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I've tried without success I did another test. char_conf.txt: login_ip: char_ip: public ip wan map_conf.txt: char_ip: map_ip: myroserver.biz//my public ip In this way the screen appears to select character. But then, after choosing the character before you see the map, I am disconnected. It's look like you have a DNS resolution problem, trying to open port 53 UDP(DNS) in your router. If didn't work try to open port 53 TCP too. You can make a DMZ to your computer too.
- 14 replies
char_conf.txt: login_ip: char_ip: myroserver.biz map_conf.txt: char_ip: map_ip: myroserver.biz Try this
- 14 replies
After a little search I found this: https://rathena.org/board/topic/53320-%E3%80%90-emistry-%C2%A9-2015-%E3%80%91e-scripts-collection/page-3?p=70657#entry70657 I'm may be wrong, but the syntax is the same for cashshop: - cashshop idROCK::idRO_kafra 721,16555
Regarding the firewall and ports, it's all right, as I said before with my WAN IP inserted in char.conf and map.conf files I can connect normally, only when I use my NO-IP that is not connecting (myroserver.biz) the two ip's that said are the two places that I insert my public IP in char.conf and map.conf files. The application of NO-IP is properly installed and I am logged in to my account. My NO-IP is working, I can answer when PING using any PC the internet. But when I insert my NO-IP (myroserver.biz) in char.conf and map.conf files, I can not connect to my server. Can you try another name ?
- 14 replies
Not your e-mail, NO-IP let you use DDNS in your PC, for this, you need login into your NO-IP account creat a name, e.g: myroserver.biz. After this, enter in NO-IP aplication on your PC, select the host in this example: myroserver.biz, and everyone who try acess myroserver.biz will be redirect yo your PC. In client side part switch the IP to DDNS name(myroserver.biz) and try to connect. 3 Important things: 1-)Open your router/firewall/Windows ports, make a rule to everybody who try to acess your WAN IP in ragnarok ports be redirect to your PC. 2-)Make sure your internet provider doens't block reverse IP connections, when this is blocked you acess your PC by the Internet IP, in my contry have a company which provider of internet that block this. 3-)You've said 2 IPs ? You have a loadbalancer ?
- 14 replies
I Thanks for the reply Felipe, I already download older client, a 2005 client to be exact but 2005 client already had /taekwon in the command list window, I just wondering where I can download 2004 client and does is it exist nowadays? In that topic have a guy whose says about aeRO2 hexed from 2004, if you speak portuguese you can send a PM to him for search and post here if you get a amazing 2004 Hexed working
bBaseAtk,-negative value; ** Not Working **
Felipe replied to astralprojection's question in Database Support
If this is a bug should be reported -
Did you start the NO-IP aplication at your PC ? Did you try use the name that you created in yout NO-IP account ?
- 14 replies
Sorry for reopening this topic, I just want to ask if this client 2009-10-13 ragexeRE use the old interface? I think use the new one, I do a little research and found this topic: http://forum.brathena.org/index.php/topic/18526-hexed-2006070809/ Is in portuguese in 7th post the guy called Tidus post a list of hexeds, Sakexe(Starting 2005) and Xray(Starting 2007) In the spoiler "Direto do eAthena" he post some links from eA, in it have de differ for old hexeds. @Topic I guess is about the year 2008, is the last I think with old interface
Did you try the C like syntax in the for ? for (set @i,0; @i < 3; set @i,@i+1) C like : for (set @i=0; @i < 3; set @i=@i+1) Looking the console, your first query is not getting the players, may be is not the query but the syntaxe to put the result in variable. For testing your query execute it into MySQL trough phpmyadmin
Procure a parte do emulador atual que tem as formulas e coloque no seu, talvez funcione, mas antes de mais nada FAÇA um backup do(s) arquivo(s)
I guess you need change to older client which not have taekwon ranking
Did you try to use " \\ " instead of " \ " ?
I guess this topic can help you https://rathena.org/board/topic/86572-party-warp/ (Sorry if i cant post this link), instead you call the script in a item, you can make a custom command to call it.
[AJUDA] Mob com requerimento para atacar
Felipe replied to Juan Meissner's question in Suporte a Script
Como Jason em partes : 1ª Verificação ao atacar. Eu dei uma lida no manual, e não achei OnPCAttackMobEvent, fiquei curioso e joguei no google e achei o tópico de release desse comando no rAthena: https://rathena.org/board/topic/76358-label-onpcattackmobevent/ (Não sei se pode postar links de la aqui, ou vice-versa, por favor moderador apague se for contra as regras.) No tópico diz: It works ONLY in the maps with the mapflag "attackmobevent". Ou seja só funciona APENAS em mapas com a mapflag "attackmobevent" Então se você adicionar isso no seu script: mapname<TAB>mapflag<TAB>attackmobevent Deve funcionar. 2ª Se esta com a arma equipada: Vendo a doc achei essa função para verificar se ele tem o item picareta pelo id: getequipid Um pouco mais abaixo vemos que da pra verificar o id da arma, então temos: EQI_HAND_R (4) Verificar mão direita que é pra armas logo: getequipid(4) if(@AtkID == 2372 && getequipid(4) == ID_PICARETA){ dispbottom " Atacou o monstro"; }else { dispbottom "Você não pode"; } Acredito que seja por aí, não vai fugir disso eu ACHO. 3ª Sintaxe: Eu não manjo muito da sintaxe do emulador, mas falando do GCC(compilador de C) tem coisas que ele deixa passar, mas talvez podem dar erro de lógica, acho que isso acontece no emulador também, então essa parte : if (.minerio1 > 31) && (.minerio1 <= 40) você poderia deixar assim: if (.minerio1 > 31 && .minerio1 <= 40){ //Código } 4ª Dúvida minha: Essa label: OnKilMinerio1: Foi você que fez ? Caso sim, você deixou adicionou ela em outro script ?