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Posts posted by rituel

  1. Hello everyone. 
    I would like to know it's possible to use the rAthena's Skill.c to add Rebellion's skill support on Hercules.
    If yes, can you give me some advices ?
    For exemple: 'Fallen_Angel' skill is not present on Hercules Skill.c
    case RL_FALLEN_ANGEL:		if (unit_movepos(src,x,y,1,1)) {			enum e_skill skill_use = GS_DESPERADO;			uint8 skill_use_lv = pc_checkskill(sd,skill_use);			clif_slide(src, x, y);			clif_fixpos(src);			if (skill_check_condition_castend(sd,skill_use,skill_use_lv)) {				sd->skill_id_old = RL_FALLEN_ANGEL;				skill_castend_pos2(src,src->x,src->y,skill_use,skill_use_lv,tick,SD_LEVEL|SD_ANIMATION|SD_SPLASH);				battle_consume_ammo(sd,skill_use,skill_use_lv);			}			sd->skill_id_old = 0;		}		else if (sd)			clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0);		break;


    Thank you in advance.


  2. Hello,
    I have a problem with the skill "unlimit" job Ranger. 
    • When I launch "Arrow Storm Lv.5" without using "Unlimit" on monster 'Seal' for example. 

    5880 HP 
    • When I launch "Arrow Storm Lv.5" with "Unlimit Lv.5" on monster 'Seal' for example. 

    11478 HP.
    [Level 5]: For 1min, Increase physical ranged damage by 250%
    Thank you for your help

  3. Thanks  :D

    I have also been able to find my mistake.



    Not work:

    		if (!$this->hasCreditsRecord($targetAccountID)) {			$fields = $fields = 'account_id, key, index, value';			$values = '?, ?, ?, ?';						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$fields .= ', last_donation_date, last_donation_amount';				$values .= ', NOW(), ?';			}*/						$sql  = "INSERT INTO {$this->charMapDatabase}.`acc_reg_num_db` ($fields) VALUES ($values)";			$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);			$vals = array($targetAccountID, '#CASHPOINTS', 0, $credits);						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$vals[] = $donationAmount;			}*/						return $sth->execute($vals);		}




    		if (!$this->hasCreditsRecord($targetAccountID)) {			$fields = $fields = '`account_id`, `key`, `index`, `value`';			$values = '?, ?, ?, ?';						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$fields .= ', last_donation_date, last_donation_amount';				$values .= ', NOW(), ?';			}*/						$sql  = "INSERT INTO {$this->charMapDatabase}.`acc_reg_num_db` ($fields) VALUES ($values)";			$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);			$vals = array($targetAccountID, '#CASHPOINTS', 0, $credits);						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$vals[] = $donationAmount;			}*/						return $sth->execute($vals);		}

  4. Hi



    Unexpected error occurred.


    Again and again  :ph34r:


    Work: (UPDATE):


    		else {			$vals = array();			$sql  = "UPDATE {$this->charMapDatabase}.`acc_reg_num_db` SET value = value + ? ";			/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$sql .= ", last_donation_date = NOW(), last_donation_amount = ? ";			}*/						$vals[] = $credits;			/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$vals[] = $donationAmount;			}*/			$vals[] = $targetAccountID;						$sql .= "WHERE account_id = ? and `key` = '#CASHPOINTS'";			$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);						return $sth->execute($vals);		}	}

    Not Work: (INSERT INTO):


    		if (!$this->hasCreditsRecord($targetAccountID)) {			$fields = 'account_id, key, index, value';			$values = '?, ?, ?, ?';						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$fields .= ', last_donation_date, last_donation_amount';				$values .= ', NOW(), ?';			}*/						$sql  = "INSERT INTO {$this->charMapDatabase}.`acc_reg_num_db` ($fields) VALUES ($values)ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value`=`value`+?";			$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);			$vals = array($targetAccountID, '#CASHPOINTS', 0, $credits);						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$vals[] = $donationAmount;			}*/						return $sth->execute($vals);		}


    Not Work: (INSERT INTO & UPDATE):


    public function depositCredits($targetAccountID, $credits, $donationAmount = null)	{		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(account_id) AS accountExists FROM {$this->loginDatabase}.login WHERE account_id = ?";		$sth = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);				if (!$sth->execute(array($targetAccountID)) || !$sth->fetch()->accountExists) {			return false; // Account doesn't exist.		}				$creditsTable = Flux::config('FluxTables.CreditsTable');				$fields = 'account_id, key, index, value';		$values = '?, ?, ?, ?';				/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {			$fields .= ', last_donation_date, last_donation_amount';			$values .= ', NOW(), ?';		}*/				$sql  = "INSERT INTO {$this->charMapDatabase}.`acc_reg_num_db` ($fields) VALUES ($values) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value`=`value`+?";		$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);		$vals = array($targetAccountID, '#CASHPOINTS', 0, $credits, $credits);				/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {			$vals[] = $donationAmount;		}*/				return $sth->execute($vals);	}

  5. Hello to you. 
    Today I'm stuck on this part:
    	public function hasCreditsRecord($accountID)	{		$creditsTable = Flux::config('FluxTables.CreditsTable');				$sql = "SELECT COUNT(account_id) AS hasRecord FROM {$this->charMapDatabase}.`acc_reg_num_db` where `account_id` = ? and `key` = '#CASHPOINTS'";		$sth = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);				$sth->execute(array($accountID));				if ($sth->fetch()->hasRecord) {			return true;		}		else {			return false;		}	}		/**	 *	 */	    public function depositCredits($targetAccountID, $credits, $donationAmount = null)	{		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(account_id) AS accountExists FROM {$this->loginDatabase}.login WHERE account_id = ?";		$sth = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);				if (!$sth->execute(array($targetAccountID)) || !$sth->fetch()->accountExists) {			return false; // Account doesn't exist.		}				$creditsTable = Flux::config('FluxTables.CreditsTable');				if (!$this->hasCreditsRecord($targetAccountID)) {			$fields = 'account_id, balance';			$values = '?, ?';						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$fields .= ', last_donation_date, last_donation_amount';				$values .= ', NOW(), ?';			}*/						$sql  = "INSERT INTO {$this->loginDatabase}.$creditsTable ($fields) VALUES ($values)";			$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);			$vals = array($targetAccountID, $credits);						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$vals[] = $donationAmount;			}*/						return $sth->execute($vals);		}				else {			$vals = array();			$sql  = "UPDATE {$this->loginDatabase}.$creditsTable SET balance = balance + ? ";			/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$sql .= ", last_donation_date = NOW(), last_donation_amount = ? ";			}*/						$vals[] = $credits;			/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$vals[] = $donationAmount;			}*/			$vals[] = $targetAccountID;						$sql .= "WHERE account_id = ?";			$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);						return $sth->execute($vals);		}	}


    This part, update or insert the crédtis in "cp_credits" table.
    So to be on, I modified like this to write (insert into) fix values and see if it was well written.


    			$sql  = "INSERT INTO {$this->loginDatabase}.$creditsTable ($fields) VALUES ($values)";			$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);			$vals = array(999, 999);

    Result after credits transfert on the website:






    Now I change that (INSERT INTO & UPDATE) works (normally) in "acc_reg_num_db" table with the variable (# CASHPOINTS) 


    	public function hasCreditsRecord($accountID)	{		$creditsTable = Flux::config('FluxTables.CreditsTable');				$sql = "SELECT COUNT(account_id) AS hasRecord FROM {$this->charMapDatabase}.`acc_reg_num_db` where `account_id` = ? and `key` = '#CASHPOINTS'";		$sth = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);				$sth->execute(array($accountID));				if ($sth->fetch()->hasRecord) {			return true;		}		else {			return false;		}	}		/**	 *	 */	public function depositCredits($targetAccountID, $credits, $donationAmount = null)	{		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(account_id) AS accountExists FROM {$this->loginDatabase}.login WHERE account_id = ?";		$sth = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);				if (!$sth->execute(array($targetAccountID)) || !$sth->fetch()->accountExists) {			return false; // Account doesn't exist.		}				$creditsTable = Flux::config('FluxTables.CreditsTable');				if (!$this->hasCreditsRecord($targetAccountID)) {			$fields = 'account_id, key, index, value';			$values = '?, ?, ?, ?';						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$fields .= ', last_donation_date, last_donation_amount';				$values .= ', NOW(), ?';			}*/						$sql  = "INSERT INTO {$this->charMapDatabase}.`acc_reg_num_db` ($fields) VALUES ($values)";			$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);			$vals = array($targetAccountID, '#CASHPOINTS', 0, $credits);						/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$vals[] = $donationAmount;			}*/						return $sth->execute($vals);		}		else {			$vals = array();			$sql  = "UPDATE {$this->charMapDatabase}.`acc_reg_num_db` SET value = value + ? ";			/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$sql .= ", last_donation_date = NOW(), last_donation_amount = ? ";			}*/						$vals[] = $credits;			/*if (!is_null($donationAmount)) {				$vals[] = $donationAmount;			}*/			$vals[] = $targetAccountID;						$sql .= "WHERE account_id = ? and `key` = '#CASHPOINTS'";			$sth  = $this->connection->getStatement($sql);						return $sth->execute($vals);		}	}


    Voila. Now try a tranferst on a player already possessing #CASHPOINTS in "acc_reg_num_db" table [uPDATE].






    Result ?




    Finally, try transferring to a player who has not yet #CASHPOINTS in "acc_reg_num_db" table [iNSER INTO].

    We will call "Fiotass" that exists in the table "char" and his account in "login" under the accound_id "2000008"




    Result ?






    I've been here yesterday but I did not find my error. 

  6. Hello to all. 
    Is it possible to use #CASHPOINTS during a donation on FluxCP ?
    It exist a paying patch on rathena but not functional for hercules.   :(
    I have not found anything about Hercules.

  7. Thanks for question  B)


    Thank you for the question. I searched: summer job

    And I was able to remove this physical appearance. 
    Now I must find origin of this change. I will read back all scripts. But I do not remember having add this change.  :meow:


    // Do not display cloth colors for the Summer costume?
    // Set this to yes if your cloth palettes pack doesn't has Summer palettes (or has less than the other jobs)
    summer_ignorepalette: no
    // Do not display cloth colors for the Hanbok costume?
    // Set this to yes if your cloth palettes pack doesn't has Hanbok palettes (or has less than the other jobs)
    hanbok_ignorepalette: no



  8. Hello :-)


    Fix for Unable to vote for the server. Err no. 4 ?




    / modules / voteforpoints / function.php

    + This module not work for Hercules ? <_<


    It uses:

    if (!function_exists("getCashPoints")){    function getCashPoints($account_id, $server)    {        $sql = "SELECT value FROM global_reg_value WHERE account_id = ?";        $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);        $sth->execute(array((int) $account_id));        return $sth->rowCount() ? (int) $sth->fetch()->value : 0;    }}



    Hercules use: global_acc_reg_num_db  &  global_acc_reg_str_db   not global_reg_value

  9. J'ai découvert se projet hier. J'y est passé +13h pour l'installer et comprendre les bases, mais il fonctionne :D .

    Je tenais également à faire un feedback ici pour le forum de robrowser. Je n'ai pas reçu de mail de validation pour confirmer mon compte... Gmail ou Hotmail = rien reçu.

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