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Posts posted by fulldevilman

  1. Here


    [cbox]function script crafting {
    switch(select("VA:Nothingv1")) }
    case 1:
    if(countitem(30005) >= 10)

    dispbottom "You don't have the 10 pcs of sealed box in your inventory";
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) {
    if ( @inventorylist_id[.@i] == 2357 ) {
    progressbar "FFFFFF",1;
    delitem 30005, 10;
    set .@failchance,rand(100);

    if(.@failchance > 10)
    dispbottom "Failed.";

    delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1, @inventorylist_identify[.@i], @inventorylist_refine[.@i], @inventorylist_attribute[.@i], @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];
    dispbottom "Succeed.";
    getitem2 30101 + @inventorylist_refine[.@i], 1, 1, 0, 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];
    dispbottom "You don't have "+ getitemname(2357) +" in your inventory";

    case 2:
    mes "[ Quick VA ]";
    mes "Okay,come back when you need me.";

    function script get_valkyrie_armor {

    getitem2 2357, 1, 1, getarg(1), 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];

  2. i got the rate.thanks


    other script


    how to add 2 or 3 menu



    1. function script Headgers {
    2. function script weapons {
    3. function script Other {

  3. how to add success rate in 10%.


    [cbox]function script crafting {
    if(countitem(30005) >= 10)

    dispbottom "You don't have the 10 pcs of sealed box in your inventory";
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) {
    if ( @inventorylist_id[.@i] == 2357 ) {
    delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1, @inventorylist_identify[.@i], @inventorylist_refine[.@i], @inventorylist_attribute[.@i], @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];
    getitem2 30101 + @inventorylist_refine[.@i], 1, 1, 0, 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];
    delitem 30005, 10;
    dispbottom "You don't have "+ getitemname(2357) +" in your inventory";

    function script get_valkyrie_armor {

    getitem2 2357, 1, 1, getarg(1), 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];

  4. 2013-08-07aRagexe

    if you have shoes in alt-q
    then you mouse2 shoes in your inventury your error.
    shoes in alt-q
    shoes inventury mouse2 error
    shoes in alt-q
    shoes_ inventury mouse2 error
    muffler in alt-q
    muffler inventury mouse2 error
    muffler in alt-q
    muffler_ inventury mouse2 error
    how i can fix
    same all item error viewing mouse2

  5. how to add


    if you use the valkyrie_box_catch we need 10pcs valkyrie_box_catch if you dont have 10pcs = dispbottom "You don't have "+ getitemname(valkyrie_box_catch 10pcs) +" in your inventory";


    like dispbottom "You don't have "+ getitemname(Valkyrie_Armor) +" in your inventory";


    if work the valkyrie_box_catch you delitem Valkyrie_box_catch 10pcs.


    replace into item_db2 ( id, name_english, name_japanese, type, price_buy, price_sell, weight, equip_upper, script ) values
    ( 31000, 'Valkyrie_box_catch', 'Valkyrie_box_catch', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "catch_valkyrie_armor";' ),
    ( 31001, 'Valkyrie_box_open_0', 'Valkyrie_box_open_0', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31001, 0;' ),
    ( 31002, 'Valkyrie_box_open_1', 'Valkyrie_box_open_1', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31002, 1;' ),
    ( 31003, 'Valkyrie_box_open_2', 'Valkyrie_box_open_2', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31003, 2;' ),
    ( 31004, 'Valkyrie_box_open_3', 'Valkyrie_box_open_3', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31004, 3;' ),
    ( 31005, 'Valkyrie_box_open_4', 'Valkyrie_box_open_4', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31005, 4;' ),
    ( 31006, 'Valkyrie_box_open_5', 'Valkyrie_box_open_5', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31006, 5;' ),
    ( 31007, 'Valkyrie_box_open_6', 'Valkyrie_box_open_6', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31007, 6;' ),
    ( 31008, 'Valkyrie_box_open_7', 'Valkyrie_box_open_7', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31008, 7;' ),
    ( 31009, 'Valkyrie_box_open_8', 'Valkyrie_box_open_8', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31009, 8;' ),
    ( 31010, 'Valkyrie_box_open_9', 'Valkyrie_box_open_9', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31010, 9;' ),
    ( 31011, 'Valkyrie_box_open_10', 'Valkyrie_box_open_10', 11, 1,1,10, 63, 'callfunc "get_valkyrie_armor", 31011, 10;' );

    function script catch_valkyrie_armor {
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) {
    if ( @inventorylist_id[.@i] == 2357 ) {
    delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1, @inventorylist_identify[.@i], @inventorylist_refine[.@i], @inventorylist_attribute[.@i], @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];
    getitem2 30101 + @inventorylist_refine[.@i], 1, 1, 0, 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];
    delitem 30100, 10;
    dispbottom "You don't have "+ getitemname(2357) +" in your inventory";

    function script get_valkyrie_armor {

    getitem2 2357, 1, 1, getarg(1), 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];

  6. how to add


    if you use the valkyrie_box_catch we need 10pcs valkyrie_box_catch if you dont have 10pcs = dispbottom "You don't have "+ getitemname(valkyrie_box_catch 10pcs) +" in your inventory";


    like dispbottom "You don't have "+ getitemname(Valkyrie_Armor) +" in your inventory";


    if work the valkyrie_box_catch you delitem Valkyrie_box_catch 10pcs.


    [cbox]function script catch_valkyrie_armor {
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) {
    if ( @inventorylist_id[.@i] == 2357 ) {
    delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1, @inventorylist_identify[.@i], @inventorylist_refine[.@i], @inventorylist_attribute[.@i], @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];
    getitem2 30101 + @inventorylist_refine[.@i], 1, 1, 0, 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];
    delitem 30100, 10;
    dispbottom "You don't have "+ getitemname(2357) +" in your inventory";

    function script get_valkyrie_armor {

    getitem2 2357, 1, 1, getarg(1), 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];

  7. not work progressbar "0xFFFFFF",10;


    here the script.

    if cast the progressbar you dont move.


    [cbox]prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ ){
    mes .item_amount[.@i]+" x "+getitemname( .item_id[.@i] );
    if( countitem( .item_id[.@i] ) < .item_amount[.@i] ) .@failed = 1;
    if( !.@failed ){
    mes "Please wait...";
    progressbar "0xFFFFFF",10;
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ )
    delitem .item_id[.@i],.item_amount[.@i];
    if( rand( 100 ) < .craft_rate ){
    mes "Gained 1 items.";
    getnameditem( .craft_gain,strcharinfo(0) );
    mes "Failed";

    // craft settings
    .craft_rate = 50;
    setarray .item_id,607,608;
    setarray .item_amount,1,2;
    .item_id_size = getarraysize( .item_id );

    // item gain
    .craft_gain = 7539;

  8. whats the problem,


    	for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ ){		mes .item_amount[.@i]+" x "+getitemname( .item_id[.@i] );		if( countitem( .item_id[.@i] ) < .item_amount[.@i] )			.@failed = 1;	}	if( !.@failed ){		mes "Please wait...";		progressbar "FFFFFF",10;		for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ )			delitem .item_id[.@i],.item_amount[.@i];		if( rand( 100 ) < .craft_rate ){			mes "Gained 1 items.";			callfunc "valkyrie_armor";		}else{			mes "Failed";		}	}	close;OnInit:	// craft settings	.craft_rate = 50;	setarray .item_id,30005;	setarray .item_amount,10;	.item_id_size = getarraysize( .item_id );	end;}function script valkyrie_armor {	getinventorylist;	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) {		if ( @inventorylist_id[.@i] == 2357 ) {			delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1, @inventorylist_identify[.@i], @inventorylist_refine[.@i], @inventorylist_attribute[.@i], @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];			getitem2 30101 + @inventorylist_refine[.@i], 1, 1, 0, 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];			end;		}	}	dispbottom "You don't have "+ getitemname(2357) +" in your inventory";	end;}function script get_valkyrie_armor {	getitem2 2357, 1, 1, getarg(1), 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i];}


  9. if you crafting the +7 valkyrie armor fail the +7 valkyrie armor not lost and  the box empty is lost  

    if success the crafting same loss +7 valkyrie armor and box empty and get box of valkyrie


    prontera,142,177,5 script Sample1 757,{

    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ ){
    mes .item_amount[.@i]+" x "+getitemname( .item_id[.@i] );
    if( countitem( .item_id[.@i] ) < .item_amount[.@i] ) .@failed = 1;
    if( !.@failed ){
    mes "Please wait...";
    progressbar "FFFFFF",10;
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ )
    delitem .item_id[.@i],.item_amount[.@i];
    if( rand( 100 ) < .craft_rate ){
    failedrefitem .@part;
    mes "Gained 1 items.";
    getitem .craft_gain,1;
    mes "Failed";

    // craft settings
    .craft_rate = 50;
    setarray .item_id,box empty;
    setarray .item_amount,10;
    .item_id_size = getarraysize( .item_id );

    // item gain
    .craft_gain = box of valkyrie;

  10. [cbox]prontera,156,178,5 script Sample 757,{
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ ){
    mes .item_amount[.@i]+" x "+getitemname( .item_id[.@i] );
    if( countitem( .item_id[.@i] ) < .item_amount[.@i] ) .@failed = 1;
    if( !.@failed ){
    mes "Please wait...";
    progressbar "FFFFFF",10;
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_id_size; .@i++ )
    delitem .item_id[.@i],.item_amount[.@i];
    if( rand( 100 ) < .craft_rate ){
    mes "Gained 1 items.";
    getitem .craft_gain,1;
    mes "Failed";

    // craft settings
    .craft_rate = 50;
    setarray .item_id,30005;
    setarray .item_amount,10;
    .item_id_size = getarraysize( .item_id );

    // item gain
    .craft_gain = 30004;


    +7 Valkyrie armor put in the Box using crafting and delete the +7 Valkyrie armor.
    when get the valkyrie armor box use it you get +7 valkyrie armor.
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