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  1. Hello.In always server 13,2 I use Lunakaligo(3) for Super Novice with Soul Link Spirit.But now in hercules emulator I can't use Lunakaligo on Super Novice. I know Lunakaligo mace 3lvl weapon but in 13.2 episod pre-re this mace work with Super Novice.And in 13,2 Lunakaligo have 3lvl weapon too... It's normal for Renewal or not?In internet I can't find information... Oh and I remember I play in True Ro renewal server and I use Lunakaligo in Super Novice too.(True Ro on rathena emulator)
  2. What about encoding for multi-lang servers? If I send from client ro to irc msg(no english) I have ??????? in irc. And If i send msg(no english) from irc to client ro I have ????? in game. Where need change encoding? in clientinfo.xml: <?xml version="1.0"encoding="utf-8" ?><clientinfo><servicetype>russia</servicetype><servertype>ragray</servertype> <langtype>14</langtype> -I change to 20.(no result) Аnyone had problems with the encoding? Solved.Need setup in irc other encoding
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