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Files posted by Emistry

  1. Hairstyle Package

    This package are currently contains around 90~100 hairstyles for both male/female character.
    I obtained these from various sources like old eAthena, rAthena, Hercules, TheSpriteRepository and other member who shared these sprites with me etc.
    I don't remember who exactly made each of the sprites, or who even shared these... tell me if you know who are them.
    If any of these hairstyles are custom work that are meant for private use, kindly contact me, so that I could remove it from the listing.
    I do have more than this amount, but since my current test client (2018-06-20) can only support up to 100 sprites, so I randomly picked 100 and only upload it here.
    It included the default 31 hairstyle from kRO, but I think I replaced the 1~20+ hairstyles from JRO which dyed the hair  in dark color, the rest are custom hair styles.
    How to use:
    You can either merge the provided GRF into your own GRF Load it as another individual GRF using the DATA.ini file Extract it and put it in your Data folder * Depend on your client hexed with whatever settings. Search forum for all these guides.
     You're free to share with everyone but do not monetize the contents in any way! 
    These materials are meant for study or research purpose.
    Use these at your own risk, and always give credit to original author.
    If there exists issue with sprite file, for example: sprite misalignment, error, etc, kindly ask help from any member who have knowledge with sprite edit.
    If there exists issue with palette color file, for example: messed up color, error, etc, kindly ask help from any member who have knowledge with palette color edit.
    Fun Fact:
    Do you know you can actually combine all male and female hairstyle (including doram) to create a list of universal hairstyles that could be used by any gender of player and doram? 




  2. Usable Enchant Item

    Description :
    Players are able to click on the Enchant items to provide custom bonus to the selected equipment.
    Varies of bonus could be done especially use together with a *getequippedon script command to provide a wide range of bonuses.
    The current items and bonuses display in the video is just a sample for demo.
    The origin of the idea come from Diablo and 張阿神.
    Preview :




  3. Usable Refinery Ores

    Players are able to click on the Ores items to refine the selected equipment. They can refine their Equipment at anywhere anytime they want.
    Based on requirement of Weapon Level and Type, different ores might be needed as well as Zeny.


    1 comment


  4. LMPQ - Ludi Maze Party Quest

    This LMPQ exists in MapleStory, I am just copy the idea of how it work, and try to port it into RO.
    However, its far from perfect, originally I planned to get a custom map with x-mas theme, something like toy factory since it kinda match with MapleStory's Ludibrium town/dungeons. 
    But plan failed, tried to approach several person to help me with some of the client side stuff, but not everyone have the free time or interested or maybe not willing to work on free maps/clientside release nowaday.
    Anyhow, maybe you could just replace with your own custom map, or even better if you could share with everyone like I share the scripts. The more the merrier!
    So, if anyone willing to help me with custom maps/client side edit, let me know  . Sometime collaborating with others could make great contents for release to other member.
    How it work:
    The objective of this party quest is to collect at least a certain tickets by killing monsters and to reach Ludibrium Maze 16 (henceforth known as Room 16).  Navigating through the maze needs a firm foundation of how the rooms operate. When you have successfully entered into the maze, your party will be thrown into a random room. Each type of monster drops a random amount of tickets at certain rate. Some rooms consists of mystery treasure box that summon monsters upon destroyed. These summoned monster has better loot value,  which are important factor to complete the PQ in a short period of time. The more passes you have, the more experience points you will obtain at the end of the PQ. There exists trick to conquer this PQ in a very short duration, I'm not gonna reveal/spoil how is it, and l'll just leave it to you to explore it.
    Mirror Link : Pastebin




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