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Posts posted by appealarms




    Incorrect client. Please run a normal client#

    Could you give me a real-work-running client sample?

    I don't know where I do wrong?





    Incorrect client. Please run a normal client#

    Could you give me a real-work-running client sample?

    I don't know where I do wrong?




    http://1drv.ms/1k4YBAp(run with  Launcher 、read data folder first )


    I have logged in successfully.

    Could you tell me how do you patch that Ragexe?(What patcher do you use?)

  2. Could you kindly make us a rough translation of it for us? We can't understand Chinese.


    And GTranslate isn't of much help:


    Those words for me are also gibberish. So I ask for solution here.

    Those words maybe are Korea Words in Chinese Windows then show gibberish.

  3. 薑鼻瞳檣 塭斜釭煎觼 贗塭檜樹 蒂 褒 衛麵 輿衛晦 夥奧棲棻.


    I got this error when I am launching RO with Loki Launcher.

    Could anyone tell me how to solve?



  4. : DB error - Field 'uniqueitem_counter' doesn't have a default value
    [Debug]: at c:herculessrccharchar.c:1626 -
    INSERT INTO `char` (`account_id`, `char_num`, `name`, `zeny`, `status_point`,`st
    r`, `agi`, `vit`, `int`, `dex`, `luk`, `max_hp`, `hp`,`max_sp`, `sp`, `hair`, `h
    air_color`, `last_map`, `last_x`, `last_y`, `save_map`, `save_x`, `save_y`) VALU
    ES ('2000000', '3', 'YJJJJGJJGFVCGVG', '0',  '48','1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1',
    '40', '40','11', '11','1', '0', 'new_1-1', '53', '111', 'new_1-1', '53', '111')

    I got this Error.

    Could anyone tell me How to solve this problem?

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