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Posts posted by Augahrog

  1. Hi, hi
    Brand new user right here, be gentle  :)
    A week ago i joined a friend of mine on his Hercules server, we're currently trying some scripting and some build calculations, no more, no less.
    Hum actualy it's a three men server, we're in a small testing phase, it will be a friend-oriented RO server. 
    I hesitated a bit beetween Source Support and Source Request writing this so ... i deeply appologize it might aswell be both.
    My Higher character is a Sura (140/41) i've tested many builds and right now i'm sticking to the Mighty Tiger Cannon for leveling,
    it seemed to work pretty well until i've got to face higher hp monsters, i thought the damage calculation was a bit odd, so i did some tests.
    Back in the days Tiger Cannon would spread it's damage in a 5x5 aera, basically the damage was calculated on only one target, the one on which the spell was casted on and all the mobs in this aera would recieve the same damage (before elemental reduction) so ... only one calculation unlike spells like Bowling Bash which is (was...?) calculated on each monsters it hit if i remember.
    right now it didn't seem to work that way 
    (it might be a "nerf", it's been a while since i last played Sura ... i don't know if it is intend to work that way)
    i've take some multiple-case-screenshots, the test-mobs will be some Vanberk (and some sneaky Isilla) from Rachel Sanctuary 1, 100% neutral, no endow
    during the test i was running under Rising Dragon lvl 10 which puts me over 35K Hp and 1400 Sp with 94+(12) + 10 STR(gear, blessing lvl10) & 169 + 220 ATK.
    Tiger Cannon is lvl 10.
    as we can see the damage calculation seems correct in single target case
    -without Fallen Empire bonnus
    -with Fallen Empire combo bonnus
    here is my "problem" (besides my editing skills) 
    multi-target cases
    -without Fallen Empire bonnus
    it clearly seems that the damage is calculated for each instance of monster in the 5x5 aera
    -with Fallen Empire combo bonnus
    (it seems that ... we will kill "Anyone" to get exp ...  :D)
    the only target affected by the bonnus damage from the combo is the one hit by Dragon Combo opening combo spell (i assume so)
    I tried to check the Battle.c file but i wasn't able to find/understand any Splash damage related methods regarding of Tiger Cannon ... i got a bit lost
    Thank you for your work (that's huge) and for your time  :)
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