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About Nidhogg

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  1. Ok, the files in the NPC folder must have the same name as in the .lua? And by 5-8 views, I ment the facing of the NPC according to the camera
  2. So the .act and the .spr should have 5 to 8 views of an usual NPC, and in the .lua I should create another ID with the name I want? How I connect the .act and .spr with the info in the .lua? I don't understand that too :C
  3. Hello Well, I think my question is very simple, how do I implement new own palettes to the game? I know nothing about spriting, but I'm doing my best, and here is where I leak of practice, I don't know where do I put the files of my sprite (its a NPC). Somebody help c: Thank you
  4. Open whatever the query window for that database is (depends on the program), paste and run the code (only once of course). You don't need to modify any file on your local repository for that. Sorry but... what do you mean by 'query window'? My english is not with me today :C ---- Found something related with the updates in my localhost page, there is where I need to run them? ---- Attached what I did, is that correct? being the last 4 updates the ones of interest ---- Yep, that works, now I can log in !!!! Thank you !!
  5. The thing is I don't remember what I did on main.sql, that was like a year ago :c So I need to paste the update's content on main.sql? Says it isn't workbench file so it wont run it.
  6. Oh ok, and how do I apply those updates to my sql? Thanks for the reply --- EDIT ---- [SQL]: - detected 4 new SQL updates[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-03-25--23-57.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-04-07--22-04.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-04-26--10-00.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-05-17--00-06.sql'[SQL]: To manually skip, type: 'sql update skip <file name>' This is what my consoles show, but I checked and I do have those sql files in the upgrade folder.
  7. Hello C: Today my problem is this, I'm trying to login into my test server I made a couple of mouths ago and now I'm getting back the scripting haha but I can't even create a character :C I recently "updated" my server from Renewal to Pre-Renewal by the way (with a successful compilation). This is the message error I'm getting while trying to log in: [SQL]: DB error - Unknown column 'uniqueitem_counter' in 'field list'[Debug]: at ..srccharchar.c:1194 - SELECT `char_id`,`account_id`,`char_num`,name`,`class`,`base_level`,`job_level`,`base_exp`,`job_exp`,`zeny`,`str`,`agi`,vit`,`int`,`dex`,`luk`,`max_hp`,`hp`,`max_sp`,`sp`,`status_point`,`skill_point`,`option`,`karma`,`manner`,`party_id`,`guild_id`,`pet_id`,`homun_id`,`elemental_id`,`hair`,`hair_color`,`clothes_color`,`weapon`,`shield`,`head_top`,`head_mid`,head_bottom`,`last_map`,`last_x`,`last_y`,`save_map`,`save_x`,`save_y`,`partner_id`,`father`,`mother`,`child`,`fame`,`rename`,`delete_date`,`robe`,`slotchange`,`char_opt`,`font`,`uniqueitem_counter` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id`=? LIMIT 1 I'm using the '2013-08-07aRagexe' as my base for the .exe I'm using. How to fix this :c? Thank you C:
  8. Hello there ;D Well... Is not like I have an error itself, its... I don't know where to start: I have and idea that is creating new sprites to use as NPCs, but I don't know nothing about spriting And that's why I am here, can someone help me telling where to start, how to sprite, where do save? All the things needed to have a new sprite running on its 100%. Please help C: I have read this so far: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3842-guide-how-to-recolor-sprites-by-eiphes/ but I don't know if that works for the things I want (NPC, not headgear).
  9. Thank you for your reply C: Yes, that works ! Thank you for your help!
  10. Hello there C: Here is my Code, and I think here is where I'm getting the error I have: RespawnNivel1: OnTimer0: attachnpctimer; set $@npcaesconder$,""+strnpcinfo(0)+""; npctalk "Espera | "+$@npcaesconder$+""; initnpctimer ""+strnpcinfo(0)+""; end; OnTimer1: stopnpctimer ""+strnpcinfo(0)+""; npctalk "Listo | "+$@npcaesconder$+""; detachnpctimer; end; I have multiple NPCs running on the same script (duplicates), so that's why I write "+strnpcinfo(0)+" on the arguments. The error I got when running is that, ingame, the NPC doesn't show me the things on OnTimer1: label, and I don't know why, the NPC says "Espera | 'NPCname'", but never says "Listo | 'NPCname'" :C Help please C: Thank you ;D
  11. Hello there, today I want to ask something about the max stats of the classes. I know there is no update to difference the stats of Extended Classes of 3rd Classes yet, but I don't want to wait XD Is there a way to differentiate Ext. MAX STAT (125) of 3rd MAX STAT (130)? I found this on my Hercules player.c // Max limit of char stats. (agi, str, etc.) max_parameter: 99// Same as max_parameter, but for 3rd classes. max_third_parameter: 120// Same as max_parameter, but for baby classes. max_baby_parameter: 80// Same as max_parameter, but for baby 3rd's. max_baby_third_parameter: 108 And this on the emulator (rAthena) I used to use untill I found Hercules // Maximum params/stats for each class. (str, agi, vit, int, dex, and luk)// 'max_parameter' for novice, non-trans, non-baby, and non-3rd classes// 'max_trans_parameter' for trans classes (non-3rd trans classes)// 'max_third_parameter' for 3rd classes (regular/non-trans) except baby 3rd clasess// 'max_third_trans_parameter' for 3rd trans classes// 'max_baby_parameter' for baby classes except baby 3rd classes// 'max_baby_third_parameter' for baby 3rd classes only// 'max_extended_parameter' for extended 2nd class (Kagerou/Oboro and Rebellion)// For mor specific/advanced option, see 'db/[pre-]re/job_params_db.txt'max_parameter: 99max_trans_parameter: 99max_third_parameter: 130max_third_trans_parameter: 130max_baby_parameter: 80max_baby_third_parameter: 117max_extended_parameter: 125 Also.. I wonder... there I can find all those max_(thing) on Hercules' src.. because.. well, there is a clear difference between codes. Thank you
  12. Hello So.. that is my doubt, is there a way to ignore @at players and don't count them with /w and on control panel login players? Thanks C:
  13. Hello there C: Today my doubt is, there are Level 100+ eden quests? I can't find any data of that branch, and I'm interested on those C: Please, if someone can help Thanks c:
  14. Thank you evilpuncker C: Now I will test it. Doubt solved.
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