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Posts posted by Tutti

  1. I cleared my tables in my database
     I'm with these following ERROR in mapserv.
    [SQL]: - detected 16 new SQL updates[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-02-14--16-15.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-02-15--18-06.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-05--01-05.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-06--00-00.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-09--01-56.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-04-16--01-24.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-30--19-53.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-30--21-12.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-31--07-49.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-11-16--07-49.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-01-04--16-47.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-02-19--17-57.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-03-25--23-57.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-04-07--22-04.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-05-17--00-06.sql'[SQL]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2014-11-03--00-45.sql'[SQL]: To manually skip, type: 'sql update skip <file name>'
    Already imported several to my table.
    Those that remain are giving ERROR import.


    #HELPPP !

  2. I change mapit-> free for mapit-> next?
    What do I fix this?


    I changed mapit-> free to mapit-> next and continued giving same thing in game when I use the Offline command to the server.
    As such the above Screenshot

  3. Friends added this @mobalive command on my server
    Recompiled when they appeared following ERROR!
    When I use the command on the server to the Disconnected Server.
    I try to log into the server again select char I want to log in and is giving.
    * I can only log in again to the server if I turn off the emulator and on again!
    Here is the atcommand.c command that I added.
    /*========================================== * 	MOB Alive *------------------------------------------*/ACMD(mobalive){	char mob_name[100];	int mob_id;	int number = 0;	struct s_mapiterator* it;				if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%99[^n]", mob_name) < 1) {		clif->message(fd, "Por favor, digite o nome do monstro (uso: @mobalive <nome>)."); // Please enter a monster name (use: @mlive <nome ou id do monstro>).		return false;	}		if ((mob_id = atoi(mob_name)) == 0)		mob_id = mob->db_searchname(mob_name);	if(mob_id > 0 && mob->db_checkid(mob_id) == 0){		snprintf(atcmd_output, sizeof atcmd_output, "ID %s inválido!",mob_name);		clif->message(fd, atcmd_output);		return false;	}	if(mob_id == atoi(mob_name) && mob->db(mob_id)->jname)		strcpy(mob_name,mob->db(mob_id)->jname);	// --ja--	//	strcpy(mob_name,mob_db(mob_id)->name);	// --en--		snprintf(atcmd_output, sizeof atcmd_output, "Procurando pelo monstro %s em %s ...", mob_name, mapindex_id2name(sd->mapindex));	clif->message(fd, atcmd_output);		it = mapit_geteachmob();	for(;	{	TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)mapit_next(it);		if( md == NULL )			break;// no more mobs		if( md->bl.m != sd->bl.m )			continue;		if( mob_id != -1 && md->class_ != mob_id )			continue;		if( md->spawn_timer == INVALID_TIMER )		{			++ number;			snprintf(atcmd_output, sizeof(atcmd_output), "Há pelo menos um %s vivo.", md->name);			clif->message(fd, atcmd_output);		}	}	if ( ! number )		clif->message(fd, "Nenhum encontrado.");	mapit_free(it);	return true;}

    #HELPPPP !


  4. it did not work



    Id: 7711
    AegisName: "Update_Ticket"
    Name: "Ticket Visual da Sorte"
    Type: 18
    Buy: 10
    Weight: 20
    Script: <" 
    @itemIDfromList = callfunc("F_Rand",
    getitem @itemIDfromList,1;


  5. English!

    Making this item drop the items that the random script



    Como fazer este item soltar os itens que esta no script random




    Id: 7711
    AegisName: "Update_Ticket"
    Name: "Ticket Visual da Sorte"
    Type: 18
    Buy: 10
    Weight: 20
    Script: <" 
    setarray .@item_id,
    getitem [rand(getarraysize(.@item_id))], 1;





    friend my project is already all OK wanted a solution to be able to put away without me having to change emulator.


    Portugues !

    amigo meu projeto ja esta tudo OK queria uma solução para poder arrumar sem eu ter que trocar de emulador .

    There was a fix committed to Hercules yesterday, so updating the Hercules will solve your problem.

    When you finish will be getting in touch with me?

  7. English!

    friend my project is already all OK wanted a solution to be able to put away without me having to change emulator.


    Portugues !

    amigo meu projeto ja esta tudo OK queria uma solução para poder arrumar sem eu ter que trocar de emulador .

  8.  English!
    This same player uses the item in the account that was used it will be normal as the exchange of SEX was now made to other players will be normal like you're not used to exchange sex.
    already tried everything to see if I could tidy and nothing
     Did you know it has something to do with the SOURCE
    Isso mesmo player usa o item na conta que foi usada ela aparece normal como foi feita a troca de SEXO agora para outros players aparece normal como se nao estivesse usado a troca de sexo .
    ja tentei de tudo para ver se conseguia arruma e nada 
    Queria sabe se tem algo a ver com a SOURCE

  9. I made this item!




    // --------- TROCA DE SEXO ---------------
    Id: 13974
    AegisName: "TW_Scroll01"
    Name: "Troca de Sexo"
    Type: 0
    Buy: 20
    Weight: 10
    Script: <" atcommand "@changesex"; ">





    I mean that the player use this item I posted in the post above it usually works.
    Only the player who's logged into the server keeps seeing it with the sex he was not already as just become the player who used the item ve it with the already transformed into account other sex and not the other players




    Estou querendo dizer que ao player usar este item que eu postei no post acima ele funciona normalmente.
    Só que os player que esta logado no servidor continua vendo ele com o sexo que ele estava  e não ja como transformado apenas o player que usou o item ve ele com a conta ja transformada em outro sexo e os outros players nao

  10. Friend searched here and found command #changesex.




    Player groups configuration file

    This file defines "player groups" and their privileges.

    Each group has its id and name, lists of available commands and other
    permissions, and a list of other groups it inherits from.

    Group settings

    Unique group number. The only required field.

    Any string. If empty, defaults to "Group ". It is used in several @who

    Equivalent of GM level, which was used in revisions before r15572. You can
    set it to any number, but usually it's between 0 (default) and 99. Members of
    groups with lower level can not perform some actions/commands (like @kick) on
    members of groups with higher level. It is what script command getgmlevel()
    returns. Group level can also be used to override trade restrictions

    A group of settings
    : [ , ]
    First boolean value is for atcommand, second one for charcommand. If set to
    true, group can use command. If only atcommand value is provided, false is
    assumed for charcommand. If a command name is not included, false is assumed for
    both atcommand and charcommand.
    For a full list of available commands, see: doc/atcommands.txt.
    Command names must not be aliases.

    Boolean value. If true then all commands used by the group will be logged to
    atcommandlog. If setting is omitted in a group definition, false is assumed.
    Requires 'log_commands' to be enabled in 'conf/logs.conf'.

    A group of settings
    If a permission is not included, false is assumed.
    For a full list of available permissions, see: doc/permissions.txt

    A list of group names that given group will inherit commands and permissions
    from. Group names are case-sensitive.

    Inheritance results
    Both multiple inheritance (Group 2 -> Group 1 and Group 3 -> Group 1) and
    recursive inheritance (Group 3 -> Group 2 -> Group 1) are allowed.

    Inheritance rules should not create cycles (eg Group 1 inherits from Group 2,
    and Group inherits from Group 1 at the same time). Configuration with cycles is
    considered faulty and can't be processed fully by server.

    Command or permission is inherited ONLY if it's not already defined for the
    If group inherits from multiple groups, and the same command or permission is
    defined for more than one of these groups, it's undefined which one will be

    This config file uses libconfig syntax:

    groups: (
    id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */
    name: "Player"
    level: 0
    inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )
    commands: {
    /* no commands by default */
    commands: true
    go: true
    warp: true

    permissions: {
    /* without this basic permissions regular players could not
    trade or party */
    can_trade: true
    can_party: true
    id: 1
    name: "Super Player"
    inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */
    level: 0
    commands: {

    /* informational commands */

    charcommands: true
    help: true
    rates: true
    uptime: true
    showdelay: true
    exp: true
    mobinfo: true
    iteminfo: true
    whodrops: true
    time: true
    jailtime: true
    hominfo: true
    homstats: true
    showexp: true
    showzeny: true
    whereis: true

    /* feature commands */
    refresh: true
    noask: true
    noks: true
    autoloot: true
    alootid: true
    autoloottype: true
    autotrade: true
    request: true

    breakguild: true
    channel: true
    permissions: {
    id: 2
    name: "Support"
    inherit: ( "Super Player" )
    level: 1
    commands: {
    version: true
    where: true
    jumpto: true
    who: true
    who2: true
    who3: true
    whomap: true
    whomap2: true
    whomap3: true
    users: true
    broadcast: true
    localbroadcast: true
    log_commands: true
    permissions: {
    receive_requests: true
    view_equipment: true
    id: 3
    name: "Script Manager"
    inherit: ( "Support" )
    level: 1
    commands: {
    tonpc: true
    hidenpc: true
    shownpc: true
    loadnpc: true
    unloadnpc: true
    npcmove: true
    addwarp: true
    log_commands: true
    permissions: {
    any_warp: true
    id: 4
    name: "Event Manager"
    inherit: ( "Support" )
    level: 1
    commands: {
    monster: true
    monstersmall: true
    monsterbig: true
    killmonster2: true
    cleanarea: true
    cleanmap: true
    item: [true, true]
    zeny: [true, true]
    disguise: [true, true]
    undisguise: [true, true]
    size: [true, true]
    raise: true
    raisemap: true
    day: true
    night: true
    skillon: true
    skilloff: true
    pvpon: true
    pvpoff: true
    gvgon: true
    gvgoff: true
    allowks: true
    me: true
    marry: true
    divorce: true
    refreshall: true
    log_commands: true
    permissions: {
    can_trade: false
    any_warp: true
    id: 10
    name: "Law Enforcement"
    inherit: ( "Support" )
    level: 2
    commands: {
    hide: true
    follow: true
    kick: true
    disguise: true
    fakename: true
    option: true
    speed: true
    kill: true
    recall: true
    ban: true
    block: true
    jail: true
    jailfor: true
    mute: true
    storagelist: true
    cartlist: true
    itemlist: true
    stats: true
    log_commands: true
    permissions: {
    join_chat: true
    kick_chat: true
    hide_session: true
    who_display_aid: true
    hack_info: true
    any_warp: true
    view_hpmeter: true
    id: 99
    name: "Admin"
    level: 99
    inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" )
    commands: {
    /* not necessary due to all_commands: true */
    log_commands: true
    permissions: {
    can_trade: true
    can_trade_bound: false
    can_party: true
    all_skill: false
    all_equipment: false
    skill_unconditional: false
    use_check: true
    use_changemaptype: true
    all_commands: true
    hchsys_admin: true


  11. English!
    Player uses #changesex command, the other players that attic logged keeps seeing it as it was.
    How to fix it already diffei other hexed to see if the problem was the hexed continued the same thing has somewhere in the Source who might be taking a look
    Player usa comando #changesex , os outros players que stão logado continua vendo ele como estava.
    Como arrumar isto ja diffei outro HEXED para ver se o problema era no HEXED continuou a mesma coisa tem algum lugar na Source que possa estar dando uma olhada 
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