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Posts posted by Miyami

  1. its all above the minimum requirement..the lvl & the intimacy..i already have its required items and its amount to evolve, and i havent edited its content.


    i even tried the other versions from here http://rathena.org/board/topic/76954-can-i-request-script-evolution-pet/ but the result is still the same.

    they always gave me a "your inventory doesn't have any pet egg"/"your inventory doesn't have any pet egg that intimate enough". i really like the script..please help me..


    Another Edit:



    i forgot to add this, i tried this code from http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=243843

    prontera,159,178,5	script	ksjdfskf3	100,{	getinventorylist;	for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {		if ( @inventorylist_card1[.@i] == -256 ) {			dispbottom "Pet egg : "+ getitemname( @inventorylist_id[.@i] );			dispbottom "Pet ID : "+( @inventorylist_card2[.@i] +( ( @inventorylist_card2[.@i] > 0 )?0:pow(2,16) )+ @inventorylist_card3[.@i] * pow(2,16) );		}	}	end;}
    just to see if the inventory list takes effect, but there's nothing in my chat box..i tried it over and over to see if it display at the chat box, but there's none. and i also tried this one:
    prontera,159,178,5	script	ksjdfskf3	100,{	makepet 1002;	sleep2 1;	getinventorylist;	for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {		if ( @inventorylist_card1[.@i] == -256 ) {			dispbottom "Pet egg : "+ getitemname( @inventorylist_id[.@i] );			dispbottom "Pet ID : "+( @inventorylist_card2[.@i] +( ( @inventorylist_card2[.@i] >= 0 )?0:pow(2,16) )+ @inventorylist_card3[.@i] * pow(2,16) );		}	}	end;}
    but i only get the pet, nothing displayed on the chat box.

    just wanted to add this, might get a clue why this evolution script doesnt work on me..



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