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Posts posted by Waker

  1. Bump

    Also, how to make that "You're now talking in #map channel for prontera" or something like that go away? #main is usefull and it could show up but I don't want that #map thing showing up everytime I change maps...

  2. I'm not 100% sure but with newer clients that window doesn't show up anymore. You get this instead 





    Sorry for such a huge image. Anyways if you click create guild the window on the right shows up and if you don't have an emperium it fails to create. So if you want to update your client that might work

  3. Boa tarde galerinha !


    Alguem disponibiliza pra mim um script de pvp com rank ???


    Se tiver com narrador , seria mais top ainda !



    Também gostava de ter um assim. Mesmo que não tivesse rank já não era mau...

  4. Last time I played on a Ragnarok Online Private Server, they got multiple Points system, such as PvP points (PvP on Battlegroud, PvP Tournament, Deatmatch, not a 1vs1 PvP, the winner got the PvP Points), Quest Points (Do daily quests and you will got quest points), Vote for Points, Donation Points, how I can do that too? I want to make a custom shop like that, is anyone know how to do that trick?

    I don't know how either but the voting for points thing would be awesome if anyone knows how to please tell me 

  5. Okay so the wedding stuff worked fine!, as for the @cash command it adds to the cash that you already have is there a way to set the cash? like @setcash or something? 


    How can I add the kafras that most servers have like in prontera and morroc etc? Not the ones that are god knows where, the ones near the warp coordinates of @go 0 and stuff.


    How do I use import files so that I don't have to re-do everything when I update.


    Finally to get a custom mob to show up I need two files an .act and a .spr file. I was wondering where I should put these ._. [grf]sprites ?



  6. Okay so both computers are connected. When I use internal IP it opens saying Ragnarok (0) and when I click enter I get Failed to connect to server.


    About the marriage system I meant the sprite changed. I can't even equip a tuxedo now it's a misc item ._.


    Regarding cash points, is there any command that allows me to spawn it? Also how can I change the items that are in the cash shop? With the NPC you posted? Thank you

  7. Hi, I had been using rAthena but since I want my server to be as up to date as possible (Don't mind some bugs) and to use the lowest amount of RAM here I am trying hercules out :)


    So my questions are:


    1.  How do I get items on the Cash shop? Where do I get the cash shop money?
    2.  I remember when I played on a pre-ren. server when I equipped a tuxedo my 'job' changed. and the same with a wedding dress. Why doesn't it happen now?
    3.  I'd also like to know what is the most stable client version and if these are of any use ( http://hercules.endlessro.net/ )
    4.  Last I'd like to know if someone can give me some info on the latest data folder and client.
    5.  Oh almost forgot, is there a better, easier place to learn how to make custom mobs? I wanted the aquaring and cowring porings :/
    6. Edit: How to add more cloth colors I only have like 4 or 5... :/ (and hairstyles if possible)
    7. Edit 2: I've been trying to connect with another computer localy and I use the IP: client side everything works fine but on the server this shows up:
      [Status]: Connection of the account 'Admin' accepted.	[Info]: Closed connection from ''.

      What do I do?

    Thank you for reading

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