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Overkill Gaming

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Posts posted by Overkill Gaming

  1. Nice. Good to know author moved to hercules too. :)

    Well sir, here is the issue on this script.
    -once the session starts, only team 1 gets warped. Team 2 gets stuck o prontera. clicking on the npc again also gets the client to hang.

    -if say we are able to warp inside the gvg map. there is no announcement that the team won even if they eliminated all opposing teams. Also, the winning team is not ported out after the battle.
    -the counter remains for the team. even though no one is playing or in session, the counter stays 7/7 or 1/1 or 4/4.

    if ever we can revise this to do a party vs party and also the kind that checks no repeating classes this NPC will be a blast!

  2. Hi Hercules.

    Found this script in rAthena (credits to the author) which I would like to use in my server. The script is for 7v7.
    I would like to request help if ever you guys can edit and have this to be:


    -No repeating class.

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// ------ rAthena Script Release// Title: Simple 4 vs 4 PVP Gateway// Author: jTynne - [email protected]// Version: 0.1 (Beta)// Notes://	v0.1: This is the UNOPTIMIZED release of a simple 4vs4vs4vs4 PVP gateway.//	      There are likely bugs in this version. Please report them as you find them!//	      Please note that this script uses a TON of global variables. Keep that in mind//	      when using this script in the current version.// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//Modified by: www.runemidgard.asia// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------prontera,218,183,6	script	Party Battle Recruiter	416,{set .@n$,"[^FF0000Party Battle Recruiter^000000]";set .@charid,getcharid(0);mes .@n$;mes "Would you like to register for a 7 versus 7 Party Battle?";next;menu "Yes",-,"No",L_cancel;if(getmapusers("guild_vs3") > 0) { mes .@n$; mes "There appears to be a match currently in session. Check back momentarily."; close; end; }mes .@n$;mes "Which side of the arena would you like to join?";next;menu "Odin ("+$pvp4nA+"/7)",L_odin,"Freya ("+$pvp4nB+"/7)",L_freya;L_odin:if(.@charid == $pvp4nAchar1 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar2 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar3 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar4 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar5 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar6 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar7 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar1 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar2 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar3 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar4 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar5 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar6 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar7) { mes .@n$; mes "You may only register once per round."; close; end; }if($pvp4nA < 3) {set $pvp4nA,$pvp4nA+1;if($pvp4nA == 1) { set $pvp4nAchar1,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nA == 2) { set $pvp4nAchar2,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nA == 3) { set $pvp4nAchar3,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nA == 4) { set $pvp4nAchar4,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nA == 5) { set $pvp4nAchar5,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nA == 6) { set $pvp4nAchar6,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nA == 7) { set $pvp4nAchar7,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nA == 1 || $pvp4nB == 1) { if($pvp4timer == 0 ) { initnpctimer; set $pvp4timer,1; } }mes .@n$;mes "You've joined the selected team. Once the other team have filled up, you'll automatically be transferred into the Colosseum. If the other team do not fill up within the next 30 seconds, this session will be cleared.";npctalk strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the round on Odin's Side.";if($pvp4nA == 7 && $pvp4nB == 7) { stopnpctimer; goto L_begin;}close;end;}L_freya:if(.@charid == $pvp4nAchar1 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar2 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar3 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar4 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar5  || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar6 || .@charid == $pvp4nAchar7  || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar1 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar2 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar3 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar4 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar5 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar6 || .@charid == $pvp4nBchar7) { mes .@n$; mes "You may only register once per round."; close; end; }if($pvp4nB < 3) {set $pvp4nB,$pvp4nB+1;if($pvp4nB == 1) { set $pvp4nBchar1,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nB == 2) { set $pvp4nBchar2,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nB == 3) { set $pvp4nBchar3,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nB == 4) { set $pvp4nBchar4,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nB == 5) { set $pvp4nBchar5,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nB == 6) { set $pvp4nBchar6,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nB == 7) { set $pvp4nBchar7,getcharid(0); }if($pvp4nA == 1 || $pvp4nB == 1) { if($pvp4timer == 0 ) { initnpctimer; set $pvp4timer,1; } }mes .@n$;mes "You've joined the selected team. Once the other team have filled up, you'll automatically be transferred into the Colosseum. If the other team do not fill up within the next 30 seconds, this session will be cleared.";npctalk strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the round on Freya's Side.";if($pvp4nA == 7 && $pvp4nB == 7) { stopnpctimer; goto L_begin;}close;end;}goto L_full;L_full:mes .@n$;mes "Sorry, but this team is full. Try another team, please.";close;end;L_begin:npctalk "Both teams have been filled. All participants currently logged in will be transferred to the arena in ten seconds.";sleep2 10000;set .@x,0;L_warploop:	while (.@x < 7) {		if (.@x == 0)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nAchar1; }		else if (.@x == 1)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nAchar2; }		else if (.@x == 2)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nAchar3; }		else if (.@x == 3)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nBchar1; }		else if (.@x == 4)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nBchar2; }		else if (.@x == 5)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nBchar3; }		else if (.@x == 6)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",18,50,$pvp4nAchar2; }		else if (.@x == 7)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nAchar3; }		else if (.@x == 8)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar1; }		else if (.@x == 9)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar2; }		else if (.@x == 10)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar3; }		else if (.@x == 11)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar2; }		else if (.@x == 12)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar3; }		else if (.@x == 13)			{ warpchar "guild_vs3",83,50,$pvp4nBchar3; }		else			{ npctalk "A round is now in session."; goto L_clear;}	set .@x, .@x + 1;	}goto L_warploop;end;L_cancel:mes .@n$;mes "Do come back if you change your mind.";close;end;OnTimer10000:npctalk "Ten seconds have passed. Entry to the round ends in 20 seconds.";end;OnTimer20000:npctalk "Twenty seconds have passed. Entry to the round ends in 10 seconds.";end;OnTimer30000:npctalk "Thirty seconds have passed and thus I have canceled the round.";stopnpctimer;goto L_clear;L_clear:set $pvp4timer,0;set $pvp4nA,0;set $pvp4nB,0;set $pvp4nAchar1,0;set $pvp4nAchar2,0;set $pvp4nAchar3,0;set $pvp4nAchar4,0;set $pvp4nAchar5,0;set $pvp4nAchar6,0;set $pvp4nAchar7,0;set $pvp4nBchar1,0;set $pvp4nBchar2,0;set $pvp4nBchar3,0;set $pvp4nBchar4,0;set $pvp4nBchar5,0;set $pvp4nBchar6,0;set $pvp4nBchar7,0;end;}-	script	pvp3vs3#1	-1,{OnPCDieEvent:getmapxy (.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); if(.@map$ == "guild_vs3") { warp "SavePoint",0,0;}end;OnPCKillEvent:getmapxy (.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); if( .@map$ == "guild_vs3") { set .@tempn1$,strcharinfo(0);set .@tempn2$,rid2name(killedrid);mapannounce "guild_vs3",""+.@tempn1$+" has killed "+.@tempn2$+".",1,0xD6A4E6;}end;}


    Or is there any similar script somewhere in this forum that you guys can recommend?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi,

    Good day sirs.

    I would like to ask if ever if there is a possibility to raise the max level to 255 but retaining the pre-renewal settings of the server?

    Like the calculations, casting etc. to be still in the pre-renewal (transcendent) configuration.

    I tried to look around and the best I can raise it is to Base level 175. It seems to be the peak for the herculas pre-renewal (or am i wrong).

    Any help on this please? Any link or step by step tutorial on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance sirs.

  4. i see. how to upload sir? can you somehow check that theme i linked above? which folder i would be uploading to the cpanel?

    you mean upload like going to the cpanel, opening the file manager option..

    go to xxxxxxx/public_html/cp/themes?

    then hit the "upload" button on top?


    or use the legacy file manager to upload?


    EDIT: btw sir, the 'Themename'.. is that the name of the main folder under themes which i uploaded the theme files?

  5. As the title says.

    Can anyone point me out in the right direction on how to start?

    I don't know if this is possible but I have read somewhere about changing the theme of the fluxcp.

    I wanted to apply a certain theme (if it is possible):


    But I cant seem to find anywhere a step by step guide on how to upload/install this theme.
    all instructions or forums guides I have found say "upload" this and that but don't really give the instructions on how to do it (upload and what to upload). Exact steps. :(

    As clearly obvious I do not have any knowledge on this. Mind giving me an idea how are this done. until application of the theme?

    Thanks sirs in advance!

  6. kung installed na po. paanu po magiging syntax?

    //-------------------------------//Start Item NPC//-------------------------------prontera,146,172,6	script	Freebies	721,{set .@n$, "[Seyra]";setarray .@rwd[0],2115,1,2357,1,2421,1,2524,1; // Rewards: <item id>,<item amount>query_sql ("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`=" + getcharid(3) + "", .@lip$);if ( getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") > 0 || #NewbieGift > 0){mes .@n$;mes "I'm sorry, the rewards are exclusively for new players.";close;}mes .@n$;mes "Welcome! Here are some free gifts"; mes "for newcomers:";for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rwd); set .@i, .@i + 2 )mes .@rwd[.@i+1] + " x " + getitemname(.@rwd[.@i]);close2;set #NewbieGift, 1;setd "$" + .@lip$ + "_NG", getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") + 1;for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rwd); set .@i, .@i + 2 )getitem .@rwd[.@i], .@rwd[.@i+1];end;OnInit:waitingroom "Newbie Gift!",0;end;}

    paki enlighten po. ty

  7. TY moss mhalicot!

    additional lang po sana kung pede..
    sir yung item giver mo na script is once per account?
    at pede ba mag lagay for example rental item pero meron upgrade?
    paanu po yun?


    meron ako nakuha script somewhere while waiting sa reply niyo nag research na din ako ng konti. napa gana ko xa pero yun nga lang indi rental.
    eto po yung script na nakita ko:


    //-------------------------------//Start Item NPC//-------------------------------prontera,146,172,6	script	Freebies	721,{set .@n$, "[Seyra]";setarray .@rwd[0],2115,1,2357,1,2421,1,2524,1; // Rewards: <item id>,<item amount>query_sql ("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`=" + getcharid(3) + "", .@lip$);if ( getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") > 0 || #NewbieGift > 0){mes .@n$;mes "I'm sorry, the rewards are exclusively for new players.";close;}mes .@n$;mes "Welcome! Here are some free gifts"; mes "for newcomers:";for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rwd); set .@i, .@i + 2 )mes .@rwd[.@i+1] + " x " + getitemname(.@rwd[.@i]);close2;set #NewbieGift, 1;setd "$" + .@lip$ + "_NG", getd("$" + .@lip$ + "_NG") + 1;for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rwd); set .@i, .@i + 2 )getitem .@rwd[.@i], .@rwd[.@i+1];end;OnInit:waitingroom "Newbie Gift!",0;end;}


    pede po pa edit kung paanu (kung pede) rental item and meron ups?
    salamat po. patulong nlng po sa noob... :)


    sir sa script mo po eto ginawa ko.
    ask ko lang po, saan pede ilagay jan yung quanity ng item or paano po change ang price ng item?

    prontera,104,78,6	trader	Item Vendor	790,{	OnInit:	tradertype(NST_CUSTOM);	sellitem 2254;	sellitem 5074; //change to POD name or ItemID	end;	/* allows currency to be Red_Potion */OnCountFunds:	setcurrency(countitem(Donation_Card));	end;/* receives @price (total cost) */OnPayFunds:	if( countitem(Donation_Card) < @price )		end;	delitem Donation_Card,@price;	purchaseok();	end;} 

  8. Mga sir,

    baka pede maka hingi ng code or help kung paanu gawin:

    1. Item vendor using POD (proof of donation) as currency.
    2. Start item (one time rental 3 days, once per account) giver.


    salamat advance.

  9. Sirs,


    got any custom script on how to that NPC?


    i have already set up on my server a donor redeem npc, thanks to some help from some gurus here.

    i wanted to have that 2nd npc where it sells item using PODs (proof of donation).

    im very noob at these things.


    a walkthrough will be very much appreciated. im a bit technically knowledgeable, i just need a little guide on where to start and how to do it.

    very much maybe starting with the script of a custom npc.


    thanks! more power!

  10. Hello po.


    paxenxa na at ako ay baguhan talaga sa mundong to. kaka simula pa lang ng server namin running under hercules at ako ang napag atasan mag research or matuto mag manage nito kahit wala ako alam. hehe

    kung pede po sana humingi ng guide kung paanu:


    1. mag upload or mag edit ng settings or files sa server. anu po mga software/apps needed para ma upload ko sa server or ma pasok ko files sa server namin. meron ako access sa phpmyadmin (eto lang).
    2. mag change ng exp at drop rate.

    3. mag set na maging 2-2 jobs lang muna ang pede sa server.

    4. paanu gumawa ng custom NPC (Donation NPC, autohealers etc)


    kung maari lang po sana kung meron step by step guide for noobs will be appreciated. salamat ng marami! :)

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