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Posts posted by Main


    Commands are enclosed in ACMD() functions. While I wouldn't say you could typically add a new command anywhere in atcommand.c, you can add a new command before or after these functions. 




    ACMD(searchstore){	int val = atoi(message);		switch( val ) {		case 0://EFFECTTYPE_NORMAL		case 1://EFFECTTYPE_CASH			break;		default:			val = 0;			break;	}	 searchstore->open(sd, 99, val);		return true;}ACMD(mynewcommand){//...}

    Thank you sir!

  2. Hello!


    i'm having trouble re-trancelating item names to korean.

    it is weird that itemdb2.conf doesn't make error while itemdb.conf does.

    it comes out to be ET-language in server even though i can see korean language saved in itemdb.conf


    how can i fix it?

    is it relevant to source?

  3. I think you can set it on conf/char-server.conf and search for this line

    // Set the letters/symbols that you want use with the 'char_name_option' option.// Note: Don't add spaces unless you mean to add 'space' to the list.char_name_letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890

    replace or add the character that you want.


    or if you don't want any restriction you can simply 

    // Manage possible letters/symbol in the name of charater. Control character (0x00-0x1f) are never accepted. Possible values are:// NOTE: Applies to character, party and guild names.// 0: no restriction (default)// 1: only letters/symbols in 'char_name_letters' option.// 2: Letters/symbols in 'char_name_letters' option are forbidden. All others are possibles.char_name_option: 1

    set to 0

    thank you sir!

    char problem solved =)

  4. Hello again =)


    i'm having trouble making 'korean-named' character

    of course no problem with making 'english-named' character


    how can i fix it?




    and one more server sided.


    is it ok to make and just put somewhere a new command at atcommand.c?
    i'm afraid if they are numbered or something


    ^ if you are using custom data. delete your msgstringtable.txt in yourRO.grf so that it will use the default korean msgstringtable.txt



    love you sir♥ <3 lol

    thanks to your tip

    corrected by diff unchecking msgstringtable

  6. ^ if you are using custom data. delete your msgstringtable.txt in yourRO.grf so that it will use the default korean msgstringtable.txt



    love you sir♥ <3 lol

  7. Hi i'm here agin T,T



    i made a client, and all of it's tab names are NO MSG :(

    (ex. log in status table's description, inventory tabs, status tabs and many more)

    how can i fix NO MSG things?


    i didn't used english translation cuz i'm korean (not needed)

  8. 1)Disable "HKLM to HKCU" Patch or Get a Patched Setup.exe

    2) To get latest version, you can either use svn or git, you can update your local copy by using command "svn up" or by using any gui interface(like tortoisesvn)

    1) I disabled "HKLM to HKCU", but then it says

    "정상적인 라그나로크 클라이언트를 실행시켜 주시기 바랍니다."

    witch means

    "please run untouched(normal) RO client".

    how can i get patched setup.exe?

    can it be run with patched setup.exe?


    2) I found trunk folder witch means not stable. (I thought)

    and there are many other folders that i dont't know what are they for.

    there is no folder named "stable".

    is there any Synonyms?

    or no such thing?

    I heard hercules has one.




    thank you for repling

  9. Hello i'm newbie here, and i'm just stucked making client


    i used 2013-08-07aRagexe.xdiff to diffpatch 2013-08-07aRagexe.exe by using xDiffPatcher.

    but it doesn't work with R.O.Lex in my computer here :(
    it is just refreshing setup.exe over and over again T.T

    how can i fix it?


    sorry for poor english,

    waiting your answer


    ah, one more


    where can i get stable versions?

    i've downloaded a hercules file using SVN, i want to know if it is included or not

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