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About Athena

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  1. Ah, thanks, I read the first post, but didn't see the second. Will be trying this now, thanks.
  2. I read the wiki and posted about it earlier, but nobody responded. I also read the pinned 'requested links' post, but I can't seem to make head nor tails of it. Can anyone walk me through the process?
  3. So, how do I set up Hercules? I'm currently running OS X 10.9 on an older MacBook 6, 1 notebook. Here are the steps I've done: 1. Installed the latest Virtualbox as of 20140906 2. Created a new virtual machine, 256 MB RAM, 3GB HDD, recommended settings for Debian 32-bit. 3. Installed Debian 7 (latest as of 20140906) w/1GB swap on ext4 partition. 4. Followed the wiki's instructions: http://herc.ws/wiki/Installation_%28Debian%29 Now, when I got to Importing MySQL Tables, at step two, mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < main.sql It threw an error and after some searching, I created a database called hercuser_rodb and another one called hercuser rodb, and it seemed to work fine. But then on step 3, I couldn't find a item_db2_re.sql anywhere in the sql-files directory which I was running the commands from. I skipped the step, because I couldn't find the file thinking it was outdated or something and moved on. I then tried cd trunk, from the Hercules directory, but I didn't have a trunk directory, so I went to the configure Hercules link (http://herc.ws/wiki/Category:Configuration) which said to compile, which I followed (http://herc.ws/wiki/Compiling). I ran ./configure --enable-packetver=20140906 then make -j 16 ALL (which my friend told me to do, but I'm not too entirely sure on). After a while, it returned to a prompt and I checked the main directory (I did the compile in the main directory) for the three files (char-server_sql, map-server_sql, and login-server_sql), but while char-server, map-server and login-server were there, I couldn't find the *_sql files. Then after a bit, I found the bit that says: ./configure --disable-64bit If I'm not using 64 bit debian, which I wasn't. So, I ran make clean (still in the Hercules directory), then ./configure --disable-64bit then make -j 16 ALL. After that finished, the files still wasn't there. Help? I'm not computer literate, so a step-by-step guide would be nice...
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