoint 2,.yEE,.yEE,2,0xff0000; end;} if($@FlaviusBG2 == 1) { if ($@BlueFlagFalse == 1) { getmapxy(.mapEES$, .xEE, .yEE,1,"Lucifer of the Dark#1"); viewpoint 1,.xEE,.yEE,2,0xff0000; sleep2 1000; goto OnViewBlue; } if ($@BlueFlagTaken == 1) { getmapxy(.mapEES$, .xEE, .yEE,0,$@Blue_Flag_Carrier$); viewpoint 1,.xEE,.yEE,2,0xff0000; sleep2 1000; goto OnViewBlue; } } getmapxy(.mapEES$, .xEE, .yEE,1,"Lucifer of the Dark"); viewpoint 1,.xEE,.yEE,2,0xff0000; sleep2 1000; goto OnViewBlue;}end;}// Battleground rewards// *********************************************************************new_2-4,51,191,5 script Battle Reward#fl2 851,{ if( $@FlaviusBG2_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory set registeredna,0; setlook 7,normallook; mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Blessed Warrior"; mes "Let's enjoy our glorious victory!"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ", its a sign reflecting victory"; set .rewardwinner, getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinner,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardwinneramount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinneramount,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardwinnerbadge, getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinnerbadge,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardwinnerbadgeamount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardwinnerbadgeamount,"Flavius_BG2"); getitem .rewardwinner,.rewardwinneramount; getitem .rewardwinnerbadge,.rewardwinnerbadgeamount; set .rewardjoin, getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoin,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardjoinamount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoinamount,"Flavius_BG2"); getitem .rewardjoin,.rewardjoinamount; dispbottom "You've earned another "+.rewardjoinamount+" "+getitemname(.rewardjoin)+" for playing Capture the Heroes!"; warp "dewata",200,180; end; } else { // Derrota set registeredna,0; setlook 7,normallook; mes "[Swandery]"; mes "You lost, but you're dedicated to this battle."; mes "This is a reward for your great dedication!"; mes "Just take this defeat a lesson, and later you would definitely learn."; set .rewardloser, getvariableofnpc(.rewardloser,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardloseramount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardloseramount,"Flavius_BG2"); getitem .rewardloser,.rewardloseramount; set .rewardjoin, getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoin,"Flavius_BG2"); set .rewardjoinamount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoinamount,"Flavius_BG2"); getitem .rewardjoin,.rewardjoinamount; dispbottom "You've earned "+.rewardjoinamount+" "+getitemname(.rewardjoin)+" for playing Capture the Heroes!"; warp "dewata",200,180; end; } //set Flavius2_BG_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 300; //getitem 7829, 2; //if(.@rewardb != 0) { //set .rewardjoin, getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoin,"Flavius_BG2"); //set .rewardjoinamount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardjoinamount,"Flavius_BG2"); //getitem .rewardjoin,.rewardjoinamount; //dispbottom "You've earned "+.rewardjoinamount+" "+getitemname(.rewardjoin)+" for playing Capture the Heroes!"; setlook 7,normallook; set registeredna,0; bg_leave; warp "livion",146,87; end;}// Battleground Therapist// *********************************************************************bat_room,197,97,5 script Therapist in Battle#1 95,{ mes "[Therapist in Battle]"; mes "Just close your eyes, and take a deep breathe."; mes "You can be free from pain."; percentheal 100,100; repair(1); sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,5; switch ( BaseJob ) { case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; break; case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; break; case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; break; case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; break; case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; break; case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; break; case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; break; case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; break; case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break; case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; break; case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; break; case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; break; case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; break; case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; break; default: if ( Upper == 1 && BaseLevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; } if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 sc_spirit, .@time, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5; } close2; warp "bat_b02",311,224;}bat_room,197,74,1 script Therapist in Battle#2 95,{ mes "[Therapist in Battle]"; mes "Just close your eyes, and take a deep breathe."; mes "You can be free from pain."; percentheal 100,100; repair(1); sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,5; switch ( BaseJob ) { case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; break; case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; break; case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; break; case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; break; case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; break; case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; break; case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; break; case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; break; case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break; case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; break; case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; break; case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; break; case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; break; case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; break; default: if ( Upper == 1 && BaseLevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; } if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 sc_spirit, .@time, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5; } close2; warp "bat_b02",87,75;}// Battleground Respawn// *********************************************************************/*function script respawn1f { sleep 5000; areapercentheal "bat_room",201,90,194,97,100,100; areawarp "bat_room",201,90,194,97,"bat_b02",311,224; end;}function script respawn2f { sleep 5000; areapercentheal "bat_room",201,74,194,81,100,100; areawarp "bat_room",201,74,194,81,"bat_b02",87,75; end;}wew*/ //bat_room,197,97,0 script respawn1 -1,13,13,{bat_room,197,97,0 script respawn1 104,{ end;OnBGStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnBGStart: initnpctimer; end;OnTimer5000: misceffect 83; end;OnTimer10000: areapercentheal "bat_room",201,90,194,97,100,100; areawarp "bat_room",201,90,194,97,"bat_b02",311,224; initnpctimer; end;}//bat_room,197,74,0 script respawn2 -1,13,13,{bat_room,197,74,0 script respawn2 104,{ end;OnBGStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnBGStart: initnpctimer; end;OnTimer5000: misceffect 83; end;OnTimer10000: areapercentheal "bat_room",201,74,194,81,100,100; areawarp "bat_room",201,74,194,81,"bat_b02",87,75; initnpctimer; end;}// Flags// *********************************************************************bat_b02,304,231,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat32 973bat_b02,319,231,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat33 973bat_b02,304,218,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat34 973bat_b02,319,218,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat35 973bat_b02,304,231,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat36 973bat_b02,304,231,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat37 973bat_b02,335,142,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat38 973bat_b02,335,157,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat39 973bat_b02,390,16,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat40 973bat_b02,292,163,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat41 973bat_b02,292,136,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat42 973bat_b02,241,185,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat43 973bat_b02,247,179,1 duplicate(Light Camp#bat) Light Camp#bat44 973bat_b02,96,81,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat30 974bat_b02,96,68,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat31 974bat_b02,79,81,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat32 974bat_b02,79,68,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat33 974bat_b02,96,81,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat34 974bat_b02,96,81,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat35 974bat_b02,59,164,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat36 974bat_b02,59,137,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat37 974bat_b02,10,296,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat38 974bat_b02,110,162,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat39 974bat_b02,110,137,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat40 974bat_b02,152,120,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat41 974bat_b02,158,114,1 duplicate(Dark Camp#bat) Dark Camp#bat42 974bat_b02,87,81,3 script Healer#boa1 81,{if (Bat_Team == 1) end;if ( $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0) || $@Red_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0)) end;percentheal 100,100; repair(1); sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,10; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,5; switch ( BaseJob ) { case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; break; case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; break; case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; break; case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; break; case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; break; case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; break; case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; break; case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; break; case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break; case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; break; case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; break; case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; break; case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; break; case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; break; default: if ( Upper == 1 && BaseLevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; } if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 sc_spirit, .@time, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5; } close;}bat_b02,313,231,3 script Healer#boa2 81,{if (Bat_Team == 2) end;if ( $@Blue_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0) || $@Red_Flag_Carrier$ == strcharinfo(0)) end; percentheal 100,100; repair(1); sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,10; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,5; switch ( BaseJob ) { case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; break; case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; break; case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; break; case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; break; case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; break; case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; break; case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; break; case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; break; case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break; case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; break; case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; break; case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; break; case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; break; case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; break; default: if ( Upper == 1 && BaseLevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; } if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 sc_spirit, .@time, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5; } close;}
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