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Posts posted by infotechmark

  1. One of the main things you'd have to know is that unlimited web hosting is a scam. 90% of hostings that are saying unlimited are lying because that isn't true (just imagine millions of clients buying cheap, unlimited web hostings and uploading all of their files just to have a backup, which would be rather silly). You should rather go for unmetered when looking for these. And trust me, you'd rather prefer to know your limits than having a hard limit (usually under a Fair Use clause in the Terms of Service) and not knowing where it is.


    Just think, buying hard drives for your data is expensive and you may not know, but carriers charge data centers based on the amount of data traffic they consume. It's rather common to have unmetered data transfer on shared hostings (web hostings) since your host wants you to be able to serve your web to any legit who requests it (that's why it's common to find some terms of service in hosts that bans directly or indirectly making download sites on shared web hostings).


    Now, if you want a paid web hosting, think what hard disk space you need. You won't usually need more than 10 GB unless you're running a massive site or using your space inefficiently. As I said, you usually won't have to mind about transfer, but if your transfer isn't on the unmetered side try to have it around the 100 GB mark to make it on a very safe mark (unless you're running sites with tons of visits).


    Hope this helped you.

    this is true never buy an unlimited bandwidth something like that

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