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Everything posted by NotKappa

  1. Mind sharing the translation file.So I can test it myself. (Here or at pm) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plsfixrito/Hercules/master/Arabic%20-%20Trasnlation.po
  2. how come no one able to help me fixing this it has been 2 months this how it shows for me the PoEdit file > ingame and i can type arabic in the server with no encoding problems!
  3. i notice that the emulator force the translate to use ANSI instead of UTF-8 that will display arabic. using ANSI with Arabic will corrupt the char display and it will not show it correct. i think there is a problem in the emulator side problem as i can use arabic in my client no problem but NPC wont show arabic Char sets.
  4. saving it as an ASCII will corrupt the arabic chars and it will display it like this "?????". Arabic chars uses UTF-8, as i noticed that hercules force the .po translated file to use ASCII when i saved it as UTF-8.
  5. is there any fix for this?, this problem is not from client last time i checked i can type in arabic in game, but the npc wont show me Arabic characters from server side. im still alive Kappa
  6. what jobmaster script are you using? it doesn't work with the default of herc.. I am translating the herc jobmaster. :/
  7. Iam using langserv 19 for Arabic and i can type in Arabic inside the server. Also i can translate the original script in Arabic but its not working with the Poedit.
  8. Hello, So i were trying to use the Hercules Ultimate Localization Design, I did everything well i loaded poedit translated an NPC to test, but for me it didn't work as expected, i'am translating the server to Arabic using UTF-8. just wounding is it not supported or just this is a bad settings. - Arabic chars should be in UTF-8 in scripts.?
  9. Hello there, i just installed my flux cp and added a theme. But when i log into my admin account i cant see the admin menu, Normal players menu shows up. here is my files and settings, Header.php <div id="container"> <?php if ( $params->get('module') == 'main' AND $params->get('action') == 'index' ): ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="container<?php if( $params->get('module') == 'main' AND $params->get('action') == 'index' ) echo ""; else echo "Right"; ?>"> <?php if ($message=$session->getMessage()): ?> <p class="message"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($message) ?></p> <?php endif ?> <?php include 'main/submenu.php'; ?> <?php include 'main/pagemenu.php' ?> <?php if (in_array($params->get('module'), array('donate', 'purchase'))) include 'main/balance.php' ?> </div> Main/submenu.php <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; ?><?php $subMenuItems = $this->getSubMenuItems(); $menus = array() ?><?php if (!empty($subMenuItems)): ?> <div id="submenu">Menu: <?php foreach ($subMenuItems as $menuItem): ?> <?php $menus[] = sprintf('<a href="%s" class="sub-menu-item%s">%s</a>', $this->url($menuItem['module'], $menuItem['action']), $params->get('module') == $menuItem['module'] && $params->get('action') == $menuItem['action'] ? ' current-sub-menu' : '', htmlspecialchars($menuItem['name'])) ?> <?php endforeach ?> <?php echo implode(' / ', $menus) ?> </div><?php endif ?> :/
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